

Morris, M.R. HCI for AGI. Interactions, March/April 2025 (to appear).


Morris, M.R. Prompting Considered Harmful. Communications of the ACM, December 2024.

Park, J.S., Zou, C.Q., Shaw, A., Hill, B.M., Cai, C., Morris, M.R., Willer, R., Liang, P., and Bernstein, M.S. Generative Agent Simulations of 1,000 People. arXiv pre-print, November 2024. (open source)

Cai, S. et al. Using Large Language Models to Accelerate Communication for Eye Gaze Typing Users with ALS. Nature Communications 15, 9449 (November 2024).

Manzini, A., Keeling, G., Alberts, L., Vallor, S., Morris, M.R., and Gabriel, I. The Code that Binds Us: Navigating the Appropriateness of Human-AI Assistant Relationships. Proceedings of AIES 2024 (Best Paper Runner-Up).

Kameswaran, V., Robinson, J., Sambasivan, N., Aggarwal, G., and Morris, M.R. Help and the Social Construction of Access: A Case-Study from India. Proceedings of ASSETS 2024.

Goodman, S.M., et al.. LaMPost: AI Writing Assistance for Adults with Dyslexia Using Large Language Models. Communications of the ACM, June 2024

Shen, H., et al.. Towards Bidirectional Human-AI Alignment: A Systematic Review for Clarifications, Framework, and Future Directions. arXiv pre-print, June 2024.

Pratt, S., Blumberg, S., Carolino, P.K., and Morris, M.R. Can Langauge Models Use Forecasting Strategies? DIMACS 2024 Workshop on Forecasting. (arXiv pre-print, June 2024.)

Gabriel, I. and Manzini, A. and et al. The Ethics of Advanced AI Assistants. arXiv pre-print, April 2024.

Morris, M.R. and Brubaker, Jed R. Generative Ghosts: Anticipating Benefits and Risks of AI Afterlives. arXiv pre-print, January 2024.

Das, M., Fiannaca, A.J., Morris, M.R., Kane, S., and Bennett, C.L. From Provenance to Aberrations: Image Creator and Screen Reader User Perspectives on Alt Text for AI-Generated Images. Proceedings of CHI 2024.


Morris, M.R., Sohl-Dickstein, J., Fiedel, N., Warkentin, T., Dafoe, A. Faust, A., Farabet, C., and Legg, S. Levels of AGI for Operationalizing Progress on the Path to AGI. arXiv pre-print, November 2023. To appear in the Proceedings of ICML 2024 (ICML 2024 Spotlight Paper).

Terry, M., Kulkarni, C., Wattenberg, M., Dixon, L., and Morris, M.R.. AI Alignment in the Design of Interactive AI: Specification Alignment, Process Alignment, and Evaluation Support. arXiv pre-print, October 2023.

Park, J.S., O'Brien, J.C., Cai, C.J., Morris, M.R., Liang, P., and Bernstein, M.S. Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior. Proceedings of UIST 2023. (Best Paper Award) (demo). (open source).

Kameswaran, V., Young, J., Sambasivan, N., Aggarwal, G., and Morris, M.R.. AI for Accessibility: An Agenda for the Global South. ASSETS 2023 A11yFutures Workshop.

Kreiss, E., Srinivasan, K., Piccardo, T., Hermosillo, J.A., Bennett, C., Bernstein, M.S., Morris, M.R., and Potts, C. Characterizing Image Accessibility on Wikipedia across Languages. Wiki Workshop 2023.

Duan, P., Hartmann, B., Nguyen, K., Li, Y., Hearst, M., and Morris, M.R.. Towards Semanticlly-Aware UI Design Tools: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Semantic Grouping Guidelines. ICML 2023 Workshop on AI and HCI.

Morris, M.R. Scientists' Perspectives on the Potential for Generative AI in their Fields. arXiv, April 2023.

Kreiss, E., Venugopalan, S., Kane, S., and Morris, M.R.. Practical Challenges for Investigating Abbreviation Strategies. The Second Workshop on Intelligent and Interactive Writing Assistants, CHI 2023 Workshops.

Cai, S., Venugopalan, S., Tomanek, K., Kane, S.P., Morris, M.R., Cave, R.J.N., MacDonald, B., Campbell, J., Casey, B., Kornman, E., Vance, D., and Beavers, J. SpeakFaster Observer: Long-Term Instrumentation of Eye-Gaze Typing for Measuring AAC Communication. CHI 2023 Case Studies.

Peng, Y-H., Chi, P., Kannan, A., Morris, M.R., and Essa, I. Slide Gestalt: Automatic Structure Extraction in Slide Decks for Non-Visual Access. Proceedings of CHI 2023.


Morris, M.R., Cai, C.J., Holbrook, J.S., Kulkarni, C., and Terry, M. The Design Space of Generative Models. NeurIPS 2022 Human-Centered AI Workshop.

Fiannaca, A.J., Bennett, C.L., Kane, S.P., and Morris, M.R.. Beyond Safety: Toward a Value-Sensitive Approach to the Design of AI Systems. NeurIPS 2022 Human-Centered AI Workshop.

Kreiss, E., Bennett, C.L., Hooshmand, S., Zelikman, E., Morris, M.R., and Potts, C. Context Matters for Image Description for Accessibility: Challenges for Referenceless Evaluation Metrics. Proceedings of EMNLP 2022.

