\datethis @s bdata int @s idata int @s tdata int @s tpair int @s ndata int @s cdata int @s wdata int @s arc int @s literal int @s variable int \hyphenation{pre-selected pre-select pre-selection} @*Intro. This program is part of a series of ``SAT-solvers'' that I'm putting together for my own education as I prepare to write Section of {\sl The Art of Computer Programming}. My intent is to have a variety of compatible programs on which I can run experiments to learn how different approaches work in practice. Many of the previous implementations in this series---{\mc SAT0}, {\mc SAT3}, {\mc SAT4}, {\mc SAT5}, and {\mc SAT10}---were based on a natural backtracking approach that has come to be known in the {\mc SAT} community as the DPLL paradigm, honoring the pioneering work of Davis, Putnam, Logemann, and Loveland. Several decades of experience with that paradigm have led to an extremely efficient class of programs now called {\it lookahead solvers}, which devote considerable time to choosing the variables on which to branch. The extra work of making that choice might cost us a factor of a thousand, say, at every branch node; yet we might also decrease the number of nodes by a factor of a million, thus making a net thousand-fold gain. Somewhat to my surprise, this rosy prediction (contrary to what I had believed for many years) actually does work in practice: There are many {\mc SAT} problems (especially those based on combinatorial tasks, as well as the academic yet appealing cases of unsatisfiable random {\mc3SAT}) for which judicious lookaheads outperform any other known method. Consequently {\mc SAT11} is intended to represent a modern lookahead solver. I've based it largely on Marijn Heule's {\mc MARCH}, which has been regularly classed with the world's best lookahead solvers for the last decade or so. I expect {\mc SAT11} to be the most ambitious program of this series, because it combines many advanced ideas that I wish to understand and to explain to the readers of {\sl TAOCP}. On the other hand, I have not included all of the bells and whistles of {\mc MARCH}; in particular, I've omitted the separate treatment of clause sets that represent linear equations mod~2, as well as the ``limited discrepancy search'' technique by which branches of the search tree are explored in a nonstandard order. This basic {\mc SAT11} program, like the earliest versions of {\mc MARCH}, is intended for {\mc 3SAT} problems only: All clauses must have size 3 or less. However, a changefile converts this program to {\mc SAT11K}, which has no such restriction. A good understanding of the {\mc 3SAT} version presented below will make it easier to understand the modifications by which the algorithms can be adapted to handle clauses of any length. If you have already read {\mc SAT10} (or some other program of this series), you might as well skip now past all the code for the ``I/O wrapper,'' because you have seen it before. The input on |stdin| is a series of lines with one clause per line. Each clause is a sequence of literals separated by spaces. Each literal is a sequence of one to eight ASCII characters between \.{!} and \.{\}}, inclusive, not beginning with \.{\~}, optionally preceded by \.{\~} (which makes the literal ``negative''). For example, Rivest's famous clauses on four variables, found in 6.5--(13) and 7.1.1--(32) of {\sl TAOCP}, can be represented by the following eight lines of input: $$\chardef~=`\~ \vcenter{\halign{\tt#\cr x2 x3 ~x4\cr x1 x3 x4\cr ~x1 x2 x4\cr ~x1 ~x2 x3\cr ~x2 ~x3 x4\cr ~x1 ~x3 ~x4\cr x1 ~x2 ~x4\cr x1 x2 ~x3\cr}}$$ Input lines that begin with \.{\~\ } are ignored (treated as comments). The output will be `\.{\~}' if the input clauses are unsatisfiable. Otherwise it will be a list of noncontradictory literals that cover each clause, separated by spaces. (``Noncontradictory'' means that we don't have both a literal and its negation.) The input above would, for example, yield `\.{\~}'; but if the final clause were omitted, the output would be `\.{\~x1} \.{\~x2} \.{x3}', in some order, possibly together with either \.{x4} or \.{\~x4} (but not both). No attempt is made to find all solutions; at most one solution is given. The running time in ``mems'' is also reported, together with the approximate number of bytes needed for data storage. One ``mem'' essentially means a memory access to a 64-bit word. (These totals don't include the time or space needed to parse the input or to format the output.) @ So here's the structure of the program. (Skip ahead if you are impatient to see the interesting stuff.) @d o mems++ /* count one mem */ @d oo mems+=2 /* count two mems */ @d ooo mems+=3 /* count three mems */ @d O "%" /* used for percent signs in format strings */ @c #include #include #include #include "gb_flip.h" typedef unsigned int uint; /* a convenient abbreviation */ typedef unsigned long long ullng; /* ditto */ @; @; @; main (int argc, char *argv[]) { register int au,av,aw,h,i,j,jj,k,kk,l,ll,p,pp,q,qq,r,s; register int c,cc,hh,la,lp,ls,ola,ols,tla,tls,tll,sl,su,sv,sw; register int t,tt,u,uu,v0,v,vv,w,ww,x,y,xl,pu,aa,ss,pv,ua,va; @; @; @; if (verbose&show_basics) @; @; imems=mems, mems=0; @; done:@+if (verbose&show_basics) fprintf(stderr, "Altogether "O"llu+"O"llu mems, "O"llu bytes, "O"llu nodes.\n", imems,mems,bytes,nodes); } @ The default values of parameters below have been tuned for random {\mc 3SAT} instances, based on tests by Holger Hoos in 2015. @d show_basics 1 /* |verbose| code for basic stats */ @d show_choices 2 /* |verbose| code for backtrack logging */ @d show_details 4 /* |verbose| code for further commentary */ @d show_gory_details 8 /* |verbose| code for more yet */ @d show_doubly_gory_details 16 /* |verbose| code for still more */ @d show_unused_vars 32 /* |verbose| code to list variables not in solution */ @d show_scores 64 /* |verbose| code to show the prelookahead scores */ @d show_strong_comps 128 /* |verbose| code to show strong components */ @d show_looks 256 /* |verbose| code to show the lookahead forest */ @= int random_seed=0; /* seed for the random words of |gb_rand| */ int verbose=show_basics+show_unused_vars; /* level of verbosity */ int show_choices_max=1000000; /* above this level, |show_choices| is ignored */ int hbits=8; /* logarithm of the number of the hash lists */ int print_state_cutoff=32*80; /* don't print more than this many hists */ int buf_size=1024; /* must exceed the length of the longest input line */ FILE *out_file; /* file for optional output */ char *out_name; /* its name */ FILE *primary_file; /* file for optional input */ char *primary_name; /* its name */ int primary_vars; /* the number of primary variables */ ullng imems,mems; /* mem counts */ ullng bytes; /* memory used by main data structures */ ullng nodes; /* the number of nodes entered */ ullng thresh=10000000000; /* report when |mems| exceeds this, if |delta!