\datethis @s cel int @s variable int @s literal int @s mod and \let\Xmod=\bmod % this is CWEB magic for using "mod" instead of "%" @*Intro. This program is part of a family of ``SAT-solvers'' that I'm putting together for my own education as I prepare to write Section of {\sl The Art of Computer Programming}. My intent is to have a variety of compatible programs on which I can run experiments to learn how different approaches work in practice. I'm hoping that this one, which has the lucky number {\mc SAT13}, will be the fastest of all, on a majority of the example satisfiability problems that I've been exploring. Why? Because it is based on the ``modern'' ideas of so-called {\it conflict driven clause learning\/} (CDCL) solvers. This approach, pioneered notably by Sakallah and Marques-Silva ({\mc GRASP}) and by Moskewicz, Madigan, Zhao, Zhang, Malik ({\mc CHAFF}), has reportedly revolutionized the field, making {\mc SAT}-solvers applicable to large-scale industrial problems. My model for {\mc SAT13} has been E\'en and S\"orensson's MiniSAT solver, together with Biere's PicoSAT solver, both of which were at one time representative of world-class CDCL implementations. The technology has continued to improve, and to become more complex than appropriate for my book to survey; therefore I have not added all the latest bells and whistles. But I think this program decently represents the main CDCL paradigms. If you have already read {\mc SAT10} (or some other program of this series), you might as well skip now past all the code for the ``I/O wrapper,'' because you have seen it before. The input on |stdin| is a series of lines with one clause per line. Each clause is a sequence of literals separated by spaces. Each literal is a sequence of one to eight ASCII characters between \.{!} and \.{\}}, inclusive, not beginning with \.{\~}, optionally preceded by \.{\~} (which makes the literal ``negative''). For example, Rivest's famous clauses on four variables, found in 6.5--(13) and 7.1.1--(32) of {\sl TAOCP}, can be represented by the following eight lines of input: $$\chardef~=`\~ \vcenter{\halign{\tt#\cr x2 x3 ~x4\cr x1 x3 x4\cr ~x1 x2 x4\cr ~x1 ~x2 x3\cr ~x2 ~x3 x4\cr ~x1 ~x3 ~x4\cr x1 ~x2 ~x4\cr x1 x2 ~x3\cr}}$$ Input lines that begin with \.{\~\ } are ignored (treated as comments). The output will be `\.{\~}' if the input clauses are unsatisfiable. Otherwise it will be a list of noncontradictory literals that cover each clause, separated by spaces. (``Noncontradictory'' means that we don't have both a literal and its negation.) The input above would, for example, yield `\.{\~}'; but if the final clause were omitted, the output would be `\.{\~x1} \.{\~x2} \.{x3}', in some order, possibly together with either \.{x4} or \.{\~x4} (but not both). No attempt is made to find all solutions; at most one solution is given. The running time in ``mems'' is also reported, together with the approximate number of bytes needed for data storage. One ``mem'' essentially means a memory access to a 64-bit word. (These totals don't include the time or space needed to parse the input or to format the output.) @ So here's the structure of the program. (Skip ahead if you are impatient to see the interesting stuff.) @d o mems++ /* count one mem */ @d oo mems+=2 /* count two mems */ @d ooo mems+=3 /* count three mems */ @d O "%" /* used for percent signs in format strings */ @d mod % /* used for percent signs denoting remainder in \CEE/ */ @# @d show_basics 1 /* |verbose| code for basic stats */ @d show_choices 2 /* |verbose| code for backtrack logging */ @d show_details 4 /* |verbose| code for further commentary */ @d show_gory_details 8 /* |verbose| code for more yet */ @d show_warmlearn 16 /* |verbose| code for info about clauses learned during warmups */ @d show_recycling 32 /* |verbose| code to mention when recycling occurs */ @d show_recycling_details 64 /* |verbose| code to display clauses that survive recycling */ @d show_restarts 128 /* |verbose| code to mention when restarts occur */ @d show_initial_clauses 256 /* |verbose| code to list the unsatisfied clauses */ @d show_watches 512 /* |verbose| code to show when a watch list changes */ @d show_experiments 4096 /* |verbose| code sometimes used in change files */ @c #include #include #include #include "gb_flip.h" typedef unsigned int uint; /* a convenient abbreviation */ typedef unsigned long long ullng; /* ditto */ @; @; @; @; main (int argc, char *argv[]) { register int h,hp,i,j,jj,k,kk,l,ll,lll,p,q,r,s; register int c,cc,endc,la,t,u,v,w,x,y; register double au,av; @; @; @; if (verbose&show_basics) @; @; imems=mems, mems=0; @; all_done:@+@; @; } @ On the command line one can specify any or all of the following options: \smallskip \item{$\bullet$} `\.v$\langle\,$integer$\,\rangle$' to enable various levels of verbose output on |stderr|. \item{$\bullet$} `\.c$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to limit the levels on which choices are shown by |show_choices|. \item{$\bullet$} `\.H$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to limit the literals whose histories are shown by |print_state|. \item{$\bullet$} `\.h$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to adjust the hash table size. \item{$\bullet$} `\.b$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to adjust the size of the input buffer. \item{$\bullet$} `\.s$\langle\,$integer$\,\rangle$' to define the seed for any random numbers that are used. \item{$\bullet$} `\.d$\langle\,$integer$\,\rangle$' to set |delta| for periodic state reports (default 10000000000). (See |print_state|.) \item{$\bullet$} `\.D$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to set |doomsday|, the number of conflicts after which this world comes to an end. \item{$\bullet$} `\.m$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to adjust the maximum memory size. (The binary logarithm is specified; it must be at most 31.) \item{$\bullet$} `\.t$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to adjust |trivial_limit| (default 10). A trivial clause is substituted for a learned clause when the size of the latter is at least |trivial_limit| more than the size of the former. \item{$\bullet$} `\.w$\langle\,$integer$\,\rangle$' to set |warmups|, the number of ``full runs'' done after a restart (default 0). \item{$\bullet$} `\.f$\langle\,$positive float$\,\rangle$' to adjust |restart_psi_fraction|, the minimum agility threshold between automatically scheduled restarts (default 0.05). \item{$\bullet$} `\.j$\langle\,$integer$\,\rangle$' to adjust |recycle_bump|, the number of conflicts before the first recycling pass (default 1000). \item{$\bullet$} `\.J$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to adjust |recycle_inc|, the increase in number of conflicts between recycling passes (default 500). \item{$\bullet$} `\.a$\langle\,$float$\,\rangle$' to adjust |alpha|, the weight given to unsatisfied levels when computing a clause's score during the recycling process (default 0.4). This parameter must be between 0 and 1. \item{$\bullet$} `\.r$\langle\,$positive float$\,\rangle$' to adjust |var_rho|, the damping factor for variable activity scores. \item{$\bullet$} `\.R$\langle\,$positive float$\,\rangle$' to adjust |clause_rho|, the damping factor for clause activity scores. \item{$\bullet$} `\.p$\langle\,$nonnegative float$\,\rangle$' to adjust |rand_prob|, the probability that a branch variable is chosen randomly. \item{$\bullet$} `\.P$\langle\,$nonnegative float$\,\rangle$' to adjust |true_prob|, the probability that a variable's default initial value is true. \item{$\bullet$} `\.x$\langle\,$filename$\,\rangle$' to output a solution-eliminating clause to the specified file. If the given problem is satisfiable in more than one way, a different solution can be obtained by appending that file to the input. (In principle, all solutions could be found by repeated use of this feature, together with a restart file.) \item{$\bullet$} `\.l$\langle\,$filename$\,\rangle$' to output all of the learned clauses of length $\le |learn_save|$ to the specified file. (This data can be used, for example, as a certificate of unsatisfiability.) \item{$\bullet$} `\.K$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to adjust the |learn_save| parameter (default 10000). \item{$\bullet$} `\.L$\langle\,$filename$\,\rangle$' to output some learned clauses to the specified file, for purposes of restarting after doomsday. (Those clauses can be combined with the original clauses and simplified by a preprocessor.) \item{$\bullet$} `\.z$\langle\,$filename$\,\rangle$' to input a ``polarity file,'' which is a list of literals that receive specified default values to be used until forced otherwise. (Literals in this file whose names do not appear within any of the input clauses are ignored.) \item{$\bullet$} `\.Z$\langle\,$filename$\,\rangle$' to output a ``polarity file'' that will be suitable for restarting after doomsday. \item{$\bullet$} `\.T$\langle\,$integer$\,\rangle$' to set |timeout|: This program will abruptly terminate, when it discovers that |mems>timeout|. @= for (j=argc-1,k=0;j;j--) switch (argv[j][0]) { @; default: k=1; /* unrecognized command-line option */ } @; @ @= int random_seed=0; /* seed for the random words of |gb_rand| */ int verbose=show_basics; /* level of verbosity */ uint show_choices_max=1000000; /* above this level, |show_choices| is ignored */ int hbits=8; /* logarithm of the number of the hash lists */ int print_state_cutoff=0; /* don't print more than this many hists */ int buf_size=1024; /* must exceed the length of the longest input line */ FILE *out_file; /* file for optional output of a solution-avoiding clause */ char *out_name; /* its name */ FILE *restart_file; /* file for learned clauses to be used in a restart */ char *restart_name; /* its name */ FILE *learned_file; /* file for output of every learned clause */ char *learned_name; /* its name */ int learn_save=10000; /* threshold for not outputting to |learned_file| */ ullng learned_out; /* this many learned clauses have been output */ FILE *polarity_infile; /* file for input of literal polarities */ char *polarity_in_name; /* its name */ FILE *polarity_outfile; /* file for output of literal polarities */ char *polarity_out_name; /* its name */ ullng imems,mems; /* mem counts */ ullng bytes; /* memory used by main data structures */ ullng nodes; /* the number of nodes entered */ ullng thresh=10000000000; /* report when |mems| exceeds this, if |delta!