- for more recent news, see twitter
- Summer 2018: Fantastic audience at the RL summer school at Vector
- Summer 2018: Congratulations on 2 ICML papers with co-authors Andrea Zanette and Phil Thomas and Christoph Dann!
- Dec 2017: "Reinforcement Learning with People" and invited talks at the workshops on Hierarchical RL, Teaching Machines, Robots and Humans, and From 'What If?' to 'What Next?' Group presented 3 papers in the main conference and additional in the workshops.
- Fall 2017: Delighted to have the opportunity to give a keynote at the Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP) and an invited tutorial at NIPS 2017
- Sep 2017: Congratulations to Karan on being selected as a Siebel scholar!
- Sep 2017: Congratulations to Shayan, Phil, Daniel (and collaborators Alessandro, Matteo, and Tor) on 2 NIPS spotlights and 1 poster!
- Summer 2017: Congratulations to Shayan Doroudi and Phil Thomas for best paper at UAI!
- Summer 2017: Phil Thomas finishes his postdoc and heads to be an assistant professor at UMass Amherst. Congratulations Phil!
- Summer 2017: Travis Mandel defends his thesis and is off to be an assistant professor at the University of Hawaii. Congratulations Travis!
- Spring 2017: Just joined Stanford!
- Excited to be program co-chair for Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM) 2017 with
Nathaniel Daw
- Dec 2016: Gave invited talks at 3 NIPS workshops (Education, Gaming and Interactive ML)
- Oct 2016: Awesome to help co-organize Rising Stars in EECS: so inspired by the participants!
- August 2016: Congratulations to Joe Runde, Rika Antonova and Qi Guo on finishing their masters!
- Jun 2016: Had a great time giving talks at 3 ICML workshops (ML & Education, Abstraction and RL, and Data Efficient ML)
- Apr 2016: 3 IJCAI and 2 ICML papers accepted. Congratulations Li, Qi, Travis, Yun-En, Phil, and Christoph!
- Mar 2016: My NYT piece on the significance and implications of AlphaGo
- Jan 2016: Invited panelist at the NYU Future of AI Symposium
- Dec 2015: Congratulations to Min Yung Lee on graduating with his masters in maching learning!
- Aug 2015: Delighted to be a co-PI on a NSF BIGDATA award with PI Zoran Popovic and co-PI Min Li on machine learning optimization for education!
- June 2015: Congratulations to Shayan Doroudi for being selected as a PIER fellow!
- May 2015: Congratulations to Yun-En Liu on a successful PhD defense!
- Dec 2014: Great to give 3 invited presentations at NIPS workshops
- Winter 2014: Enjoyed presenting "Learning to Improve Learning" as part of CMU's IdeasLab at the World Economic Forum in Davos