Park, J.S., Popowski, L., Cai, C.J., Morris, M.R., Liang, P., and Bernstein, M.S. Social Simulacra: Creating Populated Prototypes for Social Computing Systems. Proceedings of UIST 2022.

Goodman, S., Buehler, E., Clary, P., Coenen, A., Donsbach, A., Horne, T.N., Lahav, M., MacDonald, R., Michaet ls, R.B., Narayanan, A., Pushkarna, M., Riley, J., Santana, A., Shi, L., Sweeney, R., Weaver, P., Yuan, A., and Morris, M.R.. LaMPost: Design and Evaluation of an AI-assisted Email Writing Prototype for Adults with Dyslexia. Proceedings of ASSETS 2022. (Best Paper Nominee)

Cai, S., Venugopalan, S., Tomanek, K., Narayanan, A., Morris, M.R., and Brenner, M. Context-Aware Abbreviation Expansion Using Large Language Models. Proceedings of NAACL 2022.

Zhang, L., Shao, J., Liu, A.A., Jiang, L., Stangl, A., Fourney, A., Morris, M.R., and Findlater, L. Exploring Interactive Sound Design for Auditory Websites. Proceedings of CHI 2022

Thoppilan, R. et al. LaMDA: Language Models for Dialog Applications. arXiv, January 2022.


Mack, K., Cutrell, E., Lee, B., and Morris, M.R. Designing Tools for High-Quality Alt Text Authoring. Proceedings of ASSETS 2021. (Best Paper Nominee.)

Stangl, A., Verma, N., Fleischmann, K.R., Morris, M.R., and Gurari, D. Going Beyond One-Size-Fits-All Image Descriptions to Satisfy the Information Wants of People Who are Blind or Have Low Vision. Proceedings of ASSETS 2021.

Jain, D., Junuzovic, S., Ofek, E., Sinclair, M., Porter, J.R., Yoon, C., Machanavajhala, S., and Morris, M.R. Towards Sound Accessibility in Virtual Reality. Proceedings of ICMI 2021.

Jain, D., Junuzovic, S., Ofek, E., Sinclair, M., Porter, J.R., Yoon, C., Machanavajhala, S., and Morris, M.R. A Taxonomy of Sounds in Virtual Reality. Proceedings of DIS 2021. (Best Paper Award)

Park, J.S., Bernstein, M.S., Brewer, R.N., Kamar, E., and Morris, M.R.. Understanding the Representation and Representativeness of Age in AI Data Sets. arXiv pre-print, March 2021. Proceedings of AIES 2021.

Barocas, S., Guo, A., Kamar, E., Krones, J., Morris, M.R., Vaughan, J.W., Wadsworth, D., and Wallach, H. Designing Disaggregated Evaluations of AI Systems: Choices, Considerations, and Tradeoffs. arXiv pre-print, March 2021. Proceedings of AIES 2021.

Zhang, L., Jiang, L., Washington, N., Liu, A.A., Shao, J., Fourney, A., Morris, M.R., and Findlater, L. Social Media through Voice: Synthesized Voice Qualities and Self-Presentation. Proceedings of CSCW 2021

Park. J.S., Bragg, D., Kamar, E., and Morris, M.R. Designing an Online Infrastructure for Collecting AI Data from People with Disabilities. Proceedings of FAccT 2021.

Ali, A.X., Morris, M.R., and Wobbrock, J.O. "I am Iron Man": Priming Improves the Learnability and Memorability of User-Elicited Gestures. Proceedings of CHI 2021.

Ali, A.X., Morris, M.R., and Wobbrock, J.O. Distributed Interaction Design: Designing Human-Centered Interactions in a Time of Social Distancing. ACM Interactions, March/April 2021.


Kane, S., Guo, A., and Morris, M.R.. Sense and Accessibility: Understanding People with Physical Disabilities’ Experiences with Sensing Systems. Proceedings of ASSETS 2020.

Kameswaran, V., Fiannaca, A., Kneisel, M., Karlson, A., Cutrell, E., and Morris, M.R.. Understanding In-Situ Use of Commonly Available Navigation Technologies by People with Visual Impairments. Proceedings of ASSETS 2020.

Mott, M., Tang, J., Kane, S., Cutrell, E., and Morris, M.R.. “I just went into it assuming that I wouldn’t be able to have the full experience”: Understanding the Accessibility of Virtual Reality for People with Limited Mobility. Proceedings of ASSETS 2020.

Mack, K., Bragg, D., Morris, M.R., Bos, M.W., Albi, I., and Monroy-Hernández, A. Social App Accessibility for Deaf Signers. Proceedings of CSCW 2020.

Palani, S., Fourney, A., Williams, S., Larson, K., Spiridonova, I., and Morris, M.R. An Eye Tracking Study of Web Search by People with and without Dyslexia. Proceedings of SIGIR 2020.

Stangl, A., Morris, M.R., and Gurari, D. "Person, Shoes, Tree. Is the Person Naked?" What People with Vision Impairments Want in Image Descriptions. Proceedings of CHI 2020.

