Some press on our preprint critiquing emergent abilities (May 2023).
Our work “Toward fairness in artificial intelligence for medical image analysis: identification and mitigation of potential biases in the roadmap from data collection to model deployment” was highlighted by SPIE (April 2023).
Excited to give a keynote at the International Symposium of Biomedical Imaging (2023).
Sanmi is named a (Frederick E.) Terman Faculty Fellow (Sep. 2022)
Our group was awarded an NSF SCH grant for the “Fair Federated Representation Learning for Breast Cancer Risk Scoring” (NSF). This is a collaboration across Stanford (Koyejo), OSF Healthcare (Stewart de Ramirez, Bond), ASU (Sankar), and Illinois (Sun).
Congrats to Sean Plummer for a new appointment as Faculty at the University of Arkansas.
Congrats to Zachary Robertson, who received an honorable mention for the 2022 NSF Graduate Fellowship.
I am serving as a General co-chair for NeurIPS 2022 with Shakir Mohamed.
Some media coverage of our recent work on adversarial attacks for stock prediction models.
Some media coverage of our recent work on detecting health disparities in COVID-19 patients.
Our group won an NSF CAREER award.
I am honored to win the 2021 Skip Ellis Early Career Award from the CRA-WP. Clarence “Skip” Ellis was the first African-American to earn a Ph.D. in computer science (link to a brief writeup about Ellis).
Congrats to Wale Salaudeen, who was selected as a Miniature Brain Machinery trainee.
Congrats to Wale Salaudeen, who was selected to receive a 2021 Illinois GEM Associate Fellowship.
Congrats to Zachary Robertson, who received a Wing Kai Cheng fellowship.
Congrats to Brando Miranda, who received an honorary mention for the Ford Fellowship.
Our group won an Alfred P. Sloan fellowship in computer science.
I am serving as a workshop chair for NeurIPS 2021.
Some media covering our recent work on co-morbidity prediction from Xrays.
Our group is participating in the NIH funded MIDRC, aimed at accelerating the transfer of knowledge and innovation in the current COVID-19 pandemic. See the team here.
Our group is a member of the new NSF and NIFA AI research institute on Artificial Intelligence for Future Agricultural Resilience, Management, and Sustainability (AIFARMS), managed by the center for digital agriculture (CDA), (media).
In collaboration with OSF healthcare, our group was awarded a Digital Transformation Institute grant to develop “Secure Federated Learning for Clinical Informatics with Applications to the COVID-19 Pandemic” (announcement) (news). Collaborators: Khurana, Heintz, Bond, and Foulger.
In collaboration with OSF healthcare, our group was awarded Jump Arches COVID-19 grant to develop “Secure Federated Learning for Collaborative Diagnostics” (news). Collaborators: Khurana, Heintz, Bond and Foulger.
Our group was co-awarded an NSF HDR TRIPODS grant for the “Illinois institute for data science and dynamical systems (IDS2)” (website). See our excellent collaborators here.
Congrats to Brando Miranda, who was just named a Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) scholar and received an honorary mention for the Ford Fellowship.
Congrats Wale Salaudeen, who was selected to receive a 2020 Beckman Institute Graduate Fellowship (news)
Congrats to Katherine Tsai, who was selected to receive a 2020 NSF Fellowship.