=0| */ ullng delta=10000000000; /* report every |delta| or so mems */ ullng timeout=0x1fffffffffffffff; /* give up after this many mems */ uint memk_max=memk_max_default; /* binary log of the maximum size of |mem| */ uint max_cells_used; /* how much of |mem| has ever held data? */ int trivial_limit=10; /* threshold for substituting trivial clauses */ float var_rho=0.9; /* damping factor for variable activity */ float clause_rho=0.9995; /* damping factor for clause activity */ float rand_prob=0.02; /* probability of choosing at random */ float true_prob=0.50; /* probability of starting true on first ascent */ uint rand_prob_thresh; /* $2^{31}$ times |rand_prob| */ uint true_prob_thresh; /* $2^{31}$ times |true_prob| */ float alpha=0.4; /* weighting for unsatisfiable levels in clause scores */ int warmups=0; /* the number of full runs done after restart */ ullng total_learned; /* we've learned this many clauses */ double cells_learned; /* and this is their total length */ double cells_prelearned; /* which was this before simplification */ ullng discards; /* we quickly discarded this many of those clauses */ ullng trivials; /* we learned this many intentionally trivial clauses */ ullng subsumptions; /* we subsumed this many clauses on-the-fly */ ullng doomsday=0x8000000000000000; /* force endgame when |total_learned| exceeds this */ ullng next_recycle; /* begin recycling when |total_learned| exceeds this */ ullng recycle_bump=1000; /* interval till the next recycling time */ ullng recycle_inc=500; /* amount to increase |recycle_bump| after each round */ ullng next_restart; /* begin to restart when |total_learned| exceeds this */ ullng restart_psi; /* minimum agility threshold for restarts */ float restart_psi_fraction=.05; /* fractional equivalent of |restart_psi| */ ullng actual_restarts; @ @= case 'v': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&verbose)-1);@+break; case 'c': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&show_choices_max)-1);@+break; case 'H': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&print_state_cutoff)-1);@+break; case 'h': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&hbits)-1);@+break; case 'b': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&buf_size)-1);@+break; case 's': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&random_seed)-1);@+break; case 'd': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"lld",&delta)-1);@+thresh=delta;@+break; case 'D': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"lld",&doomsday)-1);@+break; case 'm': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&memk_max)-1);@+break; case 't': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&trivial_limit)-1);@+break; case 'w': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&warmups)-1);@+break; case 'j': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"lld",&recycle_bump)-1);@+break; case 'J': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"lld",&recycle_inc)-1);@+break; case 'K': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&learn_save)-1);@+break; case 'f': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"f",&restart_psi_fraction)-1);@+break; case 'a': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"f",&alpha)-1);@+break; case 'r': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"f",&var_rho)-1);@+break; case 'R': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"f",&clause_rho)-1);@+break; case 'p': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"f",&rand_prob)-1);@+break; case 'P': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"f",&true_prob)-1);@+break; case 'x': out_name=argv[j]+1, out_file=fopen(out_name,"w"); if (!out_file) fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, I can't open file `"O"s' for writing!\n",out_name); break; case 'l': learned_name=argv[j]+1, learned_file=fopen(learned_name,"w"); if (!learned_file) fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, I can't open file `"O"s' for writing!\n", learned_name); break; case 'L': restart_name=argv[j]+1, restart_file=fopen(restart_name,"w"); if (!restart_file) fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, I can't open file `"O"s' for writing!\n", restart_name); break; case 'z': polarity_in_name=argv[j]+1, polarity_infile=fopen(polarity_in_name,"r"); if (!polarity_infile) fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, I can't open file `"O"s' for reading!\n", polarity_in_name); break; case 'Z': polarity_out_name=argv[j]+1, polarity_outfile=fopen(polarity_out_name,"w"); if (!polarity_outfile) fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, I can't open file `"O"s' for writing!\n", polarity_out_name); break; case 'T': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"lld",&timeout)-1);@+break; @ @= if (k || hbits<0 || hbits>30 || buf_size<=0 || memk_max<2 || memk_max>31 || trivial_limit<=0 || (int)recycle_inc<0 || alpha<0.0 || alpha>1.0 || rand_prob<0.0 || true_prob<0.0 || var_rho<=0.0 || clause_rho<=0.0) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: "O"s [v] [c] [H] [h] [b] [s] [d]",argv[0]); fprintf(stderr," [D] [m] [t] [w] [j] [J] [K]"); fprintf(stderr," [f] [a] [r] [R] [p] [P]"); fprintf(stderr," [x] [l] [L] [z] [Z] [T] < foo.sat\n"); exit(-1); } @ @= if (verbose&show_basics) { fprintf(stderr, "Altogether "O"llu+"O"llu mems, "O"llu bytes, "O"llu node"O"s,", imems,mems,bytes,nodes,nodes==1?"":"s"); fprintf(stderr," "O"llu clauses learned",total_learned); if (total_learned) fprintf(stderr," (ave "O".1f->"O".1f)", cells_prelearned/(double)total_learned, cells_learned/(double)total_learned); fprintf(stderr,", "O"u memcells.\n",max_cells_used); if (learned_file) fprintf(stderr,""O"lld learned clauses written to file `"O"s'.\n", learned_out,learned_name); if (trivials) fprintf(stderr,"("O"lld learned clause"O"s trivial.)\n", trivials,trivials==1?" was":"s were"); if (discards) fprintf(stderr,"("O"lld learned clause"O"s discarded.)\n", discards,discards==1?" was":"s were"); if (subsumptions) fprintf(stderr,"("O"lld clause"O"s subsumed on-the-fly.)\n", subsumptions,subsumptions==1?" was":"s were"); fprintf(stderr,"("O"lld restart"O"s.)\n", actual_restarts,actual_restarts==1?"":"s"); } @ @= if (out_file) fclose(out_file); if (learned_file) fclose(learned_file); if (restart_file) fclose(restart_file); if (polarity_infile) fclose(polarity_infile); if (polarity_outfile) fclose(polarity_outfile); @*The I/O wrapper. The following routines read the input and absorb it into temporary data areas from which all of the ``real'' data structures can readily be initialized. My intent is to incorporate these routines into all of the SAT-solvers in this series. Therefore I've tried to make the code short and simple, yet versatile enough so that almost no restrictions are placed on the sizes of problems that can be handled. These routines are supposed to work properly unless there are more than $2^{32}-1=4$,294,967,295 occurrences of literals in clauses, or more than $2^{31}-1=2$,147,483,647 variables or clauses. In these temporary tables, each variable is represented by four things: its unique name; its serial number; the clause number (if any) in which it has most recently appeared; and a pointer to the previous variable (if any) with the same hash address. Several variables at a time are represented sequentially in small chunks of memory called ``vchunks,'' which are allocated as needed (and freed later). @d vars_per_vchunk 341 /* preferably $(2^k-1)/3$ for some $k$ */ @= typedef union { char ch8[8]; uint u2[2]; ullng lng; } octa; typedef struct tmp_var_struct { octa name; /* the name (one to eight ASCII characters) */ uint serial; /* 0 for the first variable, 1 for the second, etc. */ int stamp; /* |m| if positively in clause |m|; |-m| if negatively there */ struct tmp_var_struct *next; /* pointer for hash list */ } tmp_var; @# typedef struct vchunk_struct { struct vchunk_struct *prev; /* previous chunk allocated (if any) */ tmp_var var[vars_per_vchunk]; } vchunk; @ Each clause in the temporary tables is represented by a sequence of one or more pointers to the |tmp_var| nodes of the literals involved. A negated literal is indicated by adding~1 to such a pointer. The first literal of a clause is indicated by adding~2. Several of these pointers are represented sequentially in chunks of memory, which are allocated as needed and freed later. @d cells_per_chunk 511 /* preferably $2^k-1$ for some $k$ */ @= typedef struct chunk_struct { struct chunk_struct *prev; /* previous chunk allocated (if any) */ tmp_var *cell[cells_per_chunk]; } chunk; @ @= char *buf; /* buffer for reading the lines (clauses) of |stdin| */ tmp_var **hash; /* heads of the hash lists */ uint hash_bits[93][8]; /* random bits for universal hash function */ vchunk *cur_vchunk; /* the vchunk currently being filled */ tmp_var *cur_tmp_var; /* current place to create new |tmp_var| entries */ tmp_var *bad_tmp_var; /* the |cur_tmp_var| when we need a new |vchunk| */ chunk *cur_chunk; /* the chunk currently being filled */ tmp_var **cur_cell; /* current place to create new elements of a clause */ tmp_var **bad_cell; /* the |cur_cell| when we need a new |chunk| */ ullng vars; /* how many distinct variables have we seen? */ ullng clauses; /* how many clauses have we seen? */ ullng nullclauses; /* how many of them were null? */ int unaries; /* how many were unary? */ int binaries; /* how many were binary? */ ullng cells; /* how many occurrences of literals in clauses? */ @ @= gb_init_rand(random_seed); buf=(char*)malloc(buf_size*sizeof(char)); if (!buf) { fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't allocate the input buffer (buf_size="O"d)!\n", buf_size); exit(-2); } hash=(tmp_var**)malloc(sizeof(tmp_var)<= while (1) { if (!fgets(buf,buf_size,stdin)) break; clauses++; if (buf[strlen(buf)-1]!='\n') { fprintf(stderr, "The clause on line "O"lld ("O".20s...) is too long for me;\n",clauses,buf); fprintf(stderr," my buf_size is only "O"d!\n",buf_size); fprintf(stderr,"Please use the command-line option b.\n"); exit(-4); } @; } if ((vars>>hbits)>=10) { fprintf(stderr,"There are "O"lld variables but only "O"d hash tables;\n", vars,1<>h)>=10;h++) ; fprintf(stderr," maybe you should use command-line option h"O"d?\n",h); } clauses-=nullclauses; if (clauses==0) { fprintf(stderr,"No clauses were input!\n"); exit(-77); } if (vars>=0x80000000) { fprintf(stderr,"Whoa, the input had "O"llu variables!\n",vars); exit(-664); } if (clauses>=0x80000000) { fprintf(stderr,"Whoa, the input had "O"llu clauses!\n",clauses); exit(-665); } if (cells>=0x100000000) { fprintf(stderr,"Whoa, the input had "O"llu occurrences of literals!\n",cells); exit(-666); } @ @= for (j=k=0;;) { while (buf[j]==' ') j++; /* scan to nonblank */ if (buf[j]=='\n') break; if (buf[j]<' ' || buf[j]>'~') { fprintf(stderr,"Illegal character (code #"O"x) in the clause on line "O"lld!\n", buf[j],clauses); exit(-5); } if (buf[j]=='~') i=1,j++; else i=0; @; } if (k==0) { fprintf(stderr,"(Empty line "O"lld is being ignored)\n",clauses); nullclauses++; /* strictly speaking it would be unsatisfiable */ } goto clause_done; empty_clause: @; clause_done: cells+=k; if (k==1) unaries++; else if (k==2) binaries++; @ We need a hack to insert the bit codes 1 and/or 2 into a pointer value. @d hack_in(q,t) (tmp_var*)(t|(ullng)q) @= { register tmp_var *p; if (cur_tmp_var==bad_tmp_var) @; @name| and compute its hash code |h|@>; @name| in the hash table at |p|@>; if (p->stamp==clauses || p->stamp==-clauses) @@; else { p->stamp=(i? -clauses: clauses); if (cur_cell==bad_cell) @; *cur_cell=p; if (i==1) *cur_cell=hack_in(*cur_cell,1); if (k==0) *cur_cell=hack_in(*cur_cell,2); cur_cell++,k++; } } @ @= { register vchunk *new_vchunk; new_vchunk=(vchunk*)malloc(sizeof(vchunk)); if (!new_vchunk) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't allocate a new vchunk!\n"); exit(-6); } new_vchunk->prev=cur_vchunk, cur_vchunk=new_vchunk; cur_tmp_var=&new_vchunk->var[0]; bad_tmp_var=&new_vchunk->var[vars_per_vchunk]; } @ @= { register chunk *new_chunk; new_chunk=(chunk*)malloc(sizeof(chunk)); if (!new_chunk) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't allocate a new chunk!\n"); exit(-7); } new_chunk->prev=cur_chunk, cur_chunk=new_chunk; cur_cell=&new_chunk->cell[0]; bad_cell=&new_chunk->cell[cells_per_chunk]; } @ The hash code is computed via ``universal hashing,'' using the following precomputed tables of random bits. @= for (j=92;j;j--) for (k=0;k<8;k++) hash_bits[j][k]=gb_next_rand(); @ @name|...@>= cur_tmp_var->name.lng=0; for (h=l=0;buf[j+l]>' '&&buf[j+l]<='~';l++) { if (l>7) { fprintf(stderr, "Variable name "O".9s... in the clause on line "O"lld is too long!\n", buf+j,clauses); exit(-8); } h^=hash_bits[buf[j+l]-'!'][l]; cur_tmp_var->name.ch8[l]=buf[j+l]; } if (l==0) goto empty_clause; /* `\.\~' by itself is like `true' */ j+=l; h&=(1<name| in the hash table...