Morris, M.R. AI and Accessibility: A Discussion of Ethical Considerations. Communications of the ACM, June 2020. (arXiv preprint for those without ACM DL access)


Whittaker, M., Alper, M., Bennett, C.L., Hendren, S., Kaziunas, L., Mills, M., Morris, M.R., Rankin, J., Rogers, E., Salas, M., and West, S.M. Disability, Bias, and AI, AI Now whitepaper, November 2019.

Zolyomi, A., Begel, A., Waldern, J.F., Tang, J., Barnett, M., Cutrell, E., McDuff, D., Andrist, S., and Morris, M.R. Managing Stress: The Needs of Autistic Adults in Video Calling. Proceedings of CSCW 2019. (Best Paper Honorable Mention)

Mott, M., Cutrell, E., Franco, M.G., Holz, C., Ofek, E., Stoakley, R., and Morris, M.R. Accessible by Design: An Opportunity for Virtual Reality. ISMAR 2019 Workshop on Mixed Reality and Accessibility.

Bragg, D., Koller, O., Bellard, M., Berke, L., Boudreault, P., Braffort, A., Casselli, N., Huenerfauth, M., Kacorri, H., Verhoef, T., Vogler, C., and Morris, M.R. Sign Language Recognition, Generation, and Translation: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Proceedings of ASSETS 2019. (Best Paper Award)

Vtyurina, A., Fourney, A., Morris, M.R., Findlater, L., and White, R. VERSE: Bridging Screen Readers and Voice Assistants for Enhanced Eyes-Free Web Search. Proceedings of ASSETS 2019. (Best Paper Nominee).

Saha, M., Fiannaca, A., Kneisel, M., Cutrell, E., and Morris, M.R.. Closing the Gap: Designing for the Last-Few-Meters Wayfinding Problem for People with Visual Impairments. Proceedings of ASSETS 2019.

Guo, A., Kamar, E., Wortman Vaughan, J., Wallach, H., and Morris, M.R. Toward Fairness in AI for People with Disabilities: A Research Roadmap. ASSETS 2019 Workshop on AI Fairness for People with Disabilities.

Valencia, S., Lamb, D., Williams, S., Kulkarni, H., Paradiso, A., and Morris, M.R. Dueto: Accessible, Gaze-Operated Musical Expression. ASSETS 2019 Extended Abstracts.

Gleason, C., Carrington, P., Cassidy, C., Morris, M.R., Kitani, K.M., and Bigham, J.P. "It's almost like they're trying to hide it": How User-Provided Image Descriptions Have Failed to Make Twitter Accessible. Proceedings of The Web Conference 2019.

Zhao, Y., Cutrell, E., Holz, C., Morris, M.R., Ofek, E., and Wilson, A.D. SeeingVR: A Set of Tools to Make Virtual Reality More Accessible to People with Low Vision. Proceedings of CHI 2019. Video Figure

Li, Q., Morris, M.R., Fourney, A., Larson, K., and Reinecke, K. The Impact of Web Browser Reader Views on Reading Speed and User Experience. Proceedings of CHI 2019.

Ali, A., Morris, M.R., and Wobbrock, J.O. Crowdlicit: A System for Conducting Distributed End-User Elicitation and Identification Studies. Proceedings of CHI 2019.

Ross, A.S., Cutrell, E., Fiannaca, A., Kneisel, M., and Morris, M.R. Use Cases and Impact of Audio-Based Virtual Exploration. CHI 2019 Workshop on Hacking Blind Navigation.

Winters, R.M., Joshi, N., Cutrell, E., and Morris, M.R.. Strategies for Auditory Display of Social Media. Ergonomics in Design, January 2019, pp. 11-15.


Ali, A., Morris, M.R., and Wobbrock, J.O. Crowdsourcing Similarity Judgments for Agreement Analysis in End-User Elicitation Studies. Proceedings of UIST 2018.

Gleason, C., Fiannaca, A., Kneisel, M., Cutrell, E., and Morris, M.R. FootNotes: Geo-referenced Audio Annotations for Nonvisual Exploration. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technology (IMWUT 2018). Video Figure

Salisbury, E., Kamar, E., and Morris, M.R.. Evaluating and Complementing Vision-to-Language Technology for People who are Blind with Conversational Crowdsourcing. Proceedings of IJCAI 2018.

Hargittai, E., Piper, A.M., and Morris, M.R.. From Internet Access to Internet Skills: Digital Inequality among Older Adults. Universal Access in Information Society, pp. 1-10, Springer, May 3, 2018.

Fourney, A., Morris, M.R., Ali, A., and Vonessen, L. Assessing the Readability of Web Search Results for Searchers with Dyslexia. Proceedings of SIGIR 2018.

Morris, M.R., Johnson, J., Bennett, C., and Cutrell, E. Rich Representations of Visual Content for Screen Reader Users. Proceedings of CHI 2018. Video Figure.

Morris, M.R., Fourney, A., Ali, A., and Vonessen, L. Understanding the Needs of Searchers with Dyslexia. Proceedings of CHI 2018.

Guinness, D., Cutrell, E., and Morris, M.R. Caption Crawler: Enabling Reusable Alternative Text Descriptions using Reverse Image Search. Proceedings of CHI 2018. (Best Paper Honorable Mention) Video Figure.

Zhao, Y., Bennett, C., Benko, H., Cutrell, E., Holz, C., Morris, M.R., and Sinclair, M. Enabling People with Visual Impairments to Navigate Virtual Reality with a Haptic and Auditory Cane Simulation. Proceedings of CHI 2018. Video Figure.

