How to Protect Your Privacy

This is an update of the recommendations made by the 2002 Stanford Student Computer Network and Usage Privacy Project.

  • Reveal less personal or identifying information on your webspace (e.g. home address, telephone number, facebook page etc.): your friends and family already know this information, do you really want to give it to strangers?
  • Utilize Stanford Who to control what information is shared with Stanford community members and what is shared with the outside world.
  • Specify access permissions to "Read-Only" when sharing files.
  • When using cluster computers, be mindful not to give sensitive information (which may be cached via cookies for example) and make sure to close all browser windows
  • Recognize that email is not a secure or authenticated system: if you receive a strange message from a friend or stranger, realize that the message might not have been sent from the person listed as the sender.
  • DO NOT use the same password for every website. Each website should have its own, unique, secure password. Of course this is extremely difficult. We recommend Last Pass, which requires you to only remember one password, but technically log into all websites with a unique, secure password. LastPass is open source and has been extensively researched and subsequently endorsed by such network security experts as Steve Gibson.

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