


  • Abstract
  • Definition
    Nature of Crimes
    Fighting Crime
  • Policy
  • Prevention
  • Detection
  • Measuring
    Crimes of the Future
  • Information Theft
  • Cyber-Terrorism
    Pop Culture




  • As appropriate, the Internet is an enormous resource for information on computer crime. We select what we consider to be the most valuable resources online for information in this field. For a more extensive references to particular pages and slides, including books and newspapers, refer to our bibliography. Generally, these links serve as starting points from more research while the bibliography items direct to individual papers or articles.

    CERT Coordination Center - CERT is a Carnegie Mellon University project to study Internet security. The site contains useful security statistics and recommendations.

    Cybercrime on the Internet - Jones Telecommunications & Multimedia Encyclopedia has a nice entry on cybercrime with many links to other real sites.

    Department of Energy Information Security - This department's goal is to present information (funding through the Office of Safeguards and Security). The site contains a lot of documents on security issues.

    Department of Justice Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section - This department carries out the Justice Department's Computer Crime Initiative. The site describes computer-related law and has some useful government links.

    HNN - H a c k e r N e w s N e t w o r k - This site presents a lot of news and information on craackers and hackers. It tends to focus on justice (e.g. trials) and security holes.

    Technical Operations Page: Management, Computers, and the Future - This site contains a great many references to computer crime in general, and a rather large list of cyber-terrorism and information warfare links.


    InterGov's Latest Web Statistics

    National Fraud Information Center's Internet Fraud Statistics