Bennett, C., E., J., Mott, M., Cutrell, E., and Morris, M.R. How Teens with Visual Impairments Take, Edit, and Share Photos on Social Media. Proceedings of CHI 2018.

Mott, M., E., J., Bennett, C., Cutrell, E., and Morris, M.R. Understanding the Accessibility of Smartphone Photography for People with Motor Impairments. Proceedings of CHI 2018.

Fiannaca, A., Paradiso, A., Campbell, J., and Morris, M.R. Voicesetting: Voice Authoring UIs for Improved Expressivity in Augmentative Communication. Proceedings of CHI 2018. Appendix. Video Figure.


Salisbury, E., Kamar, E., and Morris, M.R. Toward Scalable Social Alt Text: Conversational Crowdsourcing as a Tool for Refining Vision-to-Language Technology for the Blind. Proceedings of HCOMP 2017. Appendix (Best Paper Award)

Brewer, R., Lindley, S., and Morris, M.R. How to Remember What to Remember: Exploring Possibilities for Digital Reminder Systems. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technology (IMWUT 2017).

Rector, K., Salmon, K., Thornton, D., Joshi, N., and Morris, M.R. Eyes-Free Art: Exploring Proxemic Audio Interfaces for Blind and Low Vision Art Engagement. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technology (IMWUT 2017).

Kane, S. and Morris, M.R. Let's Talk About X: Combining Image Recognition and Eye Gaze to Support Conversation for People with ALS. Proceedings of DIS 2017.

Morris, M.R., Bigham, J.P., Brewer, R., Bragg, J., Kulkarni, A., Li, J., and Savage, S. Subcontracting Microwork. Proceedings of CHI 2017.

MacLeod, H., Bennett, C., Morris, M.R., and Cutrell, E. Understanding Blind People's Experiences with Computer-Generated Captions of Social Media Images. Proceedings of CHI 2017.

Mott, M., Williams, S., Wobbrock, J.O., and Morris, M.R. Improving Dwell-Based Gaze Typing with Dynamic, Cascading Dwell Times. Proceedings of CHI 2017.

Zhang, X., Kulkarni, H., and Morris, M.R. Smartphone-Based Gaze Gesture Communication for People with Motor Disabilities. Proceedings of CHI 2017.

Sobel, K., Fiannaca, A., Campbell, J., Kulkarni, H., Paradiso, A., Cutrell, E., and Morris, M.R. Exploring the Design Space of AAC Awareness Displays. Proceedings of CHI 2017. (Best Paper Honorable Mention)

Feit, A., Williams, S., Toledo, A., Paradiso, A., Kulkarni, H., Kane, S., and Morris, M.R. Toward Everyday Gaze Input: Accuracy and Precision of Eye Tracking and Implications for Design. Proceedings of CHI 2017. (Best Paper Honorable Mention)

Rong, X., Fourney, A., Brewer, R., Morris, M.R., and Bennett, P. Managing Uncertainty in Time Expressions for Virtual Assistants. Proceedings of CHI 2017. (Best Paper Honorable Mention)

Fourney, A., Morris, M.R., and White, R. Web Search as a Linguistic Tool. Proceedings of WWW 2017.

Kane, S., Morris, M.R., Paradiso, A., and Campbell, J. "At times avuncular and cantankerous, with the reflexes of a mongoose": Understanding Self-Expression through Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices. Proceedings of CSCW 2017.

Fiannaca, A., Paradiso, A., Shah, M., and Morris, M.R. AACrobat: Using Mobile Devices to Lower Communication Barriers and Provide Autonomy with Gaze-Based AAC. Proceedings of CSCW 2017. (Best Paper Honorable Mention)

Sobel, K., Kovacs, G., McQuillen, G., Cross, A., Chandrasekaran, N., Riche, N.H., Cutrell, E., and Morris, M.R. EduFeed: A Social Feed to Engage Preliterate Children in Educational Activities. Proceedings of CSCW 2017.


Morris, M.R., Zolyomi, A., Yao, C., Bahram, S., Bigham, J.P., and Kane, S. "With most of it being pictures now, I rarely use it": Understanding Twitter's Evolving Accessibility to Blind Users. Proceedings of CHI 2016.

Brewer, R., Morris, M.R., and Piper, A.M. "Why would anybody do this?": Older Adults' Understanding of and Experiences with Crowdwork. Proceedings of CHI 2016.

de Greef, L., Morris, M.R., and Inkpen, K. TeleTourist: Immersive Telepresence Tourism for Mobility-Restricted Participants. CSCW 2016 Extended Abstracts.


Morris, M.R., Begel, A., and Wiedermann, B. Understanding the Challenges Faced by Neurodiverse Software Engineering Employees: Towards a More Inclusive and Productive Technical Workforce. Proceedings of ASSETS 2015. (Best Paper Award)

Brewer, R., Piper, A.M., and Morris, M.R.. Exploring Cognitive Benefits as an Alternative Motivation for Engaging Older Adults in Crowdwork. HCOMP 2015 Extended Abstracts.

