Clamor: Extending Functional Cluster Computing Frameworks with Fine-Grained Remote Memory Access (bibtex)
by P. Thaker, H. Ayers, D. Raghavan, N. Niu, P. Levis and M. Zaharia
Clamor: Extending Functional Cluster Computing Frameworks with Fine-Grained Remote Memory Access P. Thaker, H. Ayers, D. Raghavan, N. Niu, P. Levis and M. ZahariaIn SoCC, 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
fauthor = {Pratiksha Thaker and Hudson Ayers and Deepti Raghavan and Ning Niu and Philip Levis and Matei Zaharia},
author = {P. Thaker and H. Ayers and D. Raghavan and N. Niu and P. Levis and M. Zaharia},
title = {Clamor: Extending Functional Cluster Computing Frameworks with Fine-Grained Remote Memory Access},
booktitle = {SoCC},
year = {2021},
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