@>= for (p=hash[h];p;p=p->next) if (p->name.lng==cur_tmp_var->name.lng) break; if (!p) { /* new variable found */ p=cur_tmp_var++; p->next=hash[h], hash[h]=p; p->serial=vars++; p->stamp=0; } @ The most interesting aspect of the input phase is probably the ``unwinding'' that we might need to do when encountering a literal more than once in the same clause. @= { if ((p->stamp>0)==(i>0)) goto empty_clause; } @ An input line that begins with `\.{\~\ }' is silently treated as a comment. Otherwise redundant clauses are logged, in case they were unintentional. (One can, however, intentionally use redundant clauses to force the order of the variables.) @= while (k) { @; k--; } if ((buf[0]!='~')||(buf[1]!=' ')) fprintf(stderr,"(The clause on line "O"lld is always satisfied)\n",clauses); nullclauses++; @ @= if (cur_cell>&cur_chunk->cell[0]) cur_cell--; else { register chunk *old_chunk=cur_chunk; cur_chunk=old_chunk->prev;@+free(old_chunk); bad_cell=&cur_chunk->cell[cells_per_chunk]; cur_cell=bad_cell-1; } @ @= if (cur_tmp_var>&cur_vchunk->var[0]) cur_tmp_var--; else { register vchunk *old_vchunk=cur_vchunk; cur_vchunk=old_vchunk->prev;@+free(old_vchunk); bad_tmp_var=&cur_vchunk->var[vars_per_vchunk]; cur_tmp_var=bad_tmp_var-1; } @ @= fprintf(stderr, "("O"lld variables, "O"lld clauses, "O"llu literals successfully read)\n", vars,clauses,cells); @*SAT solving, version 13. The methods used in this program have much in common with what we've seen before in {\mc SAT0}, {\mc SAT1}, etc.; yet conflict-driven clause learning is also rather different. So we might as well derive everything from first principles. As usual, our goal is to find strictly distinct literals that satisfy all of the given clauses, or to prove that those clauses can't all be satisfied. Thus our subgoal, after having created a ``trail'' $l_0l_1\ldots l_t$ of literals that don't falsify any clause, will be to extend that sequence until finding a solution, and to do this without failing unless no solution exists. If there's a clause $c$ of the form $l\lor\bar a_1\lor\cdots\lor\bar a_k$, where $a_1$ through~$a_k$ are in the trail but $l$ isn't, we append~$l$ to the trail and say that $c$ is its ``reason.'' This operation, often called unit propagation, is basic to our program; we shall simply call it {\it forcing}. (We're forced to make $l$ true, if $a_1$ through $a_k$ are true, because $c$ must be satisfied.) A {\it conflict\/} occurs if the complementary literal $\bar l$ is already in the trail, because $l$ can't be both true and false; but let's assume for now that no conflicts arise. If no such forcing clause exists, and if the clauses aren't all satisfied, we choose a new distinct literal in some heuristic way, and append it to the trail with a ``reason'' of~0. Such literals are called {\it decisions}. They partition the trail into a sequence of decision levels, with literal $l_j$ belonging to level~$d$ if and only if $i_d\le j< i_{d+1}$. In general $0\le i_10$ depends directly on some {\it other\/} literal on that same level; hence $l$ must necessarily depend on the $d\,$th decision. The reason for reasons is that we need to deal with conflicts. We will see that every conflict allows us to construct a new clause~$c$ that must be true whenever the existing clauses are satisfiable, although $c$ itself does not contain any existing clause. Therefore we can ``learn''~$c$ by adding it to the existing clauses, and we can try again. This learning process can't go on forever, because only finitely many clauses are possible. Sooner or later we will therefore either find a solution or learn the empty clause. A conflict clause $c_d$ on decision level~$d$ has the form $\bar l\lor\bar a_1\lor\cdots\lor\bar a_k$, where $l$ and all the $a$'s belong to the trail; furthermore $l$ and at least one $a_i$ belong to level~$d$. We can assume that $l$ is rightmost in the trail, of all the literals in $c_d$. Hence $l$ cannot be the $d\,$th decision; and it has a reason, say $l\lor\bar a'_1\lor\cdots\lor\bar a'_{k'}$. Resolving $c_d$ with this reason gives the clause $c=\bar a_1\lor\cdots\lor\bar a_k\lor\bar a'_1\lor\cdots\lor\bar a'_{k'}$, which includes at least one literal~$\bar l'$ for which $l'$ is on level~$d$. If more than one such literal is present, we can resolve $c$ with the reason of a rightmost~$l'$; the result will involve negations of literals that are still further to the left. By repeating this process we'll eventually obtain $c$ of the form $\bar l'\lor\bar b_1\lor\cdots\lor\bar b_r$, where $l'$ is on level~$d$ and where $b_1$ through~$b_r$ are on lower levels. Such a $c$ is learnable, as desired, because it can't contain any existing clause. (Every subclause of~$c$, including $c$ itself, would have given us something to force at a lower level.) We can now discard levels $>d'$ of the trail, where $d'$ is the maximum level of $b_1$ through $b_r$; and we append $\bar l'$ to the end of level~$d'$, with $c$ as its reason. The forcing process now resumes at level~$d'$, as if the learned clause had been present all along. Okay, that's the basic idea of conflict-driven clause learning. Many other issues will come up as we refine it, of course. For example, we'll see that the clause $c$ can often be simplified by removing one or more of its literals~$\bar b_i$. And we'll want to ``unlearn'' clauses that outlive their usefulness. @ What data structures support this procedure? We obviously need to represent the trail, as well as the levels, the values, and the reasons for each of its literals. A principal concern is to make forcing as fast as possible. Many applications involve numerous binary clauses (that is, clauses of length~2); and binary clauses make forcing quite easy. So we should have a special mechanism to derive binary implications quickly. Long clauses are also important. (Even if they aren't common in the input, the clauses that we learn may well turn out to involve dozens of literals.) ``Watch lists'' provide a good way to recognize when such clauses become ready for forcing: We choose two literals in each long clause, neither of which is false, and we pay no attention to that clause until one of its watched literals becomes false. In the latter case, we'll be able to watch it with another literal, unless the clause has become true or it's ready to force something. (We've used a similar idea, but with only one watched literal per clause, in {\mc SAT0W} and {\mc SAT10}.) We'll want a good heuristic for choosing the decision literals. This program adopts the strategy of E\'en and S\"orensson's MiniSAT, which associates a floating-point {\it activity\/} score with each variable, and uses a heap to choose the most active variable. Learned clauses also have a measure of clause quality devised by Gilles Audemard and Laurent Simon. The original clauses are static and stay in place, but we must periodically decide which of the learned clauses to keep. @= cel *mem; /* master array of clause data */ uint memsize; /* the number of cells allocated for it */ uint min_learned; /* boundary between original and learned clauses */ uint first_learned; /* address of the first learned clause */ uint max_learned; /* the first unused position of |mem| */ int max_lit; /* value of the largest legal literal */ uint *bmem; /* binary clause data */ literal *lmem; /* attributes of literals */ variable *vmem; /* attributes of variables */ uint *heap; /* priority queue for sorting variables by their activity */ int hn; /* number of items currently in the heap */ uint *trail; /* literals currently assumed, or forced by those assumptions */ int eptr; /* just past the end of the trail */ int ebptr; /* just past where binary propagations haven't been done yet */ int lptr; /* just past where we've checked nonbinary propagations */ int lbptr; /* just past where we've checked binary propagations */ char *history; /* type of assertion, for diagnostic printouts */ int llevel; /* twice the current level */ int *leveldat; /* where levels begin; also conflict data on full runs */ @ Binary clauses $u\lor v$ are represented by putting $v$ into a list associated with $\bar u$ and $u$ into a list associated with $\bar v$. These ``binary implication'' lists are created once and for all at the beginning of the run, as explained below. Longer clauses (and binary clauses that are learned later) are represented in a big array |mem| of 32-bit integers. (Entries of |mem| are often called ``cells'' in this documentation.) The literals of clause~|c| are |mem[c].lit|, |mem[c+1].lit|, |mem[c+2].lit|, etc.; the first two of these are ``watching''~$c$. The number of literals, |size(c)|, is |mem[c-1].lit|; and we keep links to other clauses being watched by the same literals in |link0(c)=mem[c-2].lit| and |link1(c)=mem[c-3].lit|. (Incidentally, this linked structure for watch lists was originally introduced in PicoSAT by Armin Biere [{\sl Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation\/ \bf4} (2008), 75--97]. Nowadays the fastest solvers use a more complicated mechanism called ``blocking literals,'' due to Niklas S\"orensson, which is faster because it is more cache friendly. However, I'm sticking to linked lists, because (1)~they don't need dynamic storage allocation of sequential arrays; (2)~they use fewer memory accesses; and (3)~on modern multithreaded machines they can be implemented so as to avoid the cache misses, by starting up threads whose sole purpose is to preload the link-containing cells into the cache. I~expect that software to facilitate such transformations will be widely available before long.) Sometimes we learn that a clause can be strengthened by removing one of its literals. In such cases we add |sign_bit| to the surplus literal, swap it to the end of the clause, and decrease the |size| field. Except for such deleted literals, the sign bit of every cell in |mem| should be zero. (The earliest cell of a learned clause~|c| is the nonnegative floating-point value |activ(c)|. The final clause should be followed by a zero cell, so that garbage at the end isn't confused with a deleted literal.) If |c| is the current reason for literal |l|, its first literal |mem[c].lit| is always equal to |l|. This condition makes it easy to tell if a given clause plays an important role in the current trail. A learned clause is identifiable by the condition |c>=min_learned|. Such clauses have additional information, |range(c)=mem[c-4].lit| and |activ(c)=mem[c-5].flt|, which will help us decide whether or not to keep them after memory has begun to fill up. @d size(c) mem[(c)-1].lit @d link0(c) mem[(c)-2].lit @d link1(c) mem[(c)-3].lit @d clause_extra 3 /* every clause has a 3-cell preamble */ @d sign_bit 0x80000000 @d range(c) mem[(c)-4].lit @d activ(c) mem[(c)-5].flt @d activ_as_lit(c) ((ullng)mem[(c)-5].lit<<32) @d learned_supplement 2 /* learned clauses have this many more cells in their preamble */ @d learned_extra (clause_extra+learned_supplement) /* preamble length */ @= typedef union { uint lit; float flt; } cel; @ The variables are numbered from 1 to |n|. The literals corresponding to variable~|k| are |k+k| and |k+k+1|, standing respectively for $v$ and $\bar v$ if the $k$th variable is~$v$. Several different kinds of data are maintained for each variable: its eight-character |name|; its |activity| score (used to indicate relative desirability for being chosen to make the next decision); its current |value|, which also encodes the level at which the value was set; its current location, |tloc|, in the trail; and its current location, |hloc|, in the heap (which is used to find a maximum activity score). There's also |oldval| and |stamp|, which will be explained later. @d bar(l) ((l)^1) @d thevar(l) ((l)>>1) @d litname(l) (l)&1?"~":"",vmem[thevar(l)].name.ch8 /* used in printouts */ @d poslit(v) ((v)<<1) @d neglit(v) (((v)<<1)+1) @d unset 0xffffffff /* value when the variable hasn't been assigned */ @d isknown(l) (vmem[thevar(l)].value!