Brady, E., Morris, M.R., and Bigham, J.P. Gauging Receptiveness to Social Microvolunteering. Proceedings of CHI 2015. (Best Paper Honorable Mention)

Kim, J., Glassman, E., Monroy-Hernández, A., and Morris, M.R. RIMES: Embedding Interactive Multimedia Exercises in Lecture Videos. Proceedings of CHI 2015. (Video Figure)

Glassman, E., Kim, J., Monroy-Hernández, A., and Morris, M.R. Mudslide: A Spatially Anchored Census of Student Confusion for Online Lecture Videos. Proceedings of CHI 2015. (Best Paper Honorable Mention)

Zyskowski, K., Morris, M.R., Bigham, J.P., Gray, M.L., and Kane, S. Accessible Crowdwork? Understanding the Value in and Challenge of Microtask Employment for People with Disabilities. Proceedings of CSCW 2015.

Williams, M., Roseway, A., O'Dowd, C., Czerwinski, M., and Morris, M.R. SWARM: An Actuated Wearable for Mediating Affect. Proceedings of TEI 2015.


Ammari, T., Morris, M.R., and Schoenebeck, S.Y. Accessing Social Support and Overcoming Judgment on Social Media among Parents of Children with Special Needs. Proceedings of ICWSM 2014.

Morris, M.R., Danielescu, A., Drucker, S., Fisher, D., Lee, B., schraefel, m.c., and Wobbrock. J.O. Reducing Legacy Bias in Gesture Elicitation Studies. ACM Interactions, May/June 2014.

Teevan, J., Morris, M.R., and Saponas, T.S. Mobile Support for Face-to-Face Social Interaction. 2014 Human-Computer Interaction Consortium Workshop (HCIC), June 2014

Rzeszotarski, J. and Morris, M.R. Estimating the Social Costs of Friendsourcing. Proceedings of CHI 2014. (Best Paper Award) [get a quick overview with this Office Mix presentation]

Rzeszotarski, J., Spiro, E., Matias, J.N., Monroy-Hernández, A., and Morris, M.R. Is Anyone Out There? Unpacking Q&A Hashtags on Twitter. Proceedings of CHI 2014. [get a quick overview with this Office Mix Presentation]

De Choudhury, M., Morris, M.R., and White, R. Seeking and Sharing Health Information Online: Comparing Search Engines and Social Media. Proceedings of CHI 2014. [get a quick overview with this Office Mix Presentation]

Teevan, J., Morris, M.R., and Azenkot, S. Supporting Interpersonal Interaction during Collaborative Mobile Search. IEEE Computer, Special Issue on Collaborative Information Seeking, March 2014.

Morris, M.R. Social Networking Site Use by Mothers of Young Children. Proceedings of CSCW 2014.

Morris, M.R., Inkpen, K., and Venolia, G. Remote Shopping Advice: Enhancing In-Store Shopping with Social Technologies. Proceedings of CSCW 2014.

Oeldorf-Hirsch, A., Hecht, B., Morris, M.R., Teevan, J., and Gergle, D. To Search or to Ask: The Routing of Information Needs between Traditional Search Engines and Social Networks. Proceedings of CSCW 2014.

Teevan, J., Morris, M.R., and Azenkot, S. Using Physical Signaling to Support Collaborative Mobile Search. Extended Abstracts of CSCW 2014.


Kane, S., Morris, M.R., and Wobbrock, J.O. Touchplates: Low-Cost Tactile Overlays for Visually Impaired Touchscreen Users. Proceedings of ASSETS 2013.

Jeong, J-W., Morris, M.R., Teevan, J., and Liebling, D. A Crowd-Powered Socially Embedded Search Engine. Proceedings of ICWSM 2013.

Kairam, S., Morris, M.R., Teevan, J., Liebling, D., and Dumais, S.T. Towards Supporting Search over Trending Events with Social Media. Proceedings of ICWSM 2013. (Best Paper Honorable Mention)

Fourney, A. and Morris, M.R. Enhancing Technical Q&A Forums with CiteHistory. Proceedings of ICWSM 2013. (MSDN and StackOverflow users can try the CiteHistory IE plugin.)

Teevan, J., Morris, M.R., and Panovich, K. "Does Anyone Know How to Get Good Answers?" How Social Network Questions Shape Replies. Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2013-62, June 2013.

Brady, E., Morris, M.R., Zhong, Y., White, S., and Bigham, J. Visual Challenges in the Everyday Lives of Blind People. Proceedings of CHI 2013.

Morris, M.R. Collaborative Search Revisited. Proceedings of CSCW 2013.

Brady, E., Zhong, Y., Morris, M.R., and Bigham, J. Investigating the Appropriateness of Social Network Question Asking as a Resource for Blind Users. Proceedings of CSCW 2013.

Yang, J., Counts, S., Morris, M.R., and Hoff, A. Microblog Credibility Perceptions: Comparing the United States and China. Proceedings of CSCW 2013.


Morris, M.R. Web on the Wall: Insights from a Multimodal Interaction Elicitation Study. Proceedings of Interactive Tabletops & Surfaces (ITS) 2012.

Liebling, D. and Morris, M.R. Kinected Browser: Depth Camera Interaction for the Web. Proceedings of Interactive Tabletops & Surfaces (ITS) 2012. (toolkit download available)

Morris, M.R. and Teevan, J. Exploring the Complementary Roles of Social Networks and Search Engines. 2012 Human-Computer Interaction Consortium Workshop (HCIC).