=0| */ ullng delta=10000000000; /* report every |delta| or so mems */ ullng timeout=0x1fffffffffffffff; /* give up after this many mems */ uint memk_max=memk_max_default; /* binary log of the maximum size of |mem| */ float alpha=3.5; /* magic constant for heuristic scores */ float max_score=20.0; /* heuristic scores will be at most this */ int hlevel_max=50; /* saved levels of heuristic scores */ int levelcand=600; /* preselected candidates times levels */ int mincutoff=30; /* don't cut off fewer than this many candidates */ int max_prelook_arcs=1000; /* space available for arcs re strong components */ int dl_max_iter=32; /* maximum iterations of double-look */ float dl_rho=0.9995; /* damping factor for the double-look trigger */ @ On the command line one can specify any or all of the following options: \smallskip \item{$\bullet$} `\.v$\langle\,$integer$\,\rangle$' to enable various levels of verbose output on |stderr|. \item{$\bullet$} `\.c$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to limit the levels on which clauses are shown. \item{$\bullet$} `\.h$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to adjust the hash table size. \item{$\bullet$} \item{$\bullet$} `\.H$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to limit the literals whose histories are shown by |print_state|. `\.b$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to adjust the size of the input buffer. \item{$\bullet$} `\.s$\langle\,$integer$\,\rangle$' to define the seed for any random numbers that are used. \item{$\bullet$} `\.d$\langle\,$integer$\,\rangle$' to set |delta| for periodic state reports. (See |print_state|.) \item{$\bullet$} `\.m$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to adjust the maximum memory size. (The binary logarithm is specified; it must be at most 31.) \item{$\bullet$} `\.a$\langle\,$positive float$\,\rangle$' to adjust the magic constant $\alpha$ in heuristic scores. \item{$\bullet$} `\.t$\langle\,$positive float$\,\rangle$' to adjust the maximum permissible heuristic score. \item{$\bullet$} `\.l$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to adjust the number of levels of heuristic scores that are remembered. \item{$\bullet$} `\.p$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to adjust the parameter |levelcand|, approximating ``candidates times levels'' during the preselection phase. \item{$\bullet$} `\.q$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to adjust the parameter |mincutoff|, the minimum cutoff on the number of candidates during preselection. \item{$\bullet$} `\.z$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to adjust |max_prelook_arcs|, the maximum number of arcs retained when studying the reduced digraph during preselection. \item{$\bullet$} `\.i$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to adjust |dl_max_iter|, the maximum number of iterations allowed during a double-lookahead. (An exceptionally large value will actually {\it disable\/} double-lookahead, because there won't be enough available ``truth space.'') \item{$\bullet$} `\.r$\langle\,$positive float$\,\rangle$' to adjust |dl_rho|, the damping factor for |dl_trigger|. \item{$\bullet$} `\.x$\langle\,$filename$\,\rangle$' to copy the input plus a solution-eliminating clause to the specified file. If the given problem is satisfiable in more than one way, a different solution can be obtained by inputting that file. \item{$\bullet$} `\.V$\langle\,$filename$\,\rangle$' to input a file that lists the names of all ``primary'' variables. A nonprimary variable will not be used for branching unless its value is forced, or unless all of the primary variables have already been assigned a value. \item{$\bullet$} `\.T$\langle\,$integer$\,\rangle$' to set |timeout|: This program will abruptly terminate, when it discovers that |mems>timeout|. @= for (j=argc-1,k=0;j;j--) switch (argv[j][0]) { case 'v': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&verbose)-1);@+break; case 'c': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&show_choices_max)-1);@+break; case 'H': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&print_state_cutoff)-1);@+break; case 'h': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&hbits)-1);@+break; case 'b': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&buf_size)-1);@+break; case 's': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&random_seed)-1);@+break; case 'd': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"lld",&delta)-1);@+thresh=delta;@+break; case 'm': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&memk_max)-1);@+break; case 'a': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"f",&alpha)-1);@+break; case 't': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"f",&max_score)-1);@+break; case 'l': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&hlevel_max)-1);@+break; case 'p': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&levelcand)-1);@+break; case 'q': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&mincutoff)-1);@+break; case 'z': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&max_prelook_arcs)-1);@+break; case 'i': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"d",&dl_max_iter)-1);@+break; case 'r': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"f",&dl_rho)-1);@+break; case 'x': out_name=argv[j]+1, out_file=fopen(out_name,"w"); if (!out_file) fprintf(stderr,"I can't open file `"O"s' for output!\n",out_name); break; case 'V': primary_name=argv[j]+1, primary_file=fopen(primary_name,"r"); if (!primary_file) fprintf(stderr,"I can't open file `"O"s' for input!