=unset) @d iscontrary(l) ((vmem[thevar(l)].value^(l))&1) @= typedef struct { octa name; double activity; uint value; int tloc; int hloc; /* is |-1| if the variable isn't in the heap */ uint oldval; uint stamp; uint filler; /* not used, but gives octabyte alignment */ } variable; @ Special data for each literal goes into |lmem|, containing the literal's |reason| for being true, the first clause (if any) that it watches, and the boundaries of its binary implications in |bmem|. @= typedef struct { int reason; /* is negative for binary reasons, otherwise clause number */ uint watch; /* head of the list of clauses watched by this literal */ uint bimp_start; /* where binary implications begin in |bmem| */ uint bimp_end; /* just after where they end (or zero if there aren't any) */ } literal; @ Here is a subroutine that prints the binary implicant data for a given literal. (Used only when debugging.) @= void print_bimp(int l) { register uint la; printf(""O"s"O".8s("O"d) ->",litname(l),l); if (lmem[l].bimp_end) { for (la=lmem[l].bimp_start;la= void print_watches_for(int l) { register uint c; printf(""O"s"O".8s("O"d) watched in",litname(l),l); for (c=lmem[l].watch;c;) { printf(" "O"u",c); if (mem[c].lit==l) c=link0(c); else c=link1(c); } printf("\n"); } @ And we also sometimes need to see the literals of a given clause. @= void print_clause(uint c) { register int k,l; printf(""O"u:",c); if (c=max_learned) { printf(" clause "O"d doesn't exist!\n",c); return; } for (k=0;kmax_lit) { printf(" BAD!\n"); return; } printf(" "O"s"O".8s("O"u)",litname(l),l); } while (mem[c+k].lit&sign_bit) { l=mem[c+k].lit^sign_bit; if (l<2 || l>max_lit) { printf(" !BAD!\n"); return; } printf(" !"O"s"O".8s("O"u)",litname(l),l); k++; } printf("\n"); } @ Speaking of debugging, here's a routine to check if the redundant parts of our data structure have gone awry. @d sanity_checking 0 /* set this to 1 if you suspect a bug */ @= void sanity(int eptr) { register uint k,l,c,endc,u,v,clauses,watches,vals,llevel; @; @; @; @; @; } @ @= for (clauses=k=0,c=clause_extra;c=max_learned) { fprintf(stderr,"bad link0("O"u)!\n",c); return; } if (link1(c)>=max_learned) { fprintf(stderr,"bad link1("O"u)!\n",c); return; } if (size(c)<2) fprintf(stderr,"size("O"u)="O"d!\n",c,size(c)); for (k=0;kmax_lit) fprintf(stderr,"bad lit "O"d of "O"d!\n",k,c); while (mem[c+k].lit&sign_bit) { if (mem[c+k].lit<2+sign_bit || mem[c+k].lit>max_lit+sign_bit) fprintf(stderr,"bad deleted lit "O"d of "O"d!\n",k,c); k++,endc++; } } if (c!=min_learned) fprintf(stderr,"bad last unlearned clause ("O"d)!\n",k); else { for (k=0,c=first_learned;c=max_learned) { fprintf(stderr,"bad link0("O"u)!\n",c); return; } if (link1(c)>=max_learned) { fprintf(stderr,"bad link1("O"u)!\n",c); return; } if (size(c)<2) fprintf(stderr,"size("O"u)="O"d!\n",c,size(c)); for (k=0;kmax_lit) fprintf(stderr,"bad lit "O"d of "O"d!\n",k,c); while (mem[c+k].lit&sign_bit) { if (mem[c+k].lit<2+sign_bit || mem[c+k].lit>max_lit+sign_bit) fprintf(stderr,"bad deleted lit "O"d of "O"d!\n",k,c); k++,endc++; } } if (c!=max_learned) fprintf(stderr,"bad last learned clause ("O"d)!\n",k); if (mem[c-learned_extra].lit) fprintf(stderr,"missing zero at end of mem!\n"); } @ In really bad cases this routine will get into a loop. I try to avoid segmentation faults, but not loops. @= for (watches=0,l=2;l<=max_lit;l++) { for (c=lmem[l].watch;c;) { watches++; if (c=max_learned) { fprintf(stderr,"clause "O"u in watch list "O"u out of range!\n",c,l); return; } if (mem[c].lit==l) c=link0(c); else if (mem[c+1].lit==l) c=link1(c); else { fprintf(stderr,"clause "O"u improperly on watch list "O"u!\n",c,l); return; } } } if (watches!=clauses+clauses) fprintf(stderr,""O"u clauses but "O"u watches!\n",clauses,watches); @ @= for (k=llevel=0;kmax_lit) { fprintf(stderr,"bad lit "O"u in trail["O"u]!\n",l,k); return; } if (vmem[thevar(l)].tloc!=k) fprintf(stderr,""O"s"O".8s has bad tloc ("O"d not "O"d)!\n", litname(l),vmem[thevar(l)].tloc,k); if (k==leveldat[llevel+2]) { llevel+=2; if (lmem[l].reason) fprintf(stderr,""O"s"O".8s("O"u), level "O"u, shouldn't have reason!\n", litname(l),l,llevel>>1); }@+else { if (llevel && !lmem[l].reason) fprintf(stderr,""O"s"O".8s("O"u), level "O"u, should have reason!\n", litname(l),l,llevel>>1); } if (lmem[bar(l)].reason) fprintf(stderr,""O"s"O".8s("O"u), level "O"u, comp has reason!\n", litname(l),l,llevel>>1); if (vmem[thevar(l)].value!=llevel+(l&1)) fprintf(stderr,""O"s"O".8s("O"u), level "O"u, has bad value!\n", litname(l),l,llevel>>1); if (llevel) { if (lmem[l].reason<=0) { if (lmem[l].reason==-1 || lmem[l].reason<-max_lit) fprintf(stderr, ""O"s"O".8s("O"u), level "O"u, has wrong binary reason ("O"u)!\n", litname(l),l,llevel>>1,c); }@+else { c=lmem[l].reason; if (mem[c].lit!=l) fprintf(stderr,""O"s"O".8s("O"u), level "O"u, has wrong reason ("O"u)!\n", litname(l),l,llevel>>1,c); u=bar(mem[c+1].lit); if (vmem[thevar(u)].value!=llevel+(u&1)) fprintf(stderr,""O"s"O".8s("O"u), level "O"u, has bad reason ("O"u)!\n", litname(l),l,llevel>>1,c); } } } @ @= for (vals=0,v=1;v<=vars;v++) { if (vmem[v].value>llevel+1) { if (vmem[v].value!=unset) fprintf(stderr,"strange val "O".8s (level "O"u)!\n", vmem[v].name.ch8,vmem[v].value>>1); else if (vmem[v].hloc<0) fprintf(stderr,""O".8s should be in the heap!\n",vmem[v].name.ch8); }@+else vals++; } if (vals!=eptr) fprintf(stderr,"I found "O"u values, but eptr="O"u!\n",vals,eptr); @ The |print_stats| subroutine presents a digest of the current goings-on. First it shows the number of literals learned at level~zero~(\.z). Then it shows recent smoothed-average values of decision depth~(\.d), trail length~(\.t), mems per conflict~(\.m), propagations per conflict~(\.p), resolutions per conflict~(\.r), literals per learned clause~(\.L and \.l, where the latter is restricted to nontrivial clauses), glucose per learned clause (\.g), and clauses of length six~or~less per learned clause (\.s), together with the recent agility~(\.a). For my own edification I also estimate mems per propagation~(\.{m/p}). @d two_to_the_32 4294967296.0 @= void print_stats(void) { register double mpc=mems_per_confl, ppc=props_per_confl; fprintf(stderr,"z="O"d d="O".1f t="O".1f m="O".1f p="O".1f m/p="O".1f", leveldat[2], (double)depth_per_decision/two_to_the_32, (double)trail_per_decision/two_to_the_32, mpc/two_to_the_32,ppc/two_to_the_32,mpc/ppc); fprintf(stderr," r="O".1f L="O".1f l="O".1f g="O".1f s="O".2f a="O".2f\n", (double)res_per_confl/two_to_the_32, (double)lits_per_confl/two_to_the_32, (double)lits_per_nontriv/two_to_the_32, (double)glucose_per_confl/two_to_the_32, (double)short_per_confl/two_to_the_32, (double)agility/two_to_the_32); } @ We represent the statistics $\sigma=(x_0+x_1\zeta+x_2\zeta^2+\cdots{})/ (1+\zeta+\zeta^2+\cdots{})$, for various integer quantities~$x$, as 64-bit unsigned integers with 32 bits of fraction. Here $x_k$ denotes the value of~$x$ at the $k$-from-last conflict, and $\zeta$ is the damping factor $1-2^{-7}$. Thus, to update $\sigma$ with a new value of $x$ at conflict time, we replace it by $\zeta\sigma+2^{32}x/(1+\zeta+\zeta^2+\cdots{})= \sigma-\sigma/2^7+2^{25}x$. @= mems_per_confl+=-(mems_per_confl>>7)+((mems-mems_at_prev_confl)<<25); mems_at_prev_confl=mems; props_per_confl+=-(props_per_confl>>7)+((ullng)props<<25); props=0; res_per_confl+=-(res_per_confl>>7)+((ullng)resols<<25); lits_per_confl+=-(lits_per_confl>>7)+((ullng)learned_size<<25); if (!trivial_learning) lits_per_nontriv+=-(lits_per_nontriv>>7)+((ullng)learned_size<<25); short_per_confl+=-(short_per_confl>>7)+(learned_size>6?0:1<<25); glucose_per_confl+=-(glucose_per_confl>>7)+((ullng)clevels<<25); @ @= ullng depth_per_decision; /* smoothed average of |llevel>>1| at decision time */ ullng trail_per_decision; /* smoothed average of |eptr| at decision time */ ullng mems_per_confl, lits_per_confl, lits_per_nontriv; /* smoothed averages */ ullng res_per_confl, glucose_per_confl; /* more smoothies */ ullng props_per_confl=two_to_the_32; /* this one ought to be nonzero */ uint short_per_confl; /* smoothed probability of learned clause being short */ uint agility; /* smoothed probability of forced flips in value */ ullng mems_at_prev_confl; /* mems at the previous update */ uint props; /* propagations since the previous update */ @ In long runs it's helpful to know how far we've gotten. A numeric code summarizes the histories of literals that appear in the current trail: 0 or 1 means that we're trying to set a variable true or false, as a decision at the beginning of a level; 2 or 3 is similar, but after we've learned that the decision was wrong (hence we've learned a clause that has forced the opposite decision); 4 or 5 is similar, but when the value was forced by the decision at the previous decision node; 6 or 7 is similar, but after we learned that a previous decision forces this one. (In the latter case, the learned clause forced a variable that was not the decision variable at its level.) This code is also used for unit clauses in the input. A special |history| array is used to provide these base codes (0, 2, 4, or 6). No mems are assessed for maintaining |history|, because it isn't used in any decisions taken by the algorithm; it's purely for diagnostic purposes. The variable |trail_marker| marks a place in the trail that I'm trying to study. This subroutine inserts a vertical line at that point, so that I can watch where it goes. (Maybe other users might even find it informative some day, who knows?) Note: These codes are analogous to similar codes in {\mc SAT0}, {\mc SAT0W}, {\mc SAT10}, and {\mc SAT11}. But they don't really give an easy-to-read picture of progress, as they did in the others, because they don't increase lexicographically in the presence of restarts. Therefore they are displayed only if the user has set |print_state_cutoff| to a positive value, using the command-line parameter~\.H. @= void print_state(int eptr) { register uint j,k; fprintf(stderr," after "O"lld mems:",mems); if (print_state_cutoff) { for (k=0;k=print_state_cutoff) { fprintf(stderr,"...");@+break; } } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } fprintf(stderr," "); print_stats(); fflush(stderr); } @ We might also like to see the complete trail, including names and reasons. @= void print_trail(int eptr) { register int k,l; for (k=0;k=vars || l<2 || l>max_lit) return; fprintf(stderr,""O"d: "O"d "O"d "O"s"O".8s("O"d)", k,history[k]+(l&1),vmem[thevar(l)].value>>1,litname(l),l); if (lmem[l].reason>0) { if ((vmem[thevar(l)].value>>1) || lmem[l].reason= void print_unsat(void) { register int c,endc,k,l; for (c=clause_extra;c=c;k--) { l=mem[k].lit; if (isknown(l) && !iscontrary(l)) break; } if (k= @; if (polarity_infile) @@; else @; @; @; @; @; @; @ @= vmem=(variable*)malloc((vars+1)*sizeof(variable)); if (!vmem) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the vmem array!\n"); exit(-12); } bytes+=(vars+1)*sizeof(variable); for (k=1;k<=vars;k++) o,vmem[k].value=unset,vmem[k].tloc=-1; heap=(uint*)malloc(vars*sizeof(uint)); if (!heap) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the heap array!\n"); exit(-11); } bytes+=vars*sizeof(uint); @ @= free(buf);@+free(hash); /* a tiny gesture to make a little room */ @
