Selected Awards and Honors
- Keynote at the European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL) 2024
- Best student (to Yuchen Hu) paper award from Decision Analysis Society for our paper Minimax-Regret Sample Selection in Randomized Experiments 2024
- Keynote at the Reinforcement Learning Conference (RLC) 2024
- Keynote at ESIF Economics and AI+ML Meeting 2024
- Best paper nominee Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) 2024
- Keynote at European Conference on AI (ECAI) (2023)
- Invited alumni speaker, MIT's 60th Celebration of Computing (2023)
- Alumni award, Allen School of Computer Science and Enginnering, University of Washington
- Keynote at International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (2022)
- Best paper award Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM) Symoposium (2022)
- Best paper at "Bridging the Gap: From Machine Learning Research to Clinical Practice" NeurIPS Workshop (2021)
- Best short paper Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (2021)
- Keynote at Machine Learning for Healthcare (2020)
- Keynote at Conference on Learning Theory (2019)
- Keynote at Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (2019)
- Google Faculty Research Award (2019)
- Keynote at Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (2017)
- Invited Tutorial at NeurIPS (2017)
- Best paper Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) (2017)
- Best paper nominee Educational Data Mining (EDM) (2017)
- Early Career Talk International Joint Conference on AI (2017)
- Best paper award RLDM (2015)
- Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award (YIP) (2015) (Press release)
- NSF CAREER award (2014)
- Best paper nominee CHI (2014)
- Best paper nominee Educational Data Mining (2013)
- Google Faculty Research Award (2012)
- Invited Tutorial at NeurIPS (joint with Geoff Gordon) (2012)
- Microsoft Research Faculty Fellow (2012) (1 of 7 worldwide)
- Best paper nominee Educational Data Mining (2012)
- Rhodes scholar