Class HPanel

  extended by java.awt.Component
      extended by java.awt.Container
          extended by javax.swing.JComponent
              extended by javax.swing.JPanel
                  extended by acm.gui.TablePanel
                      extended by acm.gui.HPanel

public class HPanel
extends TablePanel

This class represents a horizontal TablePanel with a single row. It is used along with VPanel to assemble hierarchical collections of panels that can be partitioned into rows and columns.


Field Summary
Constructor Summary
Creates a new HPanel.
HPanel(int hgap, int vgap)
Creates a new HPanel with the specified hgap and vgap parameters, which specify the padding between elements.
Method Summary

Constructor Detail

public HPanel()

Creates a new HPanel. An HPanel uses a TableLayout manager with a single row.

Usage: HPanel hbox = new HPanel(); 

public HPanel(int hgap, int vgap)

Creates a new HPanel with the specified hgap and vgap parameters, which specify the padding between elements. For an HPanel, the vgap is used to assign space above and below the row.

Usage: HPanel hbox = new HPanel(hgap, vgap); 
hgap  The gap between columns
vgap  The gap between rows