\n",primary_name); break; case 'T': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,""O"lld",&timeout)-1);@+break; default: k=1; /* unrecognized command-line option */ } if (k || hbits<0 || hbits>30 || buf_size<=0 || memk_max<2 || memk_max>31 || alpha<=0.0 || max_score<=0.0 || hlevel_max<3 || levelcand<=0 || mincutoff<=0 || max_prelook_arcs<=0 || dl_max_iter<=0) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: "O"s [v] [c] [h] [b] [s] [d] [m]",argv[0]); fprintf(stderr," [H] [a] [t] [l] [p] [q]"); fprintf(stderr," [i] [r] [x] [V] [T] < foo.sat\n"); exit(-1); } @*The I/O wrapper. The following routines read the input and absorb it into temporary data areas from which all of the ``real'' data structures can readily be initialized. My intent is to incorporate these routines into all of the SAT-solvers in this series. Therefore I've tried to make the code short and simple, yet versatile enough so that almost no restrictions are placed on the sizes of problems that can be handled. These routines are supposed to work properly unless there are more than $2^{32}-1=4$,294,967,295 occurrences of literals in clauses, or more than $2^{31}-1=2$,147,483,647 variables or clauses. In these temporary tables, each variable is represented by four things: its unique name; its serial number; the clause number (if any) in which it has most recently appeared; and a pointer to the previous variable (if any) with the same hash address. Several variables at a time are represented sequentially in small chunks of memory called ``vchunks,'' which are allocated as needed (and freed later). @d vars_per_vchunk 341 /* preferably $(2^k-1)/3$ for some $k$ */ @= typedef union { char ch8[8]; uint u2[2]; long long lng; } octa; typedef struct tmp_var_struct { octa name; /* the name (one to eight ASCII characters) */ uint serial; /* 0 for the first variable, 1 for the second, etc. */ int stamp; /* |m| if positively in clause |m|; |-m| if negatively there */ struct tmp_var_struct *next; /* pointer for hash list */ } tmp_var; @# typedef struct vchunk_struct { struct vchunk_struct *prev; /* previous chunk allocated (if any) */ tmp_var var[vars_per_vchunk]; } vchunk; @ Each clause in the temporary tables is represented by a sequence of one or more pointers to the |tmp_var| nodes of the literals involved. A negated literal is indicated by adding~1 to such a pointer. The first literal of a clause is indicated by adding~2. Several of these pointers are represented sequentially in chunks of memory, which are allocated as needed and freed later. @d cells_per_chunk 511 /* preferably $2^k-1$ for some $k$ */ @= typedef struct chunk_struct { struct chunk_struct *prev; /* previous chunk allocated (if any) */ tmp_var *cell[cells_per_chunk]; } chunk; @ @= char *buf; /* buffer for reading the lines (clauses) of |stdin| */ tmp_var **hash; /* heads of the hash lists */ uint hash_bits[93][8]; /* random bits for universal hash function */ vchunk *cur_vchunk; /* the vchunk currently being filled */ vchunk *last_vchunk; /* another pointer for vchunk manipulation */ tmp_var *cur_tmp_var; /* current place to create new |tmp_var| entries */ tmp_var *bad_tmp_var; /* the |cur_tmp_var| when we need a new |vchunk| */ chunk *cur_chunk; /* the chunk currently being filled */ tmp_var **cur_cell; /* current place to create new elements of a clause */ tmp_var **bad_cell; /* the |cur_cell| when we need a new |chunk| */ ullng vars; /* how many distinct variables have we seen? */ ullng clauses; /* how many clauses have we seen? */ ullng nullclauses; /* how many of them were null? */ int ternaries; /* how many were ternary? */ ullng cells; /* how many occurrences of literals in clauses? */ int non_clause; /* is the current clause ignorable? */ @ @= gb_init_rand(random_seed); buf=(char*)malloc(buf_size*sizeof(char)); if (!buf) { fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't allocate the input buffer (buf_size="O"d)!\n", buf_size); exit(-2); } hash=(tmp_var**)malloc(sizeof(tmp_var)<= if (primary_file) @; while (1) { if (!fgets(buf,buf_size,stdin)) break; clauses++; if (buf[strlen(buf)-1]!='\n') { fprintf(stderr, "The clause on line "O"lld ("O".20s...) is too long for me;\n",clauses,buf); fprintf(stderr," my buf_size is only "O"d!\n",buf_size); fprintf(stderr,"Please use the command-line option b.\n"); exit(-4); } @; } if (!primary_file) primary_vars=vars; if ((vars>>hbits)>=10) { fprintf(stderr,"There are "O"lld variables but only "O"d hash tables;\n", vars,1<>hbits)>=10) hbits++; fprintf(stderr," maybe you should use command-line option h"O"d?\n",hbits); } clauses-=nullclauses; if (clauses==0) { fprintf(stderr,"No clauses were input!\n"); exit(-77); } if (vars>=0x80000000) { fprintf(stderr,"Whoa, the input had "O"llu variables!\n",vars); exit(-664); } if (clauses>=0x80000000) { fprintf(stderr,"Whoa, the input had "O"llu clauses!\n",clauses); exit(-665); } if (cells>=0x100000000) { fprintf(stderr,"Whoa, the input had "O"llu occurrences of literals!\n",cells); exit(-666); } @ We input from |primary_file| just as if it were the standard input file, except that all ``clauses'' are discarded. (Line numbers in error messages are zero.) The effect is to place the primary variables first in the list of all variables: A variable is primary if and only if its index is |<=primary_vars|. @= { while (1) { if (!fgets(buf,buf_size,primary_file)) break; if (buf[strlen(buf)-1]!='\n') { fprintf(stderr, "The clause on line "O"lld ("O".20s...) is too long for me;\n",clauses,buf); fprintf(stderr," my buf_size is only "O"d!\n",buf_size); fprintf(stderr,"Please use the command-line option b.\n"); exit(-4); } @; @; } cells=nullclauses=0; primary_vars=vars; if (verbose&show_basics) fprintf(stderr,"("O"d primary variables read from "O"s)\n", primary_vars,primary_name); } @ @= for (j=k=non_clause=0;!non_clause;) { while (buf[j]==' ') j++; /* scan to nonblank */ if (buf[j]=='\n') break; if (buf[j]<' ' || buf[j]>'~') { fprintf(stderr,"Illegal character (code #"O"x) in the clause on line "O"lld!\n", buf[j],clauses); exit(-5); } if (buf[j]=='~') i=1,j++; else i=0; @; } if (k==0 && !non_clause) { fprintf(stderr,"(Empty line "O"lld is being ignored)\n",clauses); nullclauses++; /* strictly speaking it would be unsatisfiable */ } if (non_clause) @@; else { if (k>3) { fprintf(stderr, "Sorry: This program accepts unary, binary, and ternary clauses only!"); fprintf(stderr," (line "O"lld)\n",clauses); exit(-1); } if (k==3) ternaries++; } cells+=k; @ We need a hack to insert the bit codes 1 and/or 2 into a pointer value. @d hack_in(q,t) (tmp_var*)(t|(ullng)q) @= { register tmp_var *p; if (cur_tmp_var==bad_tmp_var) @; @name| and compute its hash code |h|@>; if (!non_clause) { @name| in the hash table at |p|@>; if (clauses && (p->stamp==clauses || p->stamp==-clauses)) @@; else { p->stamp=(i? -clauses: clauses); if (cur_cell==bad_cell) @; *cur_cell=p; if (i==1) *cur_cell=hack_in(*cur_cell,1); if (k==0) *cur_cell=hack_in(*cur_cell,2); cur_cell++,k++; } } } @ @= { register vchunk *new_vchunk; new_vchunk=(vchunk*)malloc(sizeof(vchunk)); if (!new_vchunk) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't allocate a new vchunk!