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Examples of Government Types
Manners guidelines published on LambdaMOO(lambda.moo.mud.org 8888)
LambdaMOO, like other MUDs, is a social community; it is populated by real people interacting through the computer network. Like members of other communities, the inhabitants of LambdaMOO have certain expectations about the behavior of members and visitors. This article lays out a system of rules of courteous behavior, or "manners", which has been agreed upon by popular vote. First of all, any action that threatens the functional integrity of the MOO, or might cause legal trouble for the MOO's supporters, will get the player responsible thrown off by the wizards. If you find a loophole or bug in the core, report it to a wizard without attempting to take advantage of it. Cracking falls outside the realm of manners. Read `help cracking' for more information. Additionally, other loopholes should also not be exploited. This rule was established by *B:Patch-Arbitration-Loopholes (#4223): If you find a loophole in the social system, make a petition to fix it. If you find a place where the documentation does not match the standing law on the subject, report it to a wizard without attempting to take advantage of it. Taking personal advantage of loopholes and bugs to personal ends will be regarded as an antisocial act. The purpose of the social system here is to allow us to work together, not to allow us opportunities to revel in how we can beat the system. Beyond that, there are two basic principles of friendly MOOing: let the MOO function and don't abuse other players. ==== LET THE MOO FUNCTION ===== Besides not trying to hack or break things, this means not hogging resources by taking up more memory or processing time than necessary. To help keep database bloat down, please @create thoughtfully, @recycle unused objects, @rmmail when done with it, use feature objects instead of copying lots of verbs, and don't recycle and recreate objects seeking "interesting" numbers (this inflates all the object #'s, which are long enough already). The MOO server is carefully shared among all the connected players so that everyone gets a chance to execute their commands. The more demanding players' commands are, the more of a load there is on the server, and thus the more lag there is. If you are writing a program that will run for a long time, please make it wait at least five seconds between iterations (use `fork (n)' or `suspend(n)' where `n' is at least 5). This will give others a chance to get their commands in between yours. ==== DON'T ABUSE OTHER PLAYERS ===== The MOO is a fun place to socialize, program, and play as long as people are polite to each other. Rudeness and harassment make LambdaMOO less pleasant for everyone. Do not harass or abuse other players, using any tactic including: * Spamming (filling their screen with unwanted text) * Teleporting them or their objects without consent * Emoted violence or obscenities * Shouting (sending a message to all connected players) - Don't shout unless you have something everyone needs to hear. This basically means emergency system messages from wizards. * Spoofing (causing messages to appear that are not attributed to your character) - Spoofs can be funny and expressive when used with forethought. If you spoof, use a polite version than announces itself as a spoof promptly, and use it sparingly. See `help spoofing' for more information. * Spying - Don't create or use spying devices. If you reset your teleport message, make sure it is set to something, so that you don't teleport silently. Besides having a disorienting effect on people, silent teleportation is a form of spying. * Sexual harassment (particularly involving unsolicited acts which simulate rape against unwilling participants) - Such behavior is not tolerated by the LambdaMOO community. A single incidence of such an act may, as a consequence of due process, result in permanent explusion from LambdaMOO. * Hate speech in the public areas - This is generally frowned upon though not forbidden (see the paragraph headed "General"). LambdaMOOers are generally very tolerant of all races, religions, sexual orientations, and just about whatever else you can think of. They do not tend to tolerate hatred based on such distinctions. * Try to respect other players' privacy and their right to control their own objects, including the right to decide who may enter or remain in their rooms. * Respect other players' sensibilities. MOO inhabitants and visitors come from a wide range of cultural backgrounds both in the U.S. and abroad, and have varying ideas of what constitutes offensive speech or descriptions. Please keep text that other players can casually run across as free of potentially-offensive material as you can. If you want to build objects or areas that are likely to offend some segment of the community, please give sufficient warning to casual explorers so that they can choose to avoid those objects or areas. * General: Although it is not technically against MOO law to harass people, it is suggested that you do not. The advice here is intended to make the MOO a better place for everyone, not to limit freedom of expression. However, the legal system on the MOO is evolving at this time, and it is not well understood just how some laws from the real world might apply. If you commit an act that could be considered a transgression against these manners it is possible you will be punished by anything up to and including permanent banishment from LambdaMOO. There is some disagreement in the LambdaMOO community about how much protection for free speech rights should be provided. This document, while not favoring censorship, encourages you to think about what you say and do. ===== SELF-DEFENSE ====== Avoid revenge! If someone is bothering you, you have several options. The appropriate first step is usually to ask them to stop. If this fails, and avoiding the person is insufficient, useful verbs include @gag, @refuse, and @eject. Help is available on all of these. Note these following rules established by the passage of *B:Patch-Arbitration-Loopholes (#4223): * All characters are bound by some system of justice which has been voted by the people. Characters are free to suggest that this is not so, but such suggestions will regarded as "mere speech" and will carry no force of law. [...] Characters who wish not to be subject to the lawfully created rules of this MOO are, like anyone else, free to request that their accounts be turned off. * No character may in any way exploit the use of multiple characters to beat the system. For example, if a character is newted for punitive reasons, all characters controlled by that typist will be newted AND if that typist shows up controlling a guest during that period, he is still not welcome. ==== PROBLEMS WITH GUESTS ===== If you are having a problem with someone logged in as a Guest, you have another recourse: you and another character may @boot them. Type @boot
Reporting abuses in ladder tournaments on Battle.Net(www.battle.net)
LADDER ABUSES It is considered an abuse of the ladder system to: Repeatedly play the same opponent(s), Playing more than 2 illegitimate (5 minute then surrender, "dummy" player not building anything, repeatedly surrendering when there is no need, etc.) games against the same person in a single day. Playing more than 4 illegitimate games against the same person in 2 days. Winning more than 3 legitimate games to the same person in a week. This allows you to have a "best three out of five" match against someone. Any more than this, and it will be considered abuse. Intentionally lose to an opponent to increase his rating, or disconnect from a game for the purpose of avoiding a loss. Blizzard may, at our sole discretion, delete the Battle.net account of any player suspected of abusing or attempting to abuse the ladder system. Since the results of all ladder games are posted to the Ladder Games Forum, any interested observer can easily check the record of a ranked player to see if he/she is repeatedly playing against the same opponents or consistently disconnecting from games. |