; mem=(cel*)malloc(memsize*sizeof(cel)); if (!mem) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the big mem array!\n"); exit(-10); } bytes+=max_cells_used*sizeof(cel); max_lit=vars+vars+1; lmem=(literal*)malloc((max_lit+1)*sizeof(literal)); if (!lmem) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the lmem array!\n"); exit(-13); } bytes+=(max_lit+1)*sizeof(literal); trail=(uint*)malloc(vars*sizeof(uint)); if (!trail) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the trail array!\n"); exit(-14); } bytes+=vars*sizeof(uint); @ The |mem| array will contain $2^k-1<2^{31}$ cells of four bytes each, where $k$ is the parameter |memk_max|; this parameter is |memk_max_default| (currently~26) by default, and changeable by the user via \.m on the command line. (Apology: This program is for my own use in experiments, so I haven't bothered to give it a more user-friendly interface.) It will begin with data for all clauses of length 3 or more; then come the learned clauses, which have slightly longer preambles. During the initialization, some of the eventual space for learned clauses is used temporarily to hold the binary clause information. We will record in |bytes| and |max_cells_used| only the number of cells actually utilized; this at least gives the user some clue about how big \.m should be. @d memk_max_default 26 /* allow 64 million cells in |mem| by default */ @
= { ullng proto_memsize=(clauses-unaries-binaries)*clause_extra +(cells-unaries-2*binaries)+clause_extra; min_learned=proto_memsize; proto_memsize+=2*binaries+learned_supplement; if (proto_memsize>=0x80000000) { fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, I can't handle "O"llu cells (2^31 is my limit)!\n", proto_memsize); exit(-665); } max_cells_used=proto_memsize-learned_supplement+2; first_learned=max_learned=min_learned+learned_supplement; memsize=1<memsize) { fprintf(stderr, "Immediate memory overflow (memsize="O"u<"O"u), please increase m!\n", memsize,max_cells_used); exit(-666); } if (verbose&show_details) fprintf(stderr,"(learned clauses begin at "O"u)\n",first_learned); } @ Binary data is copied temporarily into cells starting at |min_learned+2|. (The `${}+2$' is needed because the final clause processed is input with |c=min_learned|.) @= eptr=0; /* empty the trail in preparation for unit clauses */ for (l=2;l<=max_lit;l++) oo,lmem[l].reason=lmem[l].watch=lmem[l].bimp_end=0; for (c=clause_extra,j=clauses,jj=min_learned+2;j;j--) { k=0; @; if (k<=2) @@; else { o,size(c)=k; l=mem[c].lit; ooo,link0(c)=lmem[l].watch, lmem[l].watch=c; l=mem[c+1].lit; ooo,link1(c)=lmem[l].watch, lmem[l].watch=c; c+=k+clause_extra; } } o,mem[c-clause_extra].lit=0; /* put zero at end of |mem| */ if (c!=min_learned) { fprintf(stderr, "Oh oh, I didn't load the correct number of cells ("O"u:"O"u)!\n", c,min_learned); exit(-17); } if (jj!=max_cells_used) { fprintf(stderr, "Oh oh, I miscounted binaries somehow ("O"u:"O"u)!\n",jj,max_cells_used); exit(-18); } @; @ The basic idea is to ``unwind'' the steps that we went through while building up the chunks. @d hack_out(q) (((ullng)q)&0x3) @d hack_clean(q) ((tmp_var*)((ullng)q&-4)) @= for (i=0;i<2;) { @; i=hack_out(*cur_cell); p=hack_clean(*cur_cell)->serial; p+=p+(i&1)+2; o,mem[c+k++].lit=p; } @ @= { if (k<2) @@; else { l=mem[c].lit,ll=mem[c+1].lit; /* no mem charged for these */ oo,lmem[bar(l)].bimp_end++; oo,lmem[bar(ll)].bimp_end++; o,mem[jj].lit=l,mem[jj+1].lit=ll,jj+=2; /* copy the literals temporarily */ } } @ We have to watch for degenerate cases: Unit clauses in the input might be duplicated or contradictory. @= { l=mem[c].lit,v=thevar(l); if (o,vmem[v].value==unset) { o,vmem[v].value=l&1,vmem[v].tloc=eptr; o,history[eptr]=6,trail[eptr++]=l; }@+else if (vmem[v].value!=(l&1)) goto unsat; } @ @= for (l=2,jj=0;l<=max_lit;l++) { o,k=lmem[l].bimp_end; if (k) o,lmem[l].bimp_start=lmem[l].bimp_end=jj,jj+=k; } for (jj=min_learned+2,j=binaries;j;j--) { o,l=mem[jj].lit,ll=mem[jj+1].lit,jj+=2; ooo,k=lmem[bar(l)].bimp_end,bmem[k]=ll,lmem[bar(l)].bimp_end=k+1; ooo,k=lmem[bar(ll)].bimp_end,bmem[k]=l,lmem[bar(ll)].bimp_end=k+1; } @ @= for (c=vars; c; c--) { @; o,vmem[c].name.lng=cur_tmp_var->name.lng; o,vmem[c].stamp=0; } @ We should now have unwound all the temporary data chunks back to their beginnings. @= if (cur_cell!=&cur_chunk->cell[0] || cur_chunk->prev!=NULL || cur_tmp_var!=&cur_vchunk->var[0] || cur_vchunk->prev!=NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"This can't happen (consistency check failure)!\n"); exit(-14); } free(cur_chunk);@+free(cur_vchunk); @ A few arrays aren't really of ``main'' importance, but we need to allocate them before incorporating the clause information into |mem|. @= bmem=(uint*)malloc(binaries*2*sizeof(uint)); if (!bmem) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the bmem array!\n"); exit(-16); } bytes+=binaries*2*sizeof(uint); history=(char*)malloc(vars*sizeof(char)); if (!history) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the history array!\n"); exit(-15); } bytes+=vars*sizeof(char); @ The other arrays can perhaps make use of the memory chunks that are freed while we're reformatting the clause and variable data. @= leveldat=(int*)malloc(vars*2*sizeof(int)); if (!leveldat) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the leveldat array!\n"); exit(-16); } bytes+=vars*2*sizeof(int); @*Forcing. This program spends most of its time adding literals to the current trail when they are forced to be true because of earlier items on the trail. The ``inner loop'' of the forcing phase tries to derive the consequences of literal~|l| that follow from binary clauses in the input. At this point |l| is a literal in the trail. Furthermore |lat=lmem[l].bimp_end| has just been fetched, and it's known to be nonzero. (I apologize for the awkward interface between this loop and its context. Maybe I shouldn't worry so much about saving mems in the inner loop. But that's the kind of guy I~am.) @= for (lbptr=eptr;;) { for (la=lmem[l].bimp_start;la; } }@+else { props++; if (verbose&show_details) fprintf(stderr," "O"s"O".8s -> "O"s"O".8s\n", litname(l),litname(ll)); o,history[eptr]=4,trail[eptr]=ll; o,lmem[ll].reason=-l; o,vmem[thevar(ll)].value=llevel+(ll&1),vmem[thevar(ll)].tloc=eptr++; agility-=agility>>13; /* use the damping factor $1-2^{-13}$ */ if (o,(vmem[thevar(ll)].oldval+ll)&1) agility+=1<<19; } } while (1) { if (lbptr==eptr) { l=0;@+break; /* kludge for breaking out of two loops */ } o,l=trail[lbptr++]; o,lat=lmem[l].bimp_end; if (lat) break; } if (l==0) break; } @ @= uint lt; /* literal on the trail */ uint lat; /* its |bimp_end| */ uint wa,next_wa; /* a clause in its watch list */ @ The ``next to inner loop'' of forcing looks for nonbinary clauses that have at most one literal that isn't false. At this point we're looking at a literal |lt| that was placed on the trail. Its binary implications were found at that time; now we want to examine the more complex ones, by looking at all clauses on the watch list of |bar(lt)|. While doing this, we swap the first two literals, if necessary, so that |bar(lt)| is the second one watching. Counting of mems is a bit tricky here: If |c| is the address of a clause, either |mem[c].lit| and |mem[c+1].lit| are in the same octabyte, or |link0(c)| and |link1(c)|, but not both. So we make three memory references when we're reading from or storing into all four items. @= o,wa=lmem[bar(lt)].watch; if (wa) { for (q=0;wa;wa=next_wa) { o,ll=mem[wa].lit; if (ll==bar(lt)) { o,ll=mem[wa+1].lit; oo,mem[wa].lit=ll,mem[wa+1].lit=bar(lt); o,next_wa=link0(wa); o,link0(wa)=link1(wa),link1(wa)=next_wa; }@+else o,next_wa=link1(wa); @; for (o,s=size(wa),j=wa+s-1;j>wa+1;j--) { o,l=mem[j].lit; if (o,!isknown(l) || !iscontrary(l)) break; if (vmem[thevar(l)].value<2 && llevel) @; } if (j>wa+1) @; @; @; } @; /* this terminates the watch list with 0 */ } @ The literal |l| is known to be permanently false, so we seize this opportunity to remove it from the active memory. (Such deletions will be important later, when we attempt to do ``on-the-fly subsumption.'') At this point, |s| is the current size of clause |wa|. @= { o,size(wa)=--s; if (j!=wa+s) oo,mem[j].lit=mem[wa+s].lit; /* swap past end of clause */ o,mem[wa+s].lit=l+sign_bit; } @ @= { if (verbose&show_watches) fprintf(stderr," "O"s"O".8s watched in "O"d\n",litname(l),wa); oo,mem[wa+1].lit=l,mem[j].lit=bar(lt); o,link1(wa)=lmem[l].watch; o,lmem[l].watch=wa; continue; } @ We're looking at clause |wa|, which is watched by |bar(lt)| and |ll|, where |lt| is known to be true (at least with respect to the decisions currently in force). Consider what happens in the case that literal |ll| is also true, thereby satisfying clause~|wa|: We can continue with |wa| on the watch list of |bar(lt)|, even though |bar(lt)| is false, because this clause will remain satisfied until backtracking makes |lt| undefined. @= if ((o,isknown(ll)) && !iscontrary(ll)) { @; continue; } @ A satisfied clause |wa| can be watched by a false literal, as noted above. Furthermore, during full runs we allow clauses to become entirely false; in such cases both watchers must have become false on the maximum level of all literals in~|wa|. @= if (q==0) o,lmem[bar(lt)].watch=wa; else o,link1(q)=wa; q=wa; @ Well, all literals of clause |wa|, except possibly the first one, did in fact turn out to be false. That first literal is what the program calls~|ll|, and we've already verified that |ll| isn't true. If |ll| is false, we've run into a conflict. Otherwise we will force |ll| to be true at the current decision level. @= props++; if (isknown(ll)) @@; else { if (verbose&show_details) fprintf(stderr," "O"s"O".8s from "O"d\n",litname(ll),wa); o,history[eptr]=4,trail[eptr]=ll; o,vmem[thevar(ll)].tloc=eptr++; vmem[thevar(ll)].value=llevel+(ll&1); agility-=agility>>13; /* use the damping factor $1-2^{-13}$ */ if (o,(vmem[thevar(ll)].oldval+ll)&1) agility+=1<<19; o,lmem[ll].reason=wa; o,lat=lmem[ll].bimp_end; if (lat) { l=ll; @; } } @ In the case considered here, a conflict has arisen from the binary clause $\bar u\lor\bar v$, where $u=l$ and $\bar v=\hbox{|ll|}$. This clause is represented only implicitly in the |bmem| array, not explicitly in~|mem|. @= { if (verbose&show_details) fprintf(stderr," "O"s"O".8s -> "O"s"O".8s #\n", litname(l),litname(ll)); if (full_run && llevel) @@; else { c=-l; goto confl; } } @ @= { if (verbose&show_details) fprintf(stderr," "O"s"O".8s from "O"d #\n", litname(ll),wa); if (full_run && llevel) @@; else { c=wa; goto confl; } } @ During a ``full run,'' we continue to propagate after finding a conflict. We remember only the first one, at any given level, putting its clause number into |leveldat[llevel+1]|. The ``clause number'' of a binary clause is considered to be |-l|, and the value of |bar(ll)| is saved in odd-numbered entries of the |conflictdat| array. A stack of levels on which conflicts have occurred is maintained in the even-numbered entries of |conflictdat|. The top of this stack is called |conflict_level|. @= { if (!conflict_seen) { conflict_seen=1; o,leveldat[llevel+1]=-l; o,conflictdat[llevel+1]=ll; conflictdat[llevel]=conflict_level, conflict_level=llevel; } } @ @= { if (!conflict_seen) { conflict_seen=1; o,leveldat[llevel+1]=wa; o,conflictdat[llevel]=conflict_level, conflict_level=llevel; } } @*Activity scores. Experience shows that it's usually a good idea to branch on a variable that has participated recently in the construction of conflict clauses. More precisely, we try to maximize ``activity,'' where the activity of variable~$v$ is proportional to the sum of $\{\rho^t\mid v$ participates in the $t\,$th-from-last conflict$\}$; here $\rho$ is a parameter representing the rate of decay by which influential activity decays with time. (Users can change the default ratio $\rho=.95$ if desired.) There's a simple way to implement this quantity, because activity is also proportional to the sum of $\{\rho^{-t}\mid v$ participates in the $t\,$th conflict$\}$; that sum counts forward in time rather than backward. We can therefore get proper results by adding |var_bump| to $v$'s score whenever $v$ participates in a conflict, and then dividing |var_bump| by~$\rho$ after each conflict. If the activity scores computed in this way become too large, we simply scale them back, so that relative ratios are preserved. Incidentally, the somewhat mysterious acronym {\mc VSIDS}, which stands for ``variable state independent decaying sum,'' is often used by insiders to describe this aspect of a CDCL solver. The activity scoring mechanism adopted here, due to Niklas E\'en in the 2005 version of MiniSAT, was inspired by a similar but less effective {\mc VSIDS} scheme originally introduced by Matthew Moskewitz in the {\mc CHAFF} solver. @= v=thevar(l); o,av=vmem[v].activity+var_bump; o,vmem[v].activity=av; if (av>=1e100) @; o,h=vmem[v].hloc; if (h>0) @; @ The heap contains |hn| variables, ordered in such a way that |vmem[x].activity>=vmem[y].activity| whenever |x=heap[h]| and |y=heap[2*h+1]| or |y=heap[2*h+2]|. In particular, |heap[0]| always names a variable of maximum activity. @= void print_heap(void) { register int k; for (k=0;k= for (k=1;k<=vars;k++) { if (vmem[k].hloc>=hn) fprintf(stderr,"hloc of "O".8s exceeds "O"d!