\datethis @*Intro. This program computes matrix representations of permutations, based on tableaux of a given shape~$\lambda$. If there are $f$ standard Young tableaux of that shape, it produces $f\times f$ matrices $B_\pi$ for any given permutation $\pi$, with the property that $B_\pi B_\sigma=B_{\pi\sigma}$. I'm trying to learn concrete details of such representations, and my experience has always been that the best way to learn something is to try to program it whenever possible. Therefore I'm writing this code as part of my own education. But I haven't seen any book that mentions the method used below, so other readers may also find aspects of interest here. Of course I can't claim to have read very much of the huge literature that already exists on this topic; probably I have rediscovered something that's fairly well known. Let $\lambda$ be a partition of $n$, namely $\lambda=(a_1,\ldots,a_k)$ where $a_1\ge\cdots\ge a_k\ge1$ and $a_1+\cdots+a_k=n$. A {\it tableau\/} of shape~$\lambda$ is a way to place the numbers $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ into an array with $n$ left-justified rows and $a_j$ entries in row~$j$. The tableau is {\it standard\/} if the entries in each row are increasing from left to right and the entries in each column are increasing from top to bottom. \begingroup \setbox0=\hbox{0} \dimen0=\ht0 \advance\dimen0 by 2pt \ht0=\dimen0 \dp0=2pt \def\\#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{\vcenter{\offinterlineskip \hrule\halign{\vrule\vphantom{\copy0}$\,##\,$\vrule&&$\,##\,$\vrule\cr #1\cr\noalign{\hrule} #4\cr\noalign{\hrule} #7 \cr\noalign{\hrule}}}} The method of this program is based on a straightforward algorithm that takes a not-necessarily-standard tableau and determines all ways to permute its columns in such a fashion that a subsequent row-sorting will produce a standard tableau. For example, if $\lambda=(3,3,3)$ and if the given tableau is $$\\314592687\,,$$ there are nine solutions, $$\\312584697\quad\\312684597\quad\\512384697\quad \\612384597\quad\\314582697\quad\\314682597\quad \\317582694\quad\\514682397\quad\\614582397\,;$$ row-sorting converts these respective solutions to the standard tableaux $$\\123458679\quad\\123468579\quad\\125348679\quad \\126348579\quad\\134258679\quad\\134268579\quad \\137258469\quad\\145268379\quad\\146258379\,.$$ Another way to state the given problem is, ``Find all standard tableaux that can be produced from a given one by permuting columns, then permuting rows.'' \endgroup The first line of standard input should contain the partition elements $a_1$, \dots,~$a_k$, separated by spaces and followed by~0. Subsequent lines should contain permutations whose representative matrices are desired; each permutation is given as a sequence $p_1$, \dots,~$p_n$, separated by spaces. N.B.: The permutation $p_1\ldots p_n$ takes $1\mapsto p_1$, $2\mapsto p_2$, etc., and the representation matrices produced by this program multiply permutations from left to right. Thus, for example, if $A$, $B$, and $C$ are the matrices representing $132$, $213$, and $231$, respectively, aka the permutations (23), (12), and (123), we have $(23)(12)=(123)$ hence $AB=C$. @ @d maxn 100 /* let's not permute more than a hundred guys */ @d maxf 300 /* and let's not find matrices of size more than $300\times300$ */ @c #include @@; @@; main() { register int j,jj,k,l; @; @; @; printf("There are %d standard tableaux of shape",f); for (j=1;j<=kk;j++) printf(" %d",a[j]); printf(".\n"); @; while (1) { @; printf("Representation of"); for (j=1;j<=n;j++) printf(" %d",p[j]); printf(":\n"); for (jj=0;jj; @; for (j=0;j= int a[maxn+2]; /* the shape */ int b[maxn+1]; /* its transpose */ int n; /* the number of elements permuted */ int kk; /* the number of rows */ int f; /* the number of standard tableaux */ int p[maxn+1]; /* the permutation to be represented */ int q[maxn+1]; /* the inverse of $p$ */ int t[maxn][maxn], tt[maxn][maxn]; /* working tableaux */ int aa[maxn+2]; /* row sizes of |tt| */ int stand[maxf][maxn]; /* standard tableaux */ int basis[maxf][maxf]; /* basis elements */ int rep[maxf]; /* a linear combination of standard tableaux */ @ @= for (j=0;;j++) { if (j>maxn) { fprintf(stderr,"Partition too long (maxn=%d)!