Hecht, B., Teevan, J., Morris, M.R., and Liebling, D. SearchBuddies: Bringing Search Engines into the Conversation. Proceedings of ICWSM 2012.

Isenberg, P., Paul, S., Fisher, D., Morris, M.R., Inkpen, K., and Czerwinski, M. Co-located Collaborative Visual Analytics Around a Tabletop Display. Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, May 2012.

Morris, M.R., Counts, S., Roseway, A., Hoff, A., and Schwarz, J. Tweeting is Believing? Understanding Microblog Credibility Perceptions. Proceedings of CSCW 2012. (Best Paper Honorable Mention)


Bragdon, A., DeLine, R., Hinckley, K., and Morris, M.R.. Code Space: Combining Touch, Devices, and Skeletal Tracking to Support Developer Meetings. Proceedings of ITS 2011. (Lasting Impact Award)

Kane, S., Morris, M.R., Perkins, A., Wobbrock, J., Wigdor, D., and Ladner, R. Access Overlays: Improving Non-Visual Access to Large Touch Screens for Blind Users. Proceedings of UIST 2011.

Morris, M.R. and Morris, D. Understanding the Potential for Collaborative Search Technologies in Clinical Settings. CIKM 2011 Collaborative Information Retrieval Workshop.

Yang, J., Morris, M.R., Teevan, J., Adamic, L., and Ackerman, M. Culture Matters: A Survey Study of Social Q&A Behavior. Proceedings of ICWSM 2011.

Teevan, J., Morris, M.R., and Panovich, K. Factors Affecting Response Quantity, Quality, and Speed for Questions Asked via Social Network Status Messages. Proceedings of ICWSM 2011.

Schwarz, J. and Morris, M.R. Augmenting Web Pages and Search Results to Support Credibility Assessment. Proceedings of CHI 2011. (associated data set available, click to download zip file)

Moraveji, N., Morris, M.R., Morris, D., Czerwinski, M., and Riche, N. ClassSearch: Facilitating the Development of Web Search Skills through Social Learning. Proceedings of CHI 2011. (Best Paper Nominee)

Teevan, J., Ramage, D., and Morris, M.R. #TwitterSearch: A Comparison of Microblog Search and Web Search. Proceedings of WSDM 2011.

Paul, S. and Morris, M.R. Sensemaking in Collaborative Web Search. Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 26, Issue 1, January 2011, p. 72-122.


Isenberg, P., Fisher, D., Morris, M.R., Inkpen, K., and Czerwinksi, M. An Exploratory Study of Co-located Collaborative Visual Analytics around a Tabletop Display. Proceedings of IEEE VAST 2010. (Best Paper Honorable Mention)

Morris, M.R., Teevan, J., and Panovich, K. A Comparison of Information Seeking Using Search Engines and Social Networks. Proceedings of ICWSM 2010, 291-294.

Morris, M.R., Wobbrock, J., and Wilson, A. Understanding Users’ Preferences for Surface Gestures. Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2010, 261-268.

Morris, M.R., Teevan, J., and Panovich, K. What Do People Ask Their Social Networks, and Why? A Survey Study of Status Message Q&A Behavior. Proceedings of CHI 2010, 1739-1748.

Moraveji, N., Morris, M.R., Morris, D. Supporting the Social Transfer of Web Search Expertise. CHI 2010 Workshop on the Next Generation of HCI and Education.

Morris, M.R. and Teevan, J. Collaborative Web Search: Who, What, Where, When, and Why? Morgan & Claypool, 2010.

Morris, M.R., Fisher, D., and Wigdor, D. Search on Surfaces: Exploring the Potential of Interactive Tabletops for Collaborative Search Tasks. Information Processing and Management, Spring 2010.

Golovchinsky, G., Morris, M.R., and Pickens, J. Introduction to Special Issue of Information Processing and Management on Collaborative Information Seeking. Information Processing and Management, Spring 2010.

Morris, M.R., Lombardo, J., and Wigdor, D. WeSearch: Supporting Collaborative Search and Sensemaking on a Tabletop Display. Proceedings of CSCW 2010, 401-410.

Amershi, S., Morris, M.R., Moraveji, N., Balakrishnan, R., and Toyoma, K. Multiple Mouse Text Entry for Single-Display Groupware. Proceedings of CSCW 2010, 169-178. (Best Paper Nominee)

Hartmann, B., Morris, M.R., Benko, H., and Wilson, A. Pictionaire: Supporting Collaborative Design Work by Integrating Physical and Digital Artifacts. Proceedings of CSCW 2010, 421-424.


Freeman, D., Benko, H., Morris, M.R., and Wigdor, D. ShadowGuides: Visualizations for In-Situ Learning of Multi-Touch and Whole-Hand Gestures. Proceedings of Tabletop 2009, 183-190.

Hartmann, B., Morris, M.R., Benko, H., and Wilson, A. Augmenting Interactive Tables with Mice & Keyboards. Proceedings of UIST 2009, 149-152.