\n",vmem[k].name.ch8,hn-1); else if (vmem[k].hloc>=0 && heap[vmem[k].hloc]!=k) fprintf(stderr,"hloc of "O".8s errs!\n",vmem[k].name.ch8); } for (k=0;kvars) fprintf(stderr,"heap["O"d]="O"d!\n",k,v); else if (k) { u=heap[(k-1)>>1]; if (u>0 && u<=vars && vmem[u].activity>1,k); } } @ At this point we assume that |av=vmem[v].activity|. @= { hp=(h-1)>>1; /* the ``parent'' of position |h| */ o,u=heap[hp]; if (o,vmem[u].activity>1; o,u=heap[hp]; if (o,vmem[u].activity>=av) break; } o,heap[h]=v; o,vmem[v].hloc=h; j=1; } } @ @= { o,av=vmem[v].activity; h=hn++,j=0; if (h>0) @; if (j==0) oo,heap[h]=v,vmem[v].hloc=h; } @ With probability |rand_prob|, we select a variable from the heap at random; this policy is a heuristic designed to avoid getting into a rut. Otherwise we take the variable at the top, because that variable has maximum activity. Variables in the heap often have known values, however. If our first choice was one of them, we keep trying from the top, until we find |vmem[v].value==unset|. The variable's polarity is taken from |vmem[v].oldval|, because good values from prior experiments tend to remain good. As in other programs of this family, the cost of generating 31 random bits is four mems. @d two_to_the_31 ((unsigned long)0x80000000) @= if (rand_prob_thresh) { mems+=4,h=gb_next_rand(); if (h@; o,v=heap[h]; if (o,vmem[v].value!=unset) h=0; }@+else h=0; }@+else h=0; if (h==0) { while (1) { o,v=heap[0]; @; if (o,vmem[v].value==unset) break; } } o,l=poslit(v)+(vmem[v].oldval&1); @ @= { register unsigned long t=two_to_the_31-(two_to_the_31 mod hn); register long r; do@+{ mems+=4,r=gb_next_rand(); }@+while (t<=(unsigned long)r); h=r mod hn; } @ Here we assume that |v=heap[0]|. @= o,vmem[v].hloc=-1; if (--hn) { o,u=heap[hn]; /* we'll move |u| into the ``hole'' at position 0 */ o,au=vmem[u].activity; for (h=0,hp=1;hpav)) hp++,av=vmem[heap[hp]].activity; if (au>=av) break; o,heap[h]=heap[hp]; o,vmem[heap[hp]].hloc=h; } o,heap[h]=u; o,vmem[u].hloc=h; } @ At the very beginning, all activity scores are zero. We'll permute the variables randomly in |heap|, for the sake of variety. @= { if (true_prob>=1.0) true_prob_thresh=0x80000000; else true_prob_thresh=(int)(true_prob*2147483648.0); for (k=1;k<=vars;k++) o,heap[k-1]=k; for (hn=vars;hn>1;) { @; hn--; if (h!=hn) { o,k=heap[h]; ooo,heap[h]=heap[hn],heap[hn]=k; } } for (h=0;h= { if (true_prob>=1.0) true_prob_thresh=0x80000000; else true_prob_thresh=(int)(true_prob*2147483648.0); for (q=0;;) { register tmp_var *p; if (fscanf(polarity_infile,""O"s",buf)!=1) break; if (buf[0]=='~') i=j=1; else i=j=0; @; for (p=hash[h];p;p=p->next) if (p->name.lng==cur_tmp_var->name.lng) break; if (p) { v=p->serial+1; o,vmem[v].oldval=i,vmem[v].hloc=q; o,heap[q]=v; o,vmem[v].activity=(vars-q)/(double)vars; o,vmem[v].tloc=0; q++; } } for (v=0;q= double var_bump=1.0; float clause_bump=1.0; double var_bump_factor; /* reciprocal of |var_rho| */ float clause_bump_factor; /* reciprocal of |clause_rho| */ @ Learned clauses also have activity scores. They aren't used as heavily as the scores for variables; we look at them only when deciding what clauses to keep after too many learned clauses have accumulated. @= { float ac; o,ac=activ(c)+clause_bump; o,activ(c)=ac; if (ac>=1e20) @; } @ @= var_bump*=var_bump_factor; clause_bump*=clause_bump_factor; @ When a nonzero activity is rescaled, we are careful to keep it nonzero so that a variable once active will not take second place to a totally inactive variable. (I doubt if this is terrifically important, but Niklas E\'en told me that he recommends it.) @d tiny 2.225073858507201383e-308 /* $2^{-1022}$, the smallest positive nondenormal |double| */ @= { register int v; register double av; for (v=1;v<=vars;v++) { o,av=vmem[v].activity; if (av) o,vmem[v].activity=(av*1e-100= { register int cc,endc; for (cc=first_learned;cc0|. @= oldptr=jumplev=xnew=clevels=resols=0; @; if (verbose&show_gory_details) fprintf(stderr,"Preparing to learn"); if (c<0) @@; else @; @; while (1) { o,l=trail[tl--]; if (o,vmem[thevar(l)].stamp==curstamp) break; } lll=bar(l); /* |lll| will complete the learned clause */ if (verbose&show_gory_details) fprintf(stderr," "O"s"O".8s\n",litname(lll)); @ @= { o,l=bar(mem[c].lit); o,tl=vmem[thevar(l)].tloc; o,vmem[thevar(l)].stamp=curstamp; @; if (c>=first_learned) @; for (o,s=size(c),k=c+s-1;k>c;k--) { o,l=bar(mem[k].lit); j=vmem[thevar(l)].tloc; /* |mem| will be charged when fetching |value| */ if (j>tl) tl=j; @; } } @ Here the conflict is that |l| implies |ll|, where literal |l=-c| is true but literal |ll| is false. @= { o,tl=vmem[thevar(ll)].tloc; o,vmem[thevar(ll)].stamp=curstamp; l=ll; @; l=-c; if (o,vmem[thevar(l)].tloc>tl) tl=vmem[thevar(l)].tloc; o,vmem[thevar(l)].stamp=curstamp; @; xnew=1; } @ @= learn=(uint*)malloc(vars*sizeof(uint)); if (!learn) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the learn array!\n"); exit(-16); } bytes+=vars*sizeof(uint); @ @= uint curstamp; /* a unique value for marking literals and levels of interest */ uint *learn; /* literals in a clause being learned */ int oldptr; /* this many old literals contributed to learned clause so far */ int jumplev; /* level to which we'll return after learning */ int tl; /* trail location for examination of stamped literals */ int xnew; /* excess new literals in the current conflict clause */ int clevels; /* levels represented in the current conflict clause */ uint resols; /* resolutions made while reducing the current conflict clause */ uint learned_size; /* number of literals in the learned clause */ int prelearned_size; /* |learned_size| before simplification */ int trivial_learning; /* does the learned clause involve every decision? */ @ The algorithm that follows will use |curstamp|, |curstamp+1|, and |curstamp+2|. @= if (curstamp>=0xfffffffe) { for (k=1;k<=vars;k++) oo,vmem[k].stamp=levstamp[k+k-2]=0; curstamp=1; }@+else curstamp+=3; @ @= while (xnew) { while (1) { o,l=trail[tl--]; if (o,vmem[thevar(l)].stamp==curstamp) break; } xnew--; @; } @ At this point the current conflict clause is represented implicitly as the set of negatives of the literals |trail[j]| for |j<=tl| that have |stamp=curstamp|, together with |bar(l)|. Old literals in that set are in the |learn| array. The conflict clause contains exactly |xnew+1| new literals besides |bar(l)|; we will replace |bar(l)| by the other literals in |l|'s reason. @= resols++; if (verbose&show_gory_details) fprintf(stderr," ["O"s"O".8s]",litname(l)); o,c=lmem[l].reason; if (c<0) @@; else if (c) { /* |l=mem[c].lit| */ if (c>=first_learned) @; for (o,s=size(c),k=c+s-1;k>c;k--) { o,l=bar(mem[k].lit); if (o,vmem[thevar(l)].stamp!=curstamp) @; } if (xnew+oldptr+1; } @ @= { l=-c; if (o,vmem[thevar(l)].stamp!=curstamp) @; } @ @= { o,jj=vmem[thevar(l)].value&-2; if (!jj) confusion("permanently false lit"); else { o,vmem[thevar(l)].stamp=curstamp; @; if (jj>=llevel) xnew++; else { if (jj>jumplev) jumplev=jj; o,learn[oldptr++]=bar(l); if (verbose&show_gory_details) fprintf(stderr," "O"s"O".8s{"O"d}", litname(bar(l)),vmem[thevar(l)].value>>1); if (o,levstamp[jj]= stack=(int*)malloc(vars*2*sizeof(int)); if (!stack) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the stack array!\n"); exit(-16); } bytes+=vars*2*sizeof(int); conflictdat=(int*)malloc(vars*2*sizeof(int)); if (!conflictdat) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the conflictdat array!\n"); exit(-16); } bytes+=vars*2*sizeof(int); levstamp=(uint*)malloc(2*vars*sizeof(uint)); if (!levstamp) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the levstamp array!\n"); exit(-16); } bytes+=2*vars*sizeof(uint); for (k=0;k= int *stack; /* place for homemade recursion control */ int stackptr; /* number of elements in the stack */ int *conflictdat; /* recorded data about conflicts in full runs */ int conflict_level; /* pointer to top of the recorded conflict stack */ uint *levstamp; /* memos for recursive answers; also binary conflict info */ @ Here now is the technique of ``on-the-fly subsumption,'' which allows us to strengthen the clause |c| because it happens to contain the current conflict clause. [This technique was discovered by Han and Somenzi in America, and independently by Hamadi, Jabbour, and Sa{\"\i}s in Europe, both in 2009!] The current conflict has been obtained by resolving |c| with another clause, and by removing literals that are false at level~0. We've also removed such literals from~|c|. Therefore we know that the current conflict clause equals |c| minus its first literal (which is true and was resolved away). Clause |c| is the reason for |l|, and it becomes the reason for a false literal that would have produced an earlier conflict. (That false literal must have become false at the current trail level.) We don't have to update the reason data, because backtracking will clear it out before it will be needed. There are strange scenarios in which |c=prev_learned| and the newly learned clause might duplicate the previous one. The previous one won't be removed unless we now happen to be watching the literal that will later be called |bar(lll)|. @= { l=mem[c].lit; /* no mem charged; we already knew this literal */ o,size(c)=--s, subsumptions++; if (learned_file && s<=learn_save) { fprintf(learned_file," "); /* this space identifies a subsumer */ for (k=c+1; k<=c+s; k++) fprintf(learned_file," "O"s"O".8s",litname(mem[k].lit)); fprintf(learned_file,"\n"); fflush(learned_file); learned_out++; } o,r=link0(c); @; o,ll=mem[c+s].lit; /* this false literal will now be moved elsewhere */ for (lll=ll,k=c+s;;k--) { /* |lll=mem[k].lit| */ o,r=vmem[thevar(lll)].value&-2; if (r==llevel) break; o,lll=mem[k-1].lit; } if (lll!