
Like all speech, speech in online gaming has negative aspects which are difficult to censor and reduce, especially on a platform that has very little regulation.

Hate Speech

It is not uncommon during competitive play for players to exchange derogatory and offensive language as a form of trash talk.  As defined by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, hate speech can be defined as speech that can create a climate of prejudice, a trend that can be observed in online gaming.  When trash talking, many players resort to racist and homophobic remarks among other derogatory language.

Psychological Affects

Anti-social behavior like “griefing” or “trolling” are common practices in the online realm of video games as many players find entertainment value in deliberately causing grief  or frustration to other players by sabotaging games and essentially engaging in cyberbullying by ruining the gaming experience for others.  Like its the real counterpart, cyberbullying can have significant negative impacts on some and less so on others.  For those who are negatively affected by such anti-social actions, speech in online gaming can pose detrimental risks psychologically.  This is especially true for young players, many who participate despite age restrictions on many online video games. The type of language and behavior in these settings are oftentimes particularly inappropriate for younger audiences who are not mature enough to digest and filter the explicit and derogatory language.

Current Consequences

As of now there is no good method for filtering the type of speech expressed in online gaming. Additionally because of the anonymity granted to players it becomes difficult to hold players accountable for their speech. Some games do allow other players to mark each other as using inappropriate language or speech and the players may be punished with expulsion from games. However, this potential consequence hardly acts as a deterrent for many who still continue to engage in “griefing”, “trolling”, and expressing inappropriate commentary. The ineffectiveness of these punishments is partly due to the inconsistencies throughout games with regards to implementing punishments as well as the ease with which players can create other profiles to continue to play. The general atmosphere within online video games also contributes to the continued practice of anti-social behavior and speech because this type of behavior is on some levels encouraged with its common use.

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