Stanford Court Jugglers
An Affiliate of the International Jugglers' Association

The International Jugglers' Association (IJA) is a great volunteer-run non-profit juggling organization with a fun-filled juggling festival every summer and an electronic magazine called eJuggle (available at and various other online resources. If you're a juggler, I strongly suggest that you join the IJA. See Upcoming Juggling Festivals below for info on the next IJA festival.

Sections below:

  • Stanford Court Jugglers
  • Stanford/Bay Area jugglers mailing list
  • Upcoming juggling festivals
  • Past juggling festivals
  • Other Bay Area juggling meetings
  • Other useful juggling links
  • The Stanford Court Jugglers, an affiliate of the IJA, meets Wednesday evenings at Stanford University from about 8:30pm till about 11pm, sometimes later. We've been meeting at Stanford since June 1980. Meetings have been suspended since the beginning of the COVID-19 shutdown.

    You may want to join our email list (see below) to be notified of changes and of various juggling happenings. Or if you're a visitor to the group, it is recommended that you send email (see below) to verify where we're meeting. Our meeting place is shown below.

    Martin's youtube channel has lots of SJRI club passing videos, which will give you a sample of what we do at Stanford. You can also watch our 2004 SJRI Teams silver-medal performance in Buffalo.

    We meet year round at Stanford. Here are the current meeting details:

    Wednesdays about 8:30pm Juggling location -- click for directions & map

    March 18, 2020 and onward

    NO MEETINGS, during COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place orders.

    Down With Gravity hosts another juggling meeting at Stanford on Friday afternoons about 5:30pm. They meet on the grass in White Plaza between the Stanford Bookstore and Tresidder Union. (There may not be Friday meetings between school quarters but sometimes they meet during the summer.)

    Stanford/Bay Area jugglers mailing list

    To verify our current meeting place, or if you want to be on our mailing list, or if you have any questions about our juggling gatherings or juggling in general, send email to Martin Frost: me at cs dot stanford dot edu.

    Upcoming juggling festivals (see also this more comprehensive list of juggling festivals)

    Past juggling festivals (most recent first) -- some will happen again -- stay tuned

    Some of the links below may get you info on their next fest.

    • 2023 June 17: World Juggling Day!! Jugglers all over the world juggle on WJD, at many places around the globe. If you're holding a WJD event, be sure to register it on the WJD site for the free publicity. Or look there for a WJD event being held near you. The website is generally set up around March for a given year's World Juggling Day.

    • 2022 May 6-8: Isla Vista Juggling Festival — in Isla Vista and Santa Barbara, California, about a five-hour drive from Stanford. This popular fest is the longest running regional juggling festival in the world, having started in 1977 (only the big IJA fest has been going on longer -- since 1948).

    • 2020 Jan 24-26: The nearby 3rd Game of Throws juggling festival will be held in Palo Alto High School on Embarcadero Rd at El Camino Real in Palo Alto, right across El Camino from Stanford.

    • 2018 June 16: East Bay JAM (Juggling And More) festival — On Saturday June 16th, come to beautiful Joaquin Miller Park in Oakland for a free day of juggling, unicycling, acroyoga, hooping and more. Visit the meadow any time between 10am and sunset. We'll have informal activities, workshops and lessons of all kinds. All ages and skill levels are welcome to join us to play in the park. Bring whatever props and skills you have, and learn from some of the most talented people around.

    • 2018 May 4-6: 10th Santa Cruz Juggling Festival — in Santa Cruz, California.

    • 2017 Sep 29-Oct 1: The Portland Juggling Festival. A great and large juggling fest, in Portland, Oregon, with very good facilities, many workshops and excellent shows. Don't miss it.

    • 2017 Mar 17-19: Humboldt Juggling Festival. The Humboldt Juggling Society, a Humboldt State University club, holds its annual festival in Arcata, California.

    • 2014 Oct 3-5: Don't miss the BACA Fest (formerly Berkeley Juggling & Unicyle Festival). Still free except for the public show.

    • 2014 Jun 13-15: The Boulder Juggling Festival will be hosted at the Boulder Circus Center in Boulder, Colorado.

    • 2014 Mar 21-23: The Damento Juggling Festival will be in Davis this year, at Davis Senior High School.

    • 2012 May 26: Sonoma County May Madness JuggleFest. Julliard Park, Santa Rosa, CA, Saturday 9am-6pm. Jugglers, unicyclists, and variety artists of all makes and models are planning to attend.

    • 2012 Jan 12-15: The Seattle Juggling Festival will be four days long at Seattle Center (by the Space Needle).

    • 2009 Nov 12-15: The Nomadic Los Angeles Juggling Festival will be held at Los Angeles Valley College in Monarch Hall November 14-15 hosted by the San Fernando Valley juggling group Safety in Numbers. Join in at the regular meeting on Thursday, Nov 12, 9pm-midnight, at LA Valley College Gym, and on Friday, Nov 13, at the Kalvan Gym in Van Nuys from 4pm to midnight.

    • 2009 Oct 2-4: This year the Nomadic Juggling Festival will be at Catalina State Park near Tucson, Arizona.

    • 2009 Mar 27-29: The Pacific Northwest Juggling Convention will be held in Corvallis, Oregon, on the campus of Oregon State University.

    • 2008 Mar 14-16: The Victoria Juggling Festival will be held at the University of Victoria in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

    • 2007 Feb 17-18: Southern California Juggling Festival. Hosted by Claremont High School Juggling Club, Claremont, CA.

    • 2005 Aug 19-21: Coeur d' Alene Juggling Festival on the North Idaho College campus, on the shore of Lake Coeur d' Alene. For more info, contact David Groth: idahojuggler at

    Other Bay Area juggling meetings

    • Down With Gravity meets at Stanford on Fridays about 5:30pm on the grass in White Plaza between the Stanford Bookstore and Tresidder Union. They generally do not meet between school quarters.

    • The Klutz Juggling Club meets in Burgess Park (near city hall) in Menlo Park on Saturdays 3pm-6pm, assuming the weather is decent.

    • The Santa Clara Jugglers Club meets in Central Park in Santa Clara on Sundays 11am-3pm.

    • The Berkeley Juggling Club (UC Berkeley).

    • The Castro Valley Jugglers meet on Tuesday evenings at the rotunda of the Castro Valley Bart Station.

    • The UC Santa Cruz Juggling Club meets (or at least used to meet) outside on Wednesdays and Friday. (Not sure if they meet during the summer.)

    • The San Francisco Gutter Jugglers meet 5pm-8pm Sundays in the Circus Center, 755 Frederick St, San Francisco, near Golden Gate Park. Free! Questions? Contact Jade: jadejuggler at

    Other useful juggling links

    Webpage maintained by Martin Frost.   Last modified: Tue Jun 20 12:45:13 PDT 2023