=ll) o,mem[k].lit=ll; oo,mem[c+s].lit=l+sign_bit,mem[c].lit=lll; ooo,link0(c)=lmem[lll].watch, lmem[lll].watch=c; if (verbose&show_watches) fprintf(stderr," ["O"s"O".8s watches "O"d]",litname(lll),c); } @*Simplifying the learned clause. Suppose the clause to be learned is $\bar l\lor\bar a_1\lor\cdots\lor\bar a_k$. Many of the literals $\bar a_j$ often turn out to be redundant, in the sense that a few well-chosen resolutions will remove them. For example, if the reason of $a_4$ is $a_4\lor\bar a_1\lor\bar b_1$ and the reason of~$b_1$ is $b_1\lor\bar a_2\lor\bar b_2$ and the reason of~$b_2$ is $b_2\lor\bar a_1\lor\bar a_3$, then $\bar a_4$ is redundant. Niklas S\"orensson, one of the authors of MiniSAT, noticed that learned clauses could typically be shortened by 30\% when such simplifications are made. Therefore we certainly want to look for removable literals, even though the algorithm for doing so is somewhat tricky. The literal $\bar a$ is redundant in the clause-to-be-learned if and only if the other literals in its reason are either present in that clause or (recursively) redundant. (In the example above we must check that $\bar a_1$ and $\bar b_1$ satisfy this condition; that boils down to observing that $\bar b_1$ is redundant, because $\bar b_2$ is redundant.) Since the relation $\sucp$ is a partial ordering, we can determine redundancy by using a ``bottom up'' method with this recursive definition. Or we can go ``top down'' with memoization (which is what we'll do): We shall stamp a literal $b$ with |curstamp+1| if $\bar b$ is known to be redundant, and with |curstamp+2| if $\bar b$ is known to be nonredundant. Once we know a literal's status, we won't need to apply the recursive definition again. A nice trick (also due to S\"orensson) can be used to speed this process up, using the fact that a non-decision literal always depends on at least one other literal at the same level: A literal $\bar a_j$ can be redundant only if it shares a level with some other literal $\bar a_i$ in the learned clause. Furthermore, a literal $\bar b$ not in that clause can be redundant only if it shares a level with some~$\bar a_j$. A careful reader of the code in the previous sections will have noticed that we've set |levstamp[t+t]=curstamp| if level~|t| contains exactly one of the literals $\bar a_j$, and we've set |levstamp[t+t]=curstamp+1| if it contains more than one. Those facts will help us decide non-redundancy without pursuing the whole recursion into impossible levels. @ Instead of doing this computation with a recursive procedure, I want to control the counting of memory accesses, and to take advantage of the special logical structure that's present. So the program here uses an explicit stack to hold the parameters of unfinished queries. When we enter this section, |stackptr| will be zero (it says here). When we leave it, whether by going to |redundant| or not, the original value of~|l| will be in~|ll|. I~think this loop makes an instructive example of how recursion relates to iteration. One can prove inductively that, at label |test|, we have |vmem[thevar(l)].stamp<=curstamp|, with equality if and only if |stackptr=0|. @= if (stackptr) confusion("stack"); test: ll=l; o,c=lmem[l].reason; if (c==0) goto clear_stack; /* decision literal is never redundant */ if (c<0) { /* binary reason */ l=bar(-c); o,s=vmem[thevar(l)].stamp; if (s>=curstamp) { if (s==curstamp+2) goto clear_stack; /* known non-redundant */ }@+else { o,stack[stackptr++]=ll; goto test; } }@+else { for (o,k=c+size(c)-1;k>c;k--) { oo,l=bar(mem[k].lit), s=vmem[thevar(l)].stamp; if (s>=curstamp) { if (s==curstamp+2) goto clear_stack; /* known non-redundant */ continue; /* in learned clause or known redundant */ } o,s=vmem[thevar(l)].value&-2; if (s==0) continue; /* literals on level 0 are redundant */ o,s=levstamp[s]; if (s; @ If any of the literals we encounter during that recursive exploration are non-redundant, the literal |ll| we're currently working on is non-redundant, and so are all of the literals on the stack. (The literal at the bottom of the stack belongs to the learned clause, so we keep its stamp equal to |curstamp|. The other literals, whose stamp was less than |curstamp|, are now marked with |curstamp+2|.) @= clear_stack:@+if (stackptr) { o,vmem[thevar(ll)].stamp=curstamp+2; o,ll=stack[--stackptr]; o,c=lmem[ll].reason; if (c>0) stackptr--; goto clear_stack; } @ Sometimes the learned clause turns out to be unnecessarily long even after we simplify it. This can happen, for example, if the decision literal~|l| on level~1 is not part of the clause, but all the other literals have a reason that depends on~|l|; then no literal is redundant, by our definitions, yet many literals can be from the same level. If the learned clause size exceeds the jump level plus~|trivial_limit|, we replace it by a ``trivial'' clause based on decision literals only. (In such cases we are essentially doing no better than an ordinary backtrack algorithm.) @= learned_size=oldptr+1; cells_prelearned+=learned_size,prelearned_size=learned_size; for (kk=0;kk; continue; redundant: learned_size--; if (verbose&show_gory_details) /* note that |l| has been moved to |ll| */ fprintf(stderr,"("O"s"O".8s is redundant)\n",litname(bar(ll))); } if (learned_size<=(jumplev>>1)+trivial_limit) trivial_learning=0; else trivial_learning=1,clevels=jumplev>>1,learned_size=clevels+1,trivials++; cells_learned+=learned_size,total_learned++; @; @ The following code is used only when |learned_size>1|. (Learned unit clauses are, of course, happy events; but we deal with them separately.) The new clause must be watched by two literals. One literal in this clause, namely~|lll|, was formerly false but it will become true. It's the one that survived from the conflict on the active level, and it will be one of the watchers we need. All other literals in the learned clause are currently false. We must choose one of those on the highest level (furthest from root level) to be a watcher. For if we don't, backtracking might take us to a lower level on which the clause becomes forcing, yet we won't see that fact --- we won't be watching it! (The true literal and an unwatched literal become unassigned during backtracking. Then, if the unwatched literal becomes false, we won't notice that the formerly true literal is now forced true again.) @= { @; @; prev_learned=c; if (learned_file && learned_size<=learn_save) @; } @ In early runs of this program, I noticed several times when the previously learned clause is immediately subsumed by the next clause to be learned. On further inspection, it turned out that this happened when the previously learned clause was the reason for a literal on a level that is going away (because |jumplev| is smaller). So I now check for this case. Backtracking has already zeroed out this literal's reason. @= if (prev_learned) { o,l=mem[prev_learned].lit; if (!trivial_learning && (o,lmem[l].reason==0) && (o,vmem[thevar(l)].value==unset)) @; } c=max_learned; /* this will be the address of the new clause */ o,mem[c+learned_size].lit=0; /* put zero at end of |mem| */ max_learned+=learned_size+learned_extra; if (max_learned>max_cells_used) { if (max_learned>=memsize) { fprintf(stderr, "Memory overflow (memsize="O"u<"O"u), please increase m!\n", memsize,max_cells_used+1); exit(-666); } bytes+=(max_learned-max_cells_used)*sizeof(cel); max_cells_used=max_learned; } @ The first literal of |prev_learned| has no set value, so it isn't part of the conflict clause. We will discard |prev_learned| if all literals of the learned clause appear among the {\it other\/} literals of |prev_learned|. @= { for (o,k=size(prev_learned)-1,q=learned_size;q && k>=q;k--) { oo,l=mem[prev_learned+k].lit,r=vmem[thevar(l)].value&-2; if ((l==lll || (uint)r<=jumplev) && (o,vmem[thevar(l)].stamp==curstamp)) q--; /* yes, |l| is in the learned clause */ } if (q==0) { max_learned=prev_learned; /* forget the previously learned clause */ if (verbose&show_gory_details) fprintf(stderr,"(clause "O"d discarded)\n",prev_learned); discards++; o,c=prev_learned,activ(c)=0; o,l=mem[c].lit,r=link0(c); @; oo,l=mem[c+1].lit,r=link1(c); @; } } @ At this point |r| is the successor of |c| in the watch list. @= for (o,wa=lmem[l].watch,q=0;wa!=c;q=wa,wa=next_wa) { o,p=mem[wa].lit; o,next_wa=(p==l? link0(wa): link1(wa)); } if (!q) o,lmem[l].watch=r; else if (p==l) o,link0(q)=r; else o,link1(q)=r; @ @= if (activ(c)) confusion("bumps"); size(c)=learned_size; /* no mem need be charged here, since we're charging for |link0|, |link1| */ o,mem[c].lit=lll; oo,link0(c)=lmem[lll].watch; o,lmem[lll].watch=c; if (trivial_learning) { for (j=1,k=jumplev;k;j++,k-=2) { oo,l=bar(trail[leveldat[k]]); if (j==1) ooo,link1(c)=lmem[l].watch,lmem[l].watch=c; o,mem[c+j].lit=l; } if (verbose&show_gory_details) fprintf(stderr,"(trivial clause is substituted)\n"); }@+else for (k=1,j=0,jj=1;k=jumplev) { o,mem[c+1].lit=l; oo,link1(c)=lmem[l].watch; o,lmem[l].watch=c; jj=0; }@+else o,mem[c+k+jj].lit=l; k++; } } @ @= { for (k=c; k= rangedist=(int*)malloc(buckets*sizeof(int)); if (!rangedist) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the rangedist array!\n"); exit(-16); } bytes+=buckets*sizeof(int); for (k=0;k+k= { o,l=mem[c].lit; if (o,lmem[l].reason==c) { if (o,vmem[thevar(l)].value&-2) o,range(c)=0,asserts++; else goto its_true; /* true at root level */ }@+else { for (p=q=0,k=c+size(c)-1;k>=c;k--) { oo,l=mem[k].lit,v=vmem[thevar(l)].value; if (v<2) { /* |l| is defined at root level */ if ((v^l)&1) continue; /* it's false, ignore it */ its_true: v=buckets+1;@+o,range(c)=buckets+1; goto range_set; /* it's true, clause is superfluous */ }@+else { if (o,levstamp[(v&-2)+1]=buckets) v=buckets-1; o,range(c)=v; if (vmaxrange) maxrange=v; oo,rangedist[v]++; } range_set: ; } @ @= int *rangedist; /* how many clauses have a particular scaled range? */ int asserts; /* how many learned clauses are assertions that must remain? */ int minrange; /* the smallest scaled range we've seen on this round */ int maxrange; /* the largest scaled range we've seen on this round */ int recycle_point; /* the first clause learned after the current full run */ int budget; /* the desired number of learned clauses after recycling */ ullng *clause_heap; /* auxiliary array for partially sorting clause activity */ int clause_heap_size; /* its maximum size */ @ Each clause recycling pass is a major event, something like spring cleaning. First we prepare to compute the ranges by doing a full run, so that every variable has been assigned to a level and a tentative Boolean value. Then we backtrack to level zero, possibly learning new clauses as we go. (Any such clauses |c| will have |c>=recycle_point|; they have no range, so we treat them as if they were asserted, with range~zero.) And then we drastically reduce our database of learned clauses, using this opportunity to remove clauses that are permanently satisfied and to remove literals that are permanently false. During this process the watch lists need to be dismantled and rebuilt. Notice that the second step in this process, backtracking to level zero, is very much like doing a restart. (The only difference is that ``warmup'' rounds are automatically scheduled after every true restart.) Thus the decisions that are taken at levels 1, 2, \dots\ will not necessarily match the decisions that were in force at those levels when we decided to do a recycling pass. I don't think that is a bad thing. However, we could recreate those decisions if we wanted to, by doing the following when backtracking past a decision literal~|l|: Set |l|'s activity to the currently largest activity, which is the activity of the variable currently in |heap[0]|; then bump it up, so that it becomes the new champion. @= recycle_point=max_learned; minrange=buckets,maxrange=0; asserts=0; for (k=0;k; while (o,mem[endc].lit&sign_bit) endc++; } budget=h/2; prev_learned=0; @ @= @; @; recycle_point=0; @ @= for (o,j=minrange,s=asserts+rangedist[j];sbudget) @; for (k=minrange>>1;k+k<=maxrange;k++) o,rangedist[k+k]=rangedist[k+k+1]=0; for (h=0,cc=c=first_learned;cj)) continue; /* reject when the range is too high */ for (kk=cc,k=c;k; } max_learned=cc, prev_learned=0; o,mem[max_learned-learned_extra].lit=0; /* put zero at end of |mem| */ if (verbose&(show_recycling+show_recycling_details)) fprintf(stderr," (recycling reduced "O"d learned clauses to "O"d)\n", budget*2+1,h); /* a little white lie sometimes */ @ Clause activity scores are used only to break ties. So it's natural to ask whether the effort of computing them and sorting through them is actually worthwhile. Armin Biere has told me that a small but significant number of problems do have a fairly large number of clauses at the median range, so I'm following his recommendation. @= { register ullng accum; t=s-budget; jj=rangedist[j]-t; if (jj>clause_heap_size) jj=clause_heap_size; @; @; @; } @ @= clause_heap_size=recycle_bump>>1; clause_heap=(ullng*)malloc(clause_heap_size*sizeof(ullng)); if (!clause_heap) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the clause_heap array!