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Options: Pre-K to K

The below descriptions integrate text from software vendors' descriptions of the various products and the website authors' commentary.


A suite of educational software for children aged 2 to 10. The name GCompris comes from the French "J'ai compris," French for "I have understood." GCompris includes over 100 activities related to

  • Computer discovery: keyboard, mouse, different mouse gestures
  • Algebra: table memory, enumeration, double entry table, mirror images
  • Science: the canal lock, the water cycle, the submarine, electric simulations
  • Geography: place the country on the map
  • Games: chess, memory, Connect Four, mancala, sudoku
  • Reading: reading practice
  • Other: learn to tell time, puzzle of famous paintings, vector drawing, cartoon making

Used in: Primarily Pre-K and Kindergarten; also in 1st to 3rd grade

Availability: The software is free and is available for Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows and other systems. In addition, the software is available in 23 languages.

Math Blaster for Kindergarten to 5th Grade

This software package teaches mathematics concepts. With robots controlling the galaxy, the universe is counting on the user to save the day. Defend the human race, and defeat the robots in a fast-paced, action-packed adventure. Children can achieve confidence and speed in subjects such as Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Mental Math, Fact Families, Equivalents, and Mental Math. Unlike GCompris this software is not free so it is encouraged, but not necessary.

Used in: Kindergarten and Lower School

Availability: Commercial software --- $20-$30 USD for one grade. Only available for Windows and Macintosh machines.

Reading Blaster for Kindergarten to 5th Grade

This software package teaches reading and comprehension concepts. Students develop critical thinking skills as they learn to read for details, find the main idea, make inferences, draw conclusions, and build reading vocabularies. Using context clues and parts of speech rules, students discover word meanings and build reading comprehension skills. This software is strongly aligned with NCTE and IRA Standards. Unlike GCompris this software is not free so it is encouraged, but not necessary.

Used in: Kindergarten and Lower School

Availability: Commercial software --- $20-$30 USD for one grade. Only available for Windows and Macintosh machines.

Early Acquisition of Computer Science · ©2008 Justin Solomon and Peter Rusev