\n"); exit(-6); } new_vchunk->prev=cur_vchunk, cur_vchunk=new_vchunk; cur_tmp_var=&new_vchunk->var[0]; bad_tmp_var=&new_vchunk->var[vars_per_vchunk]; } @ @= { register chunk *new_chunk; new_chunk=(chunk*)malloc(sizeof(chunk)); if (!new_chunk) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't allocate a new chunk!\n"); exit(-7); } new_chunk->prev=cur_chunk, cur_chunk=new_chunk; cur_cell=&new_chunk->cell[0]; bad_cell=&new_chunk->cell[cells_per_chunk]; } @ The hash code is computed via ``universal hashing,'' using the following precomputed tables of random bits. @= for (j=92;j;j--) for (k=0;k<8;k++) hash_bits[j][k]=gb_next_rand(); @ @name|...@>= cur_tmp_var->name.lng=0; for (h=l=0;buf[j+l]>' '&&buf[j+l]<='~';l++) { if (l>7) { fprintf(stderr, "Variable name "O".9s... in the clause on line "O"lld is too long!\n", buf+j,clauses); exit(-8); } h^=hash_bits[buf[j+l]-'!'][l]; cur_tmp_var->name.ch8[l]=buf[j+l]; } if (l==0) non_clause=1; /* `\.\~' by itself is like `true' */ else j+=l,h&=(1<name| in the hash table...@>= for (p=hash[h];p;p=p->next) if (p->name.lng==cur_tmp_var->name.lng) break; if (!p) { /* new variable found */ p=cur_tmp_var++; p->next=hash[h], hash[h]=p; p->serial=vars++; p->stamp=0; } @ The most interesting aspect of the input phase is probably the ``unwinding'' that we might need to do when encountering a literal more than once in the same clause. @= { if ((p->stamp>0)==(i>0)) non_clause=1; /* tautology */ } @ An input line that begins with `\.{\~\ }' is silently treated as a comment. Otherwise redundant clauses are logged, in case they were unintentional. (One can, however, intentionally use redundant clauses to force the order of the variables.) @= { while (k) { @; k--; } if (non_clause && ((buf[0]!='~')||(buf[1]!=' '))) fprintf(stderr,"(The clause on line "O"lld is always satisfied)\n",clauses); nullclauses++; } @ @= if (cur_cell>&cur_chunk->cell[0]) cur_cell--; else { register chunk *old_chunk=cur_chunk; cur_chunk=old_chunk->prev;@+free(old_chunk); bad_cell=&cur_chunk->cell[cells_per_chunk]; cur_cell=bad_cell-1; } @ Here I must omit `|free(old_vchunk)|' from the code that's usually in this section, because the variable data will be used later. @= if (cur_tmp_var>&cur_vchunk->var[0]) cur_tmp_var--; else { register vchunk *old_vchunk=cur_vchunk; cur_vchunk=old_vchunk->prev; /* and don't |free(old_vchunk)| */ bad_tmp_var=&cur_vchunk->var[vars_per_vchunk]; cur_tmp_var=bad_tmp_var-1; } @ @= fprintf(stderr, "("O"lld variables, "O"lld clauses, "O"llu literals successfully read)\n", vars,clauses,cells); @*SAT solving, version 11. A lookahead solver explores a binary tree of possibilities by choosing, at every decision node, a variable $x$ for which the node's subtrees correspond to asserting $x$ or $\bar x$. Several more-or-less independent activities are part of this process: \smallskip %(0) {\it Preprocessing}. We simplify the original clauses and put them into a %canonical form before the main search begins. %\smallskip (1) {\it Preselection}. At each decision node we choose a subset $P$ of the unassigned variables, based on our best guess as to which of them might be good candidates for further exploration. \smallskip (2) {\it Selection}. We look ahead at the immediate consequences of asserting the truth and falsity of each variable in~$P$. Then we choose the variable that appears to reduce the problem most efficiently. \smallskip (3) {\it Propagation}. We update the current state of the problem by incorporating all consequences of a new assertion. \smallskip (4) {\it Backtracking}. When a contradiction arises in some branch, we must undo the effects of propagation and move to an unexplored branch of the tree. \smallskip\noindent Each of these activities, except thankfully the last, involves many individual steps. In some sense this program represents an attitude: We're not afraid to throw code at the problem. @ Quite a few cooperating data structures are needed to do all these things at high speed. I shall therefore try to summarize the main ones here. First, we need to represent the fact that variable $x$ is true, false, or unknown. In fact, we must also deal with intermediate stages by which $x$ is known with various degrees of certainty, based on tentative assumptions that we've made during the lookahead or propagation process. Every variable therefore has an integer {\it stamp}, which is even if $x$ is true, odd if $x$ is false, and relatively large if the value is relatively certain. Setting the stamp to~0 makes $x$ absolutely unknown; setting the stamp to the highest possible values |real_truth| or |real_truth+1| makes it absolutely true or false. Setting the stamp to an intermediate value like 100 makes $x$ true when the ``current stamp'' |cs| is 2, 4, \dots, 100, but unknown when |cs>100|. (The value of |cs| is always even, and it never exceeds |known|.) Second, we need quick access to the consequences of binary clauses. A binary clause $l\lor l'$ is equivalent to two direct implications $\bar l\to l'$ and $\bar l'\to l$, and the set of all such implications forms a digraph called the implication graph. The |bimp| data structure makes it easy to find all literals that are directly implied by any given literal. (And since $\bar l\to l'$ if and only if $\bar l'\to l$, it's equally easy to find all literals that {\it directly imply\/} any given literal.) New binary implications are learned and added to |bimp| as computation proceeds, and they are stored sequentially in memory; therefore the individual lists are allocated dynamically, within a large array called~|mem|, using the ``buddy system'' (Algorithm 2.5R). Third, there's also a |timp| data structure. Each ternary clause $l\lor l'\lor l''$ means that $\bar l\to l'\lor l''$, $\bar l'\to l''\lor l$, $\bar l''\to l\lor l'$; and |timp| records the binary clauses implied by any given literal. (Preprocessing has ensured that each ternary clause appears in a canonical order $l= uint *stamp; /* the current levels of truth, falsity, and uncertainty */ uint *mem; /* master array of buddy-allocated blocks for |bimp| lists */ bdata *bimp; /* indexes into |mem| for lists of binary implications */ tpair *tmem; /* master array of blocks for |timp| lists */ tdata *timp; /* indexes into |tmem| for lists of ternary implications */ uint *freevar, *freeloc; /* perm of the variables from free to assigned */ int freevars; /* how many of