\n",maxn); exit(-1); } if (scanf("%d",&a[j+1])!=1) { fprintf(stderr,"Partition should end with zero!\n"); exit(-2); } if (a[j+1]==0) break; if (a[j+1]<0) { fprintf(stderr,"Partition contains a negative element (%d)!\n",a[j+1]); exit(-3); } if (a[j+1]>maxn) { fprintf(stderr,"Partition element %d is too big (maxn=%d)!\n",a[j+1],maxn); exit(-4); } } kk=j; for (j=2,n=a[1];j<=kk;j++) n+=a[j]; if (n>maxn) { fprintf(stderr,"Shape is too big (n=%d, maxn=%d)!\n",n,maxn); exit(-5); } @ This is exercise @= for (k=a[1],j=1;k;j++) while (k>a[j+1]) b[k--]=j; @* Generating the standard tableaux. Here I use the Varol--Rotem algorithm to run through all the Young tableaux (Algorithm All algorithms in this program are pretty much ``brute force,'' with little attempt at optimization. @= @; v1:@+for (j=0;j<=n;j++) p[j]=q[j]=j, prec[0][j]=1; v2:@+@; k=n; v3:@+j=q[k], l=p[j-1]; if (prec[l][k]) goto v5; v4:@+p[j-1]=k, p[j]=l, q[k]=j-1, q[l]=j; goto v2; v5:@+while (j; @ @= for (j=jj=0;j0) prec[jj-1][jj]=1; if (j>0) prec[t[j-1][k]][jj]=1; } @ At this point we've found a standard tableau, whose entry in position |t[j][k]| is |q[t[j][k]]|. It is convenient to record a standard tableau as a permutation $w_1\ldots w_n$ of the multiset $\{a_1\cdot1,\ldots,a_k\cdot k\}$, where the $l$th element of this permutation specifies the row occupied by the number~$l$. Then a~trie is used to keep track of all such permutations we've found. @= if (f==maxf) { fprintf(stderr,"Too many standard tableaux exist (maxf=%d)!\n",maxf); exit(-6); } for (j=0;j= int prec[maxn+1][maxn+1]; /* |prec[j][k]| is nonzero if $j\prec k$ */ int w[maxn+1]; /* codeword for a standard tableau */ int trie[maxf*maxn][maxn+1]; /* trie memory, see Algorithm 6.3T */ int trienodes; /* this many trie nodes have been allocated so far */ @ The standard tableaux are now given code numbers from 0 to $f-1$. We walk through the trie in lexicographic order. (Yes, I could/should have done it recursively.) @= l=1,k=0,j=0; newlev: w[l]=1; tryit:@+if (trie[k][w[l]]) { if (l==n) { for (;l;l--) stand[j][l]=w[l]; l=n; trie[k][w[l]]=j++; goto levdone; } q[l]=k, k=trie[k][w[l]], l++; goto newlev; } tryagain:@+if (w[l]==kk) goto levdone; w[l]++; goto tryit; levdone: l--; if (l) { k=q[l]; goto tryagain; } if (j!=f) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I goofed!\n"); exit(-7); } @* Finding admissible column perms. Now comes the heart of this program, the routine for solving the problem mentioned in the introduction. Instead of producing a list of solutions, it sets $|rep|[j]=\pm1$ for each standard tableau~$j$ achievable by column-then-row permutation, using the sign of the column permutation. @= void findrep(void) /* the input tableau is in |t| */ { register int i,j,k,l,inv,sign; int row[maxn+1], col[maxn+1]; /* positions inside |t| */ @; for (j=0;j; @; } @ Insertion sort wins here, of course. @= inv=0; for (k=0;kt[i-1][k]) break; } t[i][k]=l; } } @ @
= for (j=0;j= for (j=1;j<=kk;j++) aa[j]=0; aa[0]=maxn+1; l=1; newlev: j=1; tryit:@+if (tt[j-1][col[l]]==0 && aa[j-1]>aa[j]) { w[l]=j, tt[j-1][col[l]]=l, aa[j]++; if (l==n) @; l++; goto newlev; } tryagain: if (++j<=b[col[l]+1]) goto tryit; levdone: l--; if (l) { j=w[l], tt[j-1][col[l]]=0, aa[j]--; goto tryagain; } @ @= { sign=inv; for (j=1;jtt[j][k]) sign++; for (k=0,j=1;j= for (k=0;k= for (j=1;j<=n;j++) if (scanf("%d",&p[j])!=1) break; if (j<=n) break; for (j=1;j<=n;j++) q[j]=0; for (j=1;j<=n;j++) if (p[j]<=0 || p[j]>n || q[p[j]]) { fprintf(stderr, "Not a permutation of {1,...,%d}:",n); for (j=1;j<=n;j++) fprintf(stderr," %d",p[j]); fprintf(stderr, "!\n"); exit(-8); }@+else q[p[j]]=j; @ @= for (j=1;j<=kk;j++) aa[j]=0; for (j=1;j<=n;j++) l=stand[jj][j], t[l-1][aa[l]]=p[j], aa[l]++; findrep(); @ @= for (j=0;j