Paul, S. and Morris, M.R. CoSense: Enhancing Sensemaking for Collaborative Web Search. Proceedings of CHI 2009, 1771-1780. (Best Paper Nominee)

Wobbrock, J., Morris, M.R., and Wilson, A. User-Defined Gestures for Surface Computing. Proceedings of CHI 2009, 1083-1092. (Best Paper Nominee)

Fiebrink, R., Morris, D., and Morris, M.R. Dynamic Mapping of Physical Controls for Tabletop Groupware. Proceedings of CHI 2009, 471-480.

Buscher, G., Cutrell, E., and Morris, M.R. What Do You See When You're Surfing? Using Eye Tracking to Predict Salient Regions of Web Pages. Proceedings of CHI 2009, 21-30.

Amershi, S. and Morris, M.R. Co-located Collaborative Web Search: Understanding Status Quo Practices. CHI 2009 Extended Abstracts.

Paul, S. and Morris, M.R. Understanding and Supporting Sensemaking in Collaborative Web Search. CHI 2009 Sensemaking Workshop.

Benko, H., Morris, M.R., Brush, A.J.B., and Wilson, A. Insights on Interactive Tabletops: A Survey of Researchers and Developers. Microsoft Research Technical Report, March 2009.

Teevan, J., Morris, M.R., and Bush, S. Discovering and Using Groups to Improve Personalized Search. Proceedings of WSDM 2009, 15-24.


Morris, M.R., Teevan, J., and Bush, S. Enhancing Collaborative Web Search with Personalization: Groupization, Smart Splitting, and Group Hit-Highlighting. Proceedings of CSCW 2008, 481-484.

Morris, M.R., Brush, A.J.B., and Meyers, B. A Field Study of Knowledge Workers' Use of Interactive Horizontal Displays. Proceedings of IEEE Tabletops and Interactive Surfaces 2008, 113-120.

Everitt, K., Morris, M.R., Brush, A.J.B., and Wilson, A. DocuDesk: An Interactive Surface for Creating and Rehydrating Many-to-Many Linkages among Paper and Digital Documents. Proceedings of IEEE Tabletops and Interactive Surfaces 2008, 27-30.

Morris, M.R. and Teevan, J. Understanding Groups' Properties as a Means of Improving Collaborative Search Systems. JCDL 2008 Workshop on Collaborative Information Retrieval.

Morris, M.R. A Survey of Collaborative Web Search Practices. Proceedings of CHI 2008, 1657-1660.

Amershi, S. and Morris, M.R. CoSearch: A System for Co-located Collaborative Web Search. Proceedings of CHI 2008, 1647-1656.

Morris, D., Morris, M.R., and Venolia, G. SearchBar: A Search-Centric Web History for Task Resumption and Information Re-finding. Proceedings of CHI 2008, 1207-1216.

Morris, M.R. and Amershi, S. Shared Sensemaking: Enhancing the Value of Collaborative Web Search Tools. CHI 2008 Workshop on Sensemaking.

Amershi, S. and Morris, M.R. CoSearch: Leveraging Multiple Devices to Enhance Collaboration in Resource-Constrained Environments. CHI 2008 Workshop on HCI for Community and International Development.


Morris, M.R. and Horvitz, E. SearchTogether: An Interface for Collaborative Web Search. Proceedings of UIST 2007, 3-12. (Lasting Impact Award)

Morris, M.R., Brush, A.J.B., and Meyers, B. Reading Revisited: Evaluating the Usability of Digital Display Surfaces for Active Reading Tasks. Proceedings of IEEE Tabletop 2007, 79-86. (Lasting Impact Award)

Morris, M.R. and Horvitz, E. S3: Storable, Shareable Search. Proceedings of Interact 2007, 120-123.

Morris, M.R. Interfaces for Collaborative Exploratory Web Search: Motivations and Directions for Multi-User Designs. CHI 2007 Workshop on Exploratory Search and HCI.

Venolia, G., Morris, M.R., and Morris, D. Exploring and Investigating: Supporting High-Level Search Activities. CHI 2007 Workshop on Exploratory Search and HCI.


Piper, A.M., O'Brien, E., Morris, M.R., and Winograd, T. SIDES: A Cooperative Tabletop Computer Game for Social Skills Development. Proceedings of CSCW 2006, 1-10.

Morris, M.R., Piper, A.M., Cassanego, A., Huang, A., Paepcke, A., and Winograd, T. Mediating Group Dynamics through Tabletop Interface Design. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Sept/Oct 2006, 65-73.

Ryall, K., Morris, M.R., Everitt, K., Esenther, A., Forlines, C., Shen, C., Shipman, S., and Vernier, F. Identity-Differentiating Widgets for Multi-User Interactive Surfaces. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Sept/Oct 2006, 56-64.

Shen, C., Ryall, K., Forlines, C., Esenther, A., Everitt, K., Hancock, M., Morris, M.R., Vernier, F., Wigdor, D., and Wu, M. Interfaces, Interaction Techniques and User Experience on Direct-Touch Horizontal Surfaces. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Sept/Oct 2006, 36-46.

Hartmann, B., Morris, M.R., and Cassanego, A. Reducing Clutter on Tabletop Groupware Systems with Tangible Drawers. Proceedings of UbiComp 2006 Extended Abstracts.

Morris, M.R.. Supporting Effective Interaction with Tabletop Groupware. (Ph.D. Dissertation) Stanford University Technical Report, April 2006.