the variables are still free (unassigned)? */ uint *rstack; /* stack and queue for backtracking and unit propagation */ int rptr; /* the number of elements used in |rstack| */ idata *istack; /* |bimp| sizes to be undone if necessary */ int iptr; /* the number of elements used in |istack| */ int iptr_max; /* largest |iptr| currently allocated in virtual memory */ ndata *nstack; /* node information */ int level; /* current depth in the decision tree */ literal *lmem; /* attributes of literals */ variable *vmem; /* attributes of variables */ @ The variables are numbered 1, 2, \dots, $n$, and the literals corresponding to variable~$x$ are $2x$ and $2x+1$ (namely $x$ and $\bar x$). Thus the variable that corresponds to literal~$l$ is |l>>1|, and the complement of literal~$l$ is |l^1|. (Previous programs of this series started the numbering at~0, not~1, in accord with Dijkstra's famous dictum. But we shall find it convenient to reserve the value~0 for use as a sentinel.) Some arrays (like |stamp| and |freevar|) are indexed by variable numbers, while others (like |bimp| and |timp|) are indexed by literal numbers. In order to reduce the chance of confusion between the two numbering schemes, variables in the code below will generally be represented by the letters |x|, |y|, or |z|; literals will generally be represented by |l|, |u|, |v|, or |w|. @d thevar(l) ((l)>>1) /* the variable that corresponds to |l| */ @d bar(l) ((l)^1) /* the complement of |l| */ @d poslit(x) ((x)<<1) /* the literal $x$ */ @d neglit(x) (((x)<<1)+1) /* the literal $\bar x$ */ @ An entry in the |bimp| table has four parts: |addr| is the address in |mem| where the list of implications begins; |size| is the current length of that list; |alloc| is the number of memory positions currently available at the given address; and |alloc| always equals $2^k$, where |k| is the fourth field. (Thus we always have |size<=alloc|. The value of |k| is always at least~2, hence |alloc| is always at least~4. As the computation proceeds, |alloc| might increase, but it never will decrease.) When |mems| are counted, we assume that |addr| and |size| are fetched or stored together; hence we can access them both at the cost of just one~mem. Similarly, |alloc| and |k| are assumed to be in the same octabyte of memory. An entry in the |istack| has two parts: |lit| is the literal~$l$ whose |bimp| entry is to be restored; |size| is the amount to be placed in |bimp[l].size|. @= typedef struct bdata_struct { uint addr; /* starting place of a sequential list in |mem| */ uint size; /* its current length */ uint alloc; /* maximum length before reallocation is necessary */ uint k; /* lg |alloc| */ } bdata; typedef struct idata_struct { uint lit; /* the |l| whose |size| in |bimp| was changed */ uint size; /* its previous size */ } idata; @ An entry in |timp| has two parts: |addr| is the address in |tmem| where the list of implication pairs begins; |size| is the current length of that list. An entry in |tmem| has two parts, |u| and |v|, for the two literals $l'$ and $l''$ whose {\mc OR} is implied by a given literal~$l$. It also has a |link| field, which points to the next |tmem| entry in the triad that corresponds to an original ternary clause. (Each original clause $l\lor l'\lor l''$ leads to |timp| entries for $\bar l$, $\bar l'$, and $\bar l''$. These three entries are circularly linked.) @= typedef struct tdata_struct { uint addr; /* starting place of a sequential list in |mem| */ uint size; /* its current length */ } tdata; /* one octabyte */ typedef struct tpair_struct { uint u,v; /* a pair of literals */ uint link; /* the successor pair of a triad */ uint spare; /* used only when reading the initial data */ } tpair; /* two octabytes */ @ An entry in |nstack| has the following fields: |decision| records the literal whose truth is being tentatively asserted; |branch| is 0 in the first branch, or 1 if that branch failed; |rptr| and |iptr| record the initial values of those stack pointers when the node was initialized; |lptr| records the initial value of |rptr| when lookahead for the next level began. @= typedef struct ndata_struct { uint decision; /* the literal chosen at this branch */ int branch; /* did we try and fail to set it the other way? */ int rptr,iptr,lptr; /* initial values of stack pointers */ } ndata; @ Here is a subroutine that prints the binary implicant data for a given literal. (Used only when debugging.) @= void print_bimp(int l) { register uint la,ls; printf(""O"s"O".8s ->",litname(l)); for (la=bimp[l].addr,ls=bimp[l].size;ls;la++,ls--) printf(" "O"s"O".8s",litname(mem[la])); printf("\n"); } @ Similarly, the current ternary implicant data gives useful diagnostic info. @= void print_timp(int l) { register uint la,ls; printf(""O"s"O".8s ->",litname(l)); for (la=timp[l].addr,ls=timp[l].size;ls;la++,ls--) printf(" "O"s"O".8s|"O"s"O".8s",litname(tmem[la].u),litname(tmem[la].v)); printf("\n"); } @# void print_full_timp(int l) { register uint la,k; printf(""O"s"O".8s ->",litname(l)); for (la=timp[l].addr,k=0;k= void sanity(void) { register int j,k,l,la,ls,los,p,q,u,v; for (k=0;k; @; } @ @= for (l=2;l=real_truth) fprintf(stderr,"active timp u for free lit "O"d has assigned lit "O"d!\n", l,u); if (stamp[thevar(v)]>=real_truth) fprintf(stderr,"active timp v for free lit "O"d has assigned lit "O"d!\n", l,v); } }@+else if (stamp[thevar(u)]= void print_state(int lev) { register int k,r; fprintf(stderr," after "O"lld mems:",mems); for (k=r=0;k=print_state_cutoff) { fprintf(stderr,"...");@+break; } } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fflush(stderr); } @ Each literal has an entry in |lmem|, containing many fields. We will introduce them from time to time as we use them. @= typedef struct lit_struct { int rank; /* order of appearance in Tarjan's algorithm */ int link; /* pointer to another literal */ int untagged; /* progress record in Tarjan's algorithm */ int min; /* magically important data for Tarjan's algorithm */ int parent; /* predecessor in Tarjan's algorithm */ int vcomp; /* component representation in Tarjan's algorithm */ int arcs; /* pointer to the first successor entry in the |cand_arc| array */ uint bstamp; /* stamped with |bstamp| when processing new binaries */ uint dl_fail; /* stamped with |istamp| when doublelook didn't force this */ uint istamp; /* stamped with |istamp| when making an entry for |istack| */ float wnb; /* total weighted new binaries, including implied literals */ uint filler; /* extra space to fill six octabytes */ } literal; @ Similarly, each variable has an entry in |vmem|, where three fields appear. @d litname(l) (l)&1?"