Social and Language Technologies (SALT) lab studies socially aware NLP. We are part of the Stanford NLP Group.Check out our lab website:
Broadly, we research the social aspects of human language (e.g., what is said, who says it, in what context, for what goals), via methods of natural language processing, deep learning, and machine learning as well as theories in social science and linguistics, with the implications of developing interventions to facilitate human-human and human-machine communication.
Current Postdocs and PhDs
- Ian Stewart (PhD, co-advised w/ Jacob Eisenstein) → Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Jiaao Chen (PhD) → Amazon
- Weiyan Shi (Postdoc) → Assistant Professor @ Northeastern
- Matthias Gerstgrasser (Postdoc) →
- We would like to thank the following sponsors and funding agencies for supporting our research: NSF, Amazon, Cisco, DARPA, Facebook, Google, Intel, JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft Research, NVIDIA, ONR, Russell Sage Foundation, Salesforce, Stanford HAI, and Stanford Impact Lab.