Morris, M.R., Huang, A., Paepcke, A., and Winograd, T. Cooperative Gestures: Multi-User Gestural Interactions for Co-located Groupware. Proceedings of CHI 2006, 1201-1210.

Morris, M.R., Paepcke, A., Winograd, T., and Stamberger, J. TeamTag: Exploring Centralized versus Replicated Controls for Co-located Tabletop Groupware. Proceedings of CHI 2006, 1273-1282.

Morris, M.R. Tables in Context: Integrating Horizontal Displays with Ubicomp Environments. CHI 2006 Workshop on Information Visualization and Interaction Techniques for Collaboration across Multiple Displays.

Wang, Q., Hsieh, T., Morris, M.R., and Paepcke, A. Virtual Information Piles for Small Screen Devices. Proceedings of CHI 2006 Extended Abstracts (alt.chi), 345-350.

Morris, M.R., Paepcke, A., and Winograd, T. TeamSearch: Comparing Techniques for Co-Present Collaborative Search of Digital Media. The First IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer Systems, January 2006, 97-104.

Ryall, K., Morris, M.R., Everitt, K., Forlines, C., and Shen, C. Experiences with and Observations of Direct-Touch Tabletops. The First IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer Systems, January 2006, 89-96.

Morris, M.R. Supporting Effective Interaction with Tabletop Groupware. The First IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer Systems, January 2006, 55-56.

Morris, M.R. Social Borders: Mediating Group Dynamics Through Interface Design. Ambidextrous Magazine: The Stanford University Journal of Design. Winter 2006, 36-37.


Morris, M.R. Designing Tabletop Groupware. UIST 2005 Doctoral Symposium.

Ryall, K., Esenther, A., Everitt, K., Forlines, C., Morris, M.R., Shen, C., Shipman, S., and Vernier, F. iDwidgets: Parameterizing Widgets by User Identity. Proceedings of Interact 2005, 1124-1128. copyright held by Springer-Verlag,


Morris, M.R., Morris, D., and Winograd, T. Individual Audio Channels with Single Display Groupware: Effects on Communication and Task Strategy. Proceedings of CSCW 2004, 242-251.

Morris, M.R., Ryall, K., Shen, C., Forlines, C., and Vernier, F. Beyond "Social Protocols": Multi-User Coordination Policies for Co-located Groupware. Proceedings of CSCW 2004, 262-265.

Ryall, K., Forlines, C., Shen, C., and Morris, M.R. Exploring the Effects of Group Size and Table Size on Interactions with Tabletop Shared-Display Groupware. Proceedings of CSCW 2004, 284-293.

Morris, M.R. and Winograd, T. Quantifying Collaboration on Computationally-Enhanced Tables. CSCW 2004 Workshop on Methodologies for Evaluating Collaboration Behaviour in Co-Located Environments.

Morris, M.R., Forlines, C., Ryall, K., and Shen, C. Conflict Resolution in Paper and Digital Worlds: Two Surveys of User Expectations. Proceedings of CSCW 2004 Conference Supplement.

Morris, M.R.. Benefits and Challenges of Tabletop Peripheral Displays. Proceedings of UbiComp 2004 Extended Abstracts.

Morris, M.R.. Visualization for Casual Debugging and System Awareness in a Ubiquitous Computing Environment. Proceedings of UbiComp 2004 Extended Abstracts.

Ringel, M., Ryall, K., Shen, C., Forlines, C., and Vernier, F. Release, Relocate, Reorient, Resize: Fluid Techniques for Document Sharing on Multi-User Interactive Tables. Proceedings of CHI 2004 Extended Abstracts, pp. 1441-1444.

Shen, C., Vernier, F., Forlines, C., and Ringel, M. DiamondSpin: An Extensible Toolkit for Around-the-Table Interaction. Proceedings of CHI 2004, pp. 167-174.


Ringel, M., Cutrell, E., Dumais, S., and Horvitz, E. Milestones in Time: The Value of Landmarks in Retrieving Information from Personal Stores. Proceedings of Interact 2003, pp. 184-191.

Ringel, M. When One Isn’t Enough: An Analysis of Virtual Desktop Usage Strategies and Their Implications for Design. Proceedings of CHI 2003 Extended Abstracts, pp. 762-763.

Ballagas, R., Ringel, M., Stone, M., and Borchers, J. iStuff: A Physical User Interface Toolkit for Ubiquitous Computing Environments. Proceedings of CHI 2003, pp. 537-544.


Borchers, J., Ringel, M., Tyler, J., and Fox, A. Stanford Interactive Workspaces: A Framework for Physical and Graphical User Interface Prototyping. IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 9, No. 6, IEEE Press, December 2002, pp. 64-69.

Ringel, M., Tyler, J., Stone, M., Ballagas, R., and Borchers, J. iStuff: A Scalable Architecture for Lightweight, Wireless Devices for Ubicomp User Interfaces. Proceedings of UbiComp 2002 Extended Abstracts.

Ringel, M., and Hirschberg, J. Automated Message Prioritization: Making Voicemail Retrieval More Efficient. Proceedings of CHI 2002 Extended Abstracts, pp. 592-593.


Ringel, M., Berg, H., Jin, Y., and Winograd, T. Barehands: Implement-Free Interaction with a Wall-Mounted Display. Proceedings of CHI 2001 Extended Abstracts, pp. 367-368.