~":"",vmem[thevar(l)].name.ch8 /* used in printouts */ @= typedef struct var_struct { octa name; /* the variable's symbolic name */ int pfx,len; /* prefix of its first useful appearance in the search tree */ } variable; @*Initializing the real data structures. We're ready now to convert the temporary chunks of data into the form we want, and to recycle those chunks. The code below is, of course, similar to what has worked in previous programs of this series. @= uint lits; /* how many literals are present? */ uint badlit; /* one more than the highest literal number */ @ @= lits=vars<<1, badlit=lits+2; last_vchunk=cur_vchunk; @; @; @; @; @; @ We randomize the initial order of |freevars|, so that different seeds can produce different results (for instance on satisfiable problems). @= stamp=(uint*)malloc((vars+1)*sizeof(uint)); if (!stamp) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the stamp array!\n"); exit(-10); } bytes+=(vars+1)*sizeof(uint); @# bimp=(bdata*)malloc(badlit*sizeof(bdata)); if (!bimp) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the bimp array!\n"); exit(-10); } bytes+=badlit*sizeof(bdata); @; @# timp=(tdata*)malloc(badlit*sizeof(tdata)); if (!timp) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the timp array!\n"); exit(-10); } bytes+=badlit*sizeof(tdata); tmem=(tpair*)malloc(3*ternaries*sizeof(tpair)); if (!tmem) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the tmem array!\n"); exit(-10); } bytes+=3*ternaries*sizeof(tpair); @# freevar=(uint*)malloc(vars*sizeof(uint)); if (!freevar) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the freevar array!\n"); exit(-10); } bytes+=vars*sizeof(uint); freeloc=(uint*)malloc((vars+1)*sizeof(uint)); if (!freeloc) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the freeloc array!\n"); exit(-10); } bytes+=(vars+1)*sizeof(uint); for (k=0;k= rstack=(uint*)malloc((vars+1)*sizeof(uint)); if (!rstack) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the rstack array!\n"); exit(-10); } bytes+=(vars+1)*sizeof(uint); @# nstack=(ndata*)malloc((vars+1)*sizeof(ndata)); if (!nstack) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the nstack array!\n"); exit(-10); } bytes+=(vars+1)*sizeof(ndata); @# lmem=(literal*)malloc(badlit*sizeof(literal)); if (!lmem) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the lmem array!\n"); exit(-10); } bytes+=badlit*sizeof(literal); for (l=2;l= forcedlits=0; /* prepare for possible unary clauses */ for (l=2;l; } @; if (out_file) fflush(out_file); /* complete the copy of input clauses */ @ The basic idea is to ``unwind'' the steps that we went through while building up the chunks. @d hack_out(q) (((ullng)q)&0x3) @d hack_clean(q) ((tmp_var*)((ullng)q&-4)) @= for (i=j=0;i<2;) { @; i=hack_out(*cur_cell); p=hack_clean(*cur_cell)->serial; p+=p+(i&1); rstack[j++]=p+2; /* the clause is first assembled in |rstack| */ /* but no mems are charged, because three registers could be used */ } u=rstack[0],v=rstack[1],w=rstack[2]; /* see? */ if (out_file) { for (jj=0;jj@; else if (j==2) @@; else @; @ Unary clauses in the input might be repeated or contradictory. Thus we must be careful not to overstep the bounds of the |forcedlit| array. The |addr| fields in |timp| are borrowed here, temporarily, so that no variable is forced twice. @= { if (o,timp[u].addr==0) { if (o,timp[bar(u)].addr) { if (verbose&show_choices) fprintf(stderr,"Unary clause "O"d contradicts unary clause "O"d\n", c,timp[bar(u)].addr); goto unsat; } o,timp[u].addr=c; o,forcedlit[forcedlits++]=u; } } @ @= { o,la=bimp[bar(u)].addr,ls=bimp[bar(u)].size; if (o,ls==bimp[bar(u)].alloc) resize(bar(u)),o,la=bimp[bar(u)].addr; oo,mem[la+ls]=v,bimp[bar(u)].size=ls+1; o,la=bimp[bar(v)].addr,ls=bimp[bar(v)].size; if (o,ls==bimp[bar(v)].alloc) resize(bar(v)),o,la=bimp[bar(v)].addr; oo,mem[la+ls]=u,bimp[bar(v)].size=ls+1; } @ During the preliminary ``counting'' pass, we put ternary clauses sequentially into the spare slots of |tmem|. @= { oo,timp[bar(u)].size++; oo,timp[bar(v)].size++; oo,timp[bar(w)].size++; ooo,tmem[k].spare=u,tmem[k+1].spare=v,tmem[k+2].spare=w; k+=3; } @ @= for (j=0,l=badlit-1;l>=2;l--) { oo,timp[l].addr=j,j+=timp[l].size,timp[l].size=0; } o,timp[l].addr=j; /* we'll have |timp[l].addr+timp[l].size=timp[l-1].addr| */ if (k!=j || k!=3*ternaries) confusion("ternaries"); while (k) { k-=3; ooo,u=tmem[k].spare,v=tmem[k+1].spare,w=tmem[k+2].spare; o,la=timp[bar(u)].addr,ls=timp[bar(u)].size,uu=la+ls; o,timp[bar(u)].size=ls+1; o,tmem[uu].u=v,tmem[uu].v=w; o,la=timp[bar(v)].addr,ls=timp[bar(v)].size,vv=la+ls; o,tmem[uu].link=vv; o,timp[bar(v)].size=ls+1; o,tmem[vv].u=w,tmem[vv].v=u; o,la=timp[bar(w)].addr,ls=timp[bar(w)].size,ww=la+ls; o,tmem[vv].link=ww; o,timp[bar(w)].size=ls+1; o,tmem[ww].u=u,tmem[ww].v=v; o,tmem[ww].link=uu; } @ @= for (c=vars; c; c--) { @; o,vmem[c].name.lng=cur_tmp_var->name.lng; o,vmem[c].len=vars+1; /* ``infinitely long'' prefix */ } @ We should now have unwound all the temporary data chunks back to their beginnings. @= if (cur_cell!=&cur_chunk->cell[0] || cur_chunk->prev!=NULL ||@| cur_tmp_var!=&cur_vchunk->var[0] || cur_vchunk->prev!=NULL) confusion("consistency"); free(cur_chunk); for (cur_vchunk=last_vchunk; cur_vchunk; cur_vchunk=last_vchunk) { last_vchunk=cur_vchunk->prev; free(cur_vchunk); } @*Buddy system redux. Here's a version of Algorithms 2.5R and 2.5D that is appropriate for the operations we need to do in |bimp|. Each block of |mem| has size $2^k$ for some $k>1$, and it begins at an address that is a multiple of~$2^k$. A reserved block begins with an unsigned |int| that is less than~$2^{31}$; a free block begins with an unsigned |int| that is $\ge2^{31}$ (thus its ``sign'' bit is 1). In fact, the first two words of the free block starting at |b| are the complements of pointers in a doubly linked list, and we call them |linkf| and |linkb|. The third word of such a block, called |kval|, contains the value of~$k$ when the block size is~$2^k$; and the ``buddy'' of such a block~|b| begins at location |b^(1<= int memk; /* binary log of the number of spaces used so far in |mem| */ @ @= for (l=2;lbimp[l].alloc) fprintf(stderr,"size of bimp["O"d] is clobbered ("O"d>"O"d)!\n", l,bimp[l].size,bimp[l].alloc); else if (la>=1<0x"O"d)!\n", l,la,1<=0;j--) if (mem[la+j]<2 || mem[la+j]>=badlit) fprintf(stderr,"literal "O"d in bimp["O"d] is out of bounds!\n", mem[la+j],l); } for (k=2;k=1<0x"O"d)!\n", k,p,1<= void resize(register int l) { register uint a,j,k,kk,n,p,q,r,s; mems+=4; /* pay the cost of subroutine linkage */ oo,a=bimp[l].addr,n=bimp[l].size,k=bimp[l].k,s=1<@; else @; finish: o,bimp[l].alloc=s+s, bimp[l].k=k+1; } @ Here the buddy of block |a| is |p|, and it has turned out to be free. In the most favorable case, |p| will actually be in exactly the right place so that we won't have to recopy any data. @= { @; if ((a&s)==0) goto finish; /* we lucked out */ oo,mem[p]=mem[a]; /* ensure that |mem[p]| isn't negative */ for (j=1;j= q=~linkb(p), r=~linkf(p); /* no mem cost, we've already accessed |mem[p]| */ oo,linkf(q)=~r,linkb(r)=~q; @ In the more difficult case, we must find a block of twice the size, and copy the data there; then we free up the present block. @= { @; oo,mem[p]=mem[a]; /* ensure that |mem[p]| isn't negative */ for (j=1;j; o,bimp[l].addr=p; } @ @= for (kk=k+1; kk; goto found; } if (memk==memk_max) { /* oops, we're outta room */ fprintf(stderr,"Sorry... more memory is needed! (Try option m"O"d.)\n", memk_max+1); fprintf(stderr,"Job aborted after "O"llu mems, "O"llu nodes.\n",mems,nodes); exit(-666); } p=1<k) @; @ @= { o,q=~linkf(avail(kk)),r=p+(1<= o,q=~linkf(avail(k)); oo,linkf(avail(k))=linkb(q)=~a; oo,linkb(a)=~avail(k),linkf(a)=~q,kval(a)=k; @ We need to get these data structures off to a good start at the very beginning. Here's how that is done, given |lits| and |memk_max|, after the arrays |mem| and |bimp| have been allocated: @= for (memk=4; 1<memk_max) { /* |memk_max| is too small even for empty lists! */ fprintf(stderr,"The value of memk_max is way too small for "O"d literals!\n", lits); exit(-667); } mem=(uint*)malloc((1<= istack=(idata*)malloc((1<= nstack[level].lptr=rptr,nodes++; /* for diagnostics only (no mem charged) */ if (delta && (mems>=thresh)) thresh+=delta,print_state(level); if (mems>timeout) { fprintf(stderr,"TIMEOUT!\n"); goto done; } o,nstack[level].branch=-1, plevel=level; @; if (forcedlits) @; chooseit: @; o,nstack[level].rptr=rptr, nstack[level].iptr=iptr; /* backup pointers */ if (bestlit) { o,nstack[level].decision=bestlit, nstack[level].branch=0; tryit: l=bestlit, plevel=level+1; if ((verbose&show_choices) && level<=show_choices_max) fprintf(stderr,"Level "O"d"O"s: "O"s"O".8s ("O"lld mems)\n", level,nstack[level].branch?"'":"",litname(l),mems); @; }@+else if ((verbose&show_choices) && level<=show_choices_max) fprintf(stderr,"Level "O"d: no branch\n", level); @ Recall that the ``current stamp'' |cs| is an even number that represents the level of truth for assignments that are currently being made. Any variable |x| with |stamp[x]=cs) @d isfree(l) (o,stamp[thevar(l)]= uint bestlit; /* literal chosen for branching by lookahead routines */ uint cs; /* the current level of truth (always even) */ uint look_cs,dlook_cs; /* saved values of |cs| */ int fptr,eptr,lfptr; /* queue pointers for breadth-first search */ @ Here's a simple routine for use in debugging. It prints out all literals that are true with respect to a given stamping level. @= void print_truths(uint cs) { register int x; if (cs>=proto_truth) { switch ((cs-proto_truth)>>1) { case 0: fprintf(stderr,"proto_truths or better:");@+break; case 1: fprintf(stderr,"near_truths or better:");@+break; case 2: fprintf(stderr,"real_truths:");@+break; } }@+else fprintf(stderr,"truths at least "O"d:", cs); for (x=1;x<=vars;x++) if (stamp[x]>=cs) fprintf(stderr," "O"s"O".8s", stamp[x]&1?"~":"", vmem[x].name.ch8); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } @# void print_proto_truths(void) { print_truths(proto_truth); } @# void print_near_truths(void) { print_truths(near_truth); } @# void print_real_truths(void) { print_truths(real_truth); } @ In the present part of the program, we set |cs=near_truth|. This level means that the literal is on the |rstack| but its full consequences haven't yet been explored. We do a breadth-first search, using |rstack| to contain the literals that are being asserted---first at level |near_truth|, then at level |real_truth|. Pointers |fptr| and |eptr| point to the front and end of the queue that governs the search. @= cs=near_truth; fptr=eptr=rptr; @; @; promote: @; if (o,nstack[level].branch<0) { /* we've finished the forced literals */ if (level) goto chooseit; forcedlits=0; goto enter_level; /* at the root, it's back to square zero */ } @ @= while (fptr; } rptr=eptr; /* accept all the propagations */ @ The forced literals act as ``seeds'' for another bread-first search. If the input had unary clauses, the computation actually begins here, so that the implications of those clauses are perceived early. @= { special_start:@+if (verbose&show_details) fprintf(stderr,"(lookahead for level "O"d forces "O"d)\n", level,forcedlits); cs=near_truth; fptr=eptr=rptr; @; for (i=0;i; } goto promote; } @ The |istamp| field of literal |l| is marked with the current value of the global variable |istamp| when |l| gets its first |istack| entry during a particular phase of the search; then we can be sure that there's at most one |istack| entry per literal during any particular phase. The loop here is ``never'' needed, except in problems that are well beyond what I ever imagine trying to solve. But I'm including it anyway, because it makes me feel virtuous. @= if (++istamp==0) { /* overflow has occurred after $2^{32}$ times */ istamp=1; for (l=2;l= if (++bstamp==0) { /* overflow has occurred after $2^{32}$ times */ bstamp=1; for (l=2;l= uint istamp; /* used for unique identifications */ uint bstamp=32; /* used for unique identifications of another kind */ @ The code in this section is part of the inner loop, so we want it to be fast. Fortunately the task is fairly simple: When one literal is asserted to be true at the current |cs| level, all the literals in its |bimp| list are also asserted. And we continue until no more can be asserted, unless a contradiction arises first. Our data structures contain both binary implications and ternary implications. We examine only the binary ones here, because they're simpler. By focusing on them first, we have a better chance of detecting contradictions sooner. @= if (isfixed(l)) { if (iscontrary(l)) goto conflict; }@+else { if (verbose&show_details) fprintf(stderr,"nearfixing "O"s"O".8s\n", litname(l)); stamptrue(l); lfptr=eptr; o,rstack[eptr++]=l; while (lfptr= o,stamp[thevar(ll)]=real_truth+(ll&1); if (verbose&show_details) fprintf(stderr,"fixing "O"s"O".8s\n", litname(ll)); @; tll=ll&-2;@+@; tll++;@+@; for (o,tla=timp[ll].addr,tls=timp[ll].size;tls;tla++,tls--) { o,u=tmem[tla].u, v=tmem[tla].v; if (verbose&show_details) fprintf(stderr," "O"s"O".8s->"O"s"O".8s|"O"s"O".8s\n", litname(ll),litname(u),litname(v)); @; @; } @ @= x=thevar(ll); o,y=freevar[--freevars]; if (x!=y) { o,xl=freeloc[x]; o,freevar[xl]=y; o,freeloc[y]=xl; o,freeloc[x]=freevars; o,freevar[freevars]=x; } @ The pairs in |timp| become inactive when any of their variables become ``really'' fixed (whether true or false). Here we run through all active occurrences of |tll| or its complement, moving them to the inactive parts of their |timp| lists and putting active pairs in their place. (Hint for decoding this code: If |u| and |v| are an active pair in |timp[tll]|, then |v| and |bar(tll)| are an active pair in |timp[bar(u)]|; also |bar(tll)| and |u| are an active pair in |timp[bar(v)]|.) When |tll| becomes fixed, we do not, however, make the pairs in |timp[tll]| and |timp[bar(tll)]| inactive. We keep those lists intact, because we won't be referring to them again until it's time to undo the operations of the present step. Subtle point: Inactive |timp| entries for positive literals are swapped out before the inactive |timp| entries for negative literals. This tends to increase the likelihood that swapping won't be needed on subsequent branches. @= for (o,la=timp[tll].addr,ls=timp[tll].size;ls;la++,ls--) { o,u=tmem[la].u, v=tmem[la].v; o,pu=tmem[la].link; /* pointer to a pair in |timp[bar(u)]| */ o,pv=tmem[pu].link; /* pointer to a pair in |timp[bar(v)]| */ o,aa=timp[bar(u)].addr,ss=timp[bar(u)].size-1; o,timp[bar(u)].size=ss; if (pu!=aa+ss) { /* need to swap */ o,uu=tmem[aa+ss].u, vv=tmem[aa+ss].v; oo,q=tmem[aa+ss].link, qq=tmem[q].link; /* |qq| links to |aa+ss| */ oo,tmem[qq].link=pu, tmem[la].link=aa+ss; oo,tmem[pu].u=uu, tmem[pu].v=vv, tmem[pu].link=q; pu=aa+ss; oo,tmem[pu].u=v, tmem[pu].v=bar(tll),tmem[pu].link=pv; } o,aa=timp[bar(v)].addr,ss=timp[bar(v)].size-1; o,timp[bar(v)].size=ss; if (pv!=aa+ss) { /* need to swap */ o,uu=tmem[aa+ss].u, vv=tmem[aa+ss].v; oo,q=tmem[aa+ss].link, qq=tmem[q].link; /* |qq| links to |aa+ss| */ oo,tmem[qq].link=pv, tmem[pu].link=aa+ss; oo,tmem[pv].u=uu, tmem[pv].v=vv, tmem[pv].link=q; pv=aa+ss; oo,tmem[pv].u=bar(tll), tmem[pv].v=u, tmem[pv].link=la; } } @ When a ternary clause reduces to the binary clause $u\lor v$, the ``real'' truth status of |u| and |v| is not yet known; but they might be ``nearly'' true or false. (In the latter case, we'll be setting them really true or false as we continue our breadth-first search in the queue on the |rstack|.) There are five possibilities: \smallskip \item{$\bullet$} If either |u| or |v| is near-true, the binary clause is satisfied and we needn't do anything. \smallskip \item{$\bullet$} If both |u| and |v| are near-false, we've reached a contradiction. \smallskip \item{$\bullet$} If |u| is near-false but |v| is unknown, we can make |v| near-true. \smallskip \item{$\bullet$} If |u| is unknown but |v| is near-false, we can make |u| near-true. \smallskip \item{$\bullet$} Otherwise |u| and |v| are both unknown, and we've deduced the clause $u\lor v$. @= if (isfixed(u)) { /* equivalently, |if (o,stamp[thevar(u)]>=near_truth)| */ if (iscontrary(u)) { /* |u| is stamped false */ if (isfixed(v)) { if (iscontrary(v)) goto conflict; }@+else { /* |v| is unknown */ l=v; @; } } }@+else { /* |u| is unknown */ if (isfixed(v)) { if (iscontrary(v)) { l=u; @; } }@+else @; } @ Now we've made some definite progress, by deducing a ``new'' binary clause $u\lor v$, and we hope to capitalize on it. Three opportunities, not mutually exclusive, may present themselves at this point: \smallskip \item{$\bullet$} If $\bar u\lor v$ is already in our |bimp| table, we can make |v| near-true. \smallskip \item{$\bullet$} If $u\lor\bar v$ is already in our |bimp| table, we can make |u| near-true. \smallskip \item{$\bullet$} If $u\lor v$ is not already in our |bimp| table, we can insert it. \smallskip\noindent Furthermore, we might also know the clause $\bar v\lor w$, say, in which case the binary clause $u\lor w$ is also true. Experience shows that such ``compensation resolvents'' are useful, so we add them to our |bimp| collection. This is the part of the program where we use |bstamp| to mark everything that's presently implied by $\bar u$. And then we use it to mark everything that's presently implied by $\bar v$. An attentive reader will notice that, if $\bar u\lor v$ and $u\lor\bar v$ are both already in |bimp|, we'll make $u$ near-true and the propagation routine will take care of~$v$. @= { @; o,lmem[bar(u)].bstamp=bstamp; for (o,au=bimp[bar(u)].addr,k=su=bimp[bar(u)].size;k;au++,k--) oo,lmem[mem[au]].bstamp=bstamp; if (o,lmem[bar(v)].bstamp==bstamp) { /* we already have $u\lor\bar v$ */ fix_u: l=u;@+@; }@+else if (o,lmem[v].bstamp!=bstamp) { /* we don't have $u\lor v$ */ o,ua=bimp[bar(u)].alloc; @; @; @; o,lmem[bar(v)].bstamp=bstamp; for (o,av=bimp[bar(v)].addr,k=sv=bimp[bar(v)].size;k;av++,k--) oo,lmem[mem[av]].bstamp=bstamp; if (o,lmem[bar(u)].bstamp==bstamp) { /* we already have $\bar u\lor v$ */ fix_v: l=v;@+@; }@+else { o,va=bimp[bar(v)].alloc; @; @; if (su==ua) resize(bar(u)), ua+=ua, o,au=bimp[bar(u)].addr+su; oo,mem[au]=v,bimp[bar(u)].size=su+1; /* $\bar u$ implies $v$ */ if (sv==va) resize(bar(v)), va+=va, o,av=bimp[bar(v)].addr+sv; oo,mem[av]=u,bimp[bar(v)].size=sv+1; /* $\bar v$ implies $u$ */ } } } @ At this point |su=bimp[bar(u)].size|. @= if (o,lmem[bar(u)].istamp!=istamp) { o,lmem[bar(u)].istamp=istamp; o,istack[iptr].lit=bar(u), istack[iptr].size=su; @; } @ @= iptr++; if (iptr==iptr_max) { bytes+=iptr*sizeof(idata); iptr_max<<=1; } @ At this point all implications of |bar(u)| are stamped with |bstamp|, including |bar(u)| itself. And since $u\lor v$ is true, we know that $v$ is also implied by |bar(u)|. Therefore any literal~$w$ implied by~$v$ is a potentially new consequence of |bar(u)|, called a ``compensation resolvent.'' (It can be obtained by resolving $u\lor v$ with $\bar v\lor w$.) Notice that $w$ cannot be near-false; otherwise the propagation routine would have made $v$ near-false, since $v\to w$ implies $\bar w\to\bar v$. We maintain the values |au=bimp[bar(u)].addr+su|, |su=bimp[bar(u)].size|, |ua=bimp[bar(u)].alloc|. @= for (o,la=bimp[v].addr,ls=bimp[v].size;ls;la++,ls--) { o,w=mem[la]; if (!isfixed(w)) { if (o,lmem[bar(w)].bstamp==bstamp) goto fix_u; /* $\bar u$ implies $w$ and $\bar w$ */ if (o,lmem[w].bstamp!=bstamp) { /* $u\lor w$ is new */ if (verbose&show_details) fprintf(stderr," ->"O"s"O".8s|"O"s"