\n"); exit(-16); } bytes+=clause_heap_size*sizeof(ullng); @ Entries of |clause_heap| are packed so that they sort on activity first, location second. (If two clauses have equally low activity, we prefer to forget the one that has had more time to become active.) We use the fact that nonnegative |float| numbers can be compared as if they were integers. Thus we interpret |active(c)| as a `|lit|' instead of as a `|flt|'. @= for (h=0,c=first_learned;h=recycle_point) confusion("rangedist1"); o,endc=c+size(c); while (o,mem[endc].lit&sign_bit) endc++; if (o,range(c)==j) clause_heap[h++]=activ_as_lit(c)+c; } @ @= for (h=jj>>1;h;) { q=h+h, p=--h, o,accum=clause_heap[p]; @; } @ At this point |q=p+p+2|. @= while (q<=jj) { if (q==jj || (oo,clause_heap[q-1]= for (;;c=endc+learned_extra) { if (c>=recycle_point) confusion("rangedist2"); if (o,range(c)==j) { o,accum=activ_as_lit(c)+c; if (o,accum; } } o,endc=c+size(c); while (o,mem[endc].lit&sign_bit) endc++; } @ At this point we're operating at root level; that is, |llevel=0|. And we've just copied the literals of a learned-clause-to-remember into positions |mem[cc].lit|, |mem[cc+1].lit|, \dots,~|mem[kk-1].lit|. In rare circumstances the simplifications we've made might result in a learned clause of size~1. Or even size~0! @= if (kk>=cc+2) { if (verbose&show_recycling_details) fprintf(stderr," clause "O"d = recycled "O"d (size "O"d)\n", cc,c,kk-cc); ooo,size(cc)=kk-cc, activ(cc)=activ(c), cc=kk+learned_extra; }@+else if (kk==cc) goto unsat; else { o,l=mem[cc].lit; o,vmem[thevar(l)].value=l&1,vmem[thevar(l)].tloc=eptr; o,history[eptr]=4,trail[eptr++]=l; if (verbose&(show_choices+show_details+show_recycling_details)) fprintf(stderr," level 0, "O"s"O".8s from recycled "O"d\n", litname(l),c); } @ @= for (l=2;l<=max_lit;l++) o,lmem[l].watch=0; for (c=clause_extra;c; while (o,mem[endc].lit&sign_bit) endc++; /* necessary for |c; } @ A technicality for mem counting: We save one memory access either when fetching |mem[c+1].lit| or when storing into |link1(c)|. @= { o,l=mem[c].lit; ooo,link0(c)=lmem[l].watch,lmem[l].watch=c; l=mem[c+1].lit; ooo,link1(c)=lmem[l].watch,lmem[l].watch=c; } @*Putting it all together. Most of the mechanisms that we need to solve a satisfiability problem are now in place. We just need to set them in motion at the proper times. @= @; square_one: llevel=warmup_cycles=0; if (sanity_checking) sanity(eptr); if (verbose&show_initial_clauses) print_unsat(); lptr=0; startup: conflict_level=0; full_run=(warmup_cycles; newlevel:@+if (sanity_checking) sanity(eptr); if (delta && (mems>=thresh)) thresh+=delta,print_state(eptr); if (mems>=timeout) { fprintf(stderr,"TIMEOUT!\n");@+goto all_done; } if (eptr==vars) { if (!conflict_level) goto satisfied; @; goto startup; } if (!conflict_level) { /* no conflicting literals are on the trail */ if (total_learned>=doomsday) @; if (total_learned>=next_recycle) full_run=1; else if (total_learned>=next_restart) @; } llevel+=2; @; if (verbose&show_choices && llevel<=show_choices_max) fprintf(stderr,"Level "O"d, trying "O"s"O".8s ("O"lld mems)\n", llevel>>1,litname(l),mems); depth_per_decision+=-(depth_per_decision>>7)+((ullng)llevel<<24); trail_per_decision+=-(trail_per_decision>>7)+((ullng)eptr<<25); o,lmem[l].reason=0; history[eptr]=0; launch: nodes++; o,leveldat[llevel]=eptr; o,trail[eptr++]=l; o,vmem[thevar(l)].tloc=lptr; /* |lptr=eptr-1| */ vmem[thevar(l)].value=llevel+(l&1); agility-=agility>>13; /* use the damping factor $1-2^{-13}$ */ goto proceed; @; @ (I should mention somewhere that the updating of |agility| here, and elsewhere, has a known bug: Overflow from $2^{32}-1$ to $2^{32}$ is theoretically possible! However, this will certainly never occur in practice; and even if it does, it will cause no great harm.) @= confl:@+if (llevel) { prep_clause:@+@; @; /* Note: |lll| is the false literal that will become true */ if (full_run) goto store_clause; decisionvar=(lmem[bar(lll)].reason? 0: 1); /* was it first in its level? */ @; if (learned_size>1) { @@; if (verbose&(show_details+show_choices)) { if ((verbose&show_details) || llevel<=show_choices_max) fprintf(stderr,"level "O"d, "O"s"O".8s from "O"d\n", llevel>>1,litname(lll),c); } o,lmem[lll].reason=c; }@+else @; o,vmem[thevar(lll)].value=llevel+(lll&1),vmem[thevar(lll)].tloc=eptr; history[eptr]=(decisionvar? 2: 6); o,trail[eptr++]=lll; agility-=agility>>13; /* use the damping factor $1-2^{-13}$ */ agility+=1<<19; /* ``bug'' */ @; if (sanity_checking) sanity(eptr); goto proceed; } unsat:@+if (1) { printf("~\n"); /* the formula was unsatisfiable */ if (verbose&show_basics) fprintf(stderr,"UNSAT\n"); }@+else { satisfied:@+if (verbose&show_basics) fprintf(stderr,"!SAT!\n"); @; } @ @= { if (verbose&(show_details+show_choices)) fprintf(stderr,"level 0, learned "O"s"O".8s\n",litname(lll)); if (learned_file) { fprintf(learned_file," "O"s"O".8s\n",litname(lll)); fflush(learned_file); learned_out++; } } @ @= ebptr=eptr; /* binary implications needn't be checked after this point */ while (lptr; } } @; } @ @= { o,k=leveldat[jumplev+2]; while (eptr>k) { o,l=trail[--eptr],v=thevar(l); oo,vmem[v].oldval=vmem[v].value; o,vmem[v].value=unset; o,lmem[l].reason=0; if (eptr; } lptr=eptr; if (sanity_checking) { while (llevel>jumplev) leveldat[llevel]=-1,llevel-=2; }@+else llevel=jumplev; } @ @= for (k=0;k= if (rand_prob>=1.0) rand_prob_thresh=0x80000000; else rand_prob_thresh=(int)(rand_prob*2147483648.0); var_bump_factor=1.0/(double)var_rho; clause_bump_factor=1.0/clause_rho; show_choices_max<<=1; /* double the level-oriented parameters */ next_recycle=recycle_bump; if (next_recycle>doomsday) next_recycle=doomsday; restart_psi=two_to_the_32*(double)restart_psi_fraction; restart_u=restart_v=next_restart=1; if (verbose&show_details) { for (k=0;k= if ((restart_u&-restart_u)==restart_v) restart_u++,restart_v=1,restart_thresh=restart_psi; else restart_v<<=1,restart_thresh+=restart_thresh>>4; next_restart=total_learned+restart_v; if (next_restart>doomsday) next_restart=doomsday; @ @= recycle_bump+=recycle_inc; next_recycle=total_learned+recycle_bump; if (next_recycle>doomsday) next_recycle=doomsday; @ After a full cycle has assigned values to all the variables, we go back and learn clauses from each of the recorded conflicts. If clause $c_i$ is learned at level $l_i$, it tells us that some literal~$u_i$ that was set false at~$l_i$ can now be set to true at some previous level $l'_i= if (total_learned>=next_recycle) { if (verbose&(show_details+show_gory_details+ show_recycling+show_recycling_details)) fprintf(stderr,"Preparing to recycle ("O"llu conflicts, "O"llu mems)\n", total_learned,mems); @; }@+else { warmup_cycles++; if (verbose&(show_choices+show_details+show_gory_details+show_warmlearn)) fprintf(stderr,"Finishing warmup round "O"d:\n",warmup_cycles); } o,leveldat[llevel+2]=eptr; minjumplev=max_lit; /* an ``infinite'' level */ for (;conflict_level;) @; if (recycle_point) jumplev=0; else jumplev=minjumplev; @; trail_marker=eptr; if (jumplev==minjumplev) @; @; if (recycle_point) { @; if (sanity_checking) sanity(eptr); @; } @ Trivial clauses that arise during a full run are ignored, unless they are on the first conflict level, because they are never applicable at higher levels. Several different literals $u_i$ might all turn to be learned at |minjumplev|. Therefore we keep track of them on a stack within the |conflictdat| array. The top item on this stack is accessed via |next_learned|. @= { o,jumplev=conflict_level,conflict_level=conflictdat[conflict_level]; @; o,c=leveldat[llevel+1]; if (c<0) o,l=-c,ll=conflictdat[llevel+1]; goto prep_clause; store_clause:@+ /* apology: these |goto|'s are because of |goto|'s in simplification */ /* now |lll| is a false literal that will become true at |jumplev| */ if (trivial_learning && conflict_level) { cells_prelearned-=prelearned_size; cells_learned-=learned_size,total_learned--,trivials--; }@+else { if (jumplev<=minjumplev) { if (jumplev < minjumplev) minjumplev=jumplev, next_learned=0; o,conflictdat[llevel]=next_learned, conflictdat[llevel+1]=lll; next_learned=llevel; } if (learned_size==1) { o,leveldat[llevel+1]=0; if (learned_file) { fprintf(learned_file," "O"s"O".8s\n",litname(lll)); fflush(learned_file); learned_out++; } if (verbose&show_warmlearn) fprintf(stderr,"(learned unit clause "O"s"O".8s)\n",litname(lll)); }@+else { @; o,leveldat[llevel+1]=c; if (verbose&show_warmlearn) fprintf(stderr,"(learned clause "O"d of size "O"d)\n",c,learned_size); } } } @ @= while (next_learned) { o,lll=conflictdat[next_learned+1]; o,c=leveldat[next_learned+1]; next_learned=conflictdat[next_learned]; if (verbose&(show_details+show_choices)) { if ((verbose&show_details) || llevel<=show_choices_max) { if (c) fprintf(stderr,"level "O"d, "O"s"O".8s from "O"d\n", llevel>>1,litname(lll),c); else fprintf(stderr,"level 0, "O"s"O".8s\n",litname(lll)); } } o,vmem[thevar(lll)].value=llevel+(lll&1),vmem[thevar(lll)].tloc=eptr; o,lmem[lll].reason=c; o,history[eptr]=4,trail[eptr++]=lll; } @ Following the advice of Armin Biere [{\sl Lecture Notes in Computer Science\/ \bf4996} (2008), 28--33], I disable restarts when there's lots of agility (recent flips of variables). The threshold is higher when the time to next restart is longer. @= { @; if (agility<=restart_thresh) @@; else if (verbose&show_restarts) fprintf(stderr, "No restart ("O"llu conflicts, "O"llu mems, agility "O".2f)\n", total_learned,mems,(double)agility/two_to_the_32); } @ Instead of restarting completely, by backing up all the way to level~0, we follow the advice of van~der~Tak, Ramos, and Heule [{\sl Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation\/ \bf7} (2011), 133--138]: We return to the first level for which a new variable will be injected into the trail. (That new variable will be the one with maximum activity, among all that are currently unset.) Sometimes that will not require backtracking at all. (I've lately decided to call this ``flushing,'' not ``restarting,'' in my book.) @= { actual_restarts++; if (verbose&(show_details+show_choices+show_restarts)) fprintf(stderr, "Restarting ("O"llu conflicts, "O"llu mems, agility "O".2f)\n", total_learned,mems,(double)agility/two_to_the_32); if (llevel) { while (1) { o,v=heap[0]; if (o,vmem[v].value==unset) break; @; } o,av=vmem[v].activity; for (jumplev=0;jumplev; } trail_marker=eptr; warmup_cycles=0; goto startup; } @ Well, we didn't solve the problem. Too bad. At least we can report what progress was made. @= { if (verbose&show_basics) fprintf(stderr,"Timeout: Terminating an incomplete run (level "O"d).\n", llevel>>1); print_state(eptr); if (polarity_outfile) { for (k=0;k= void confusion(char *id) { /* an assertion has failed */ fprintf(stderr,"This can't happen ("O"s)!\n",id); exit(-666); } @# void debugstop(int foo) { /* can be inserted as a special breakpoint */ fprintf(stderr,"You rang("O"d)?\n",foo); } @ @= int full_run; /* are we making a pass to gather data on all variables? */ int conflict_seen; /* have we seen a conflict at the current level? */ int decisionvar; /* does the learned clause involve the decision literal? */ int prev_learned; /* number of the clause most recently learned */ int warmup_cycles; /* this many warmups have been done since restart */ int next_learned; /* top of stack of literals learned at |minjumplev| */ int restart_u,restart_v; /* generators for the reluctant doubling sequence */ ullng restart_thresh; /* agility threshold for restarting */ int trail_marker; /* position of the latest restart or full run pass */ int minjumplev; /* level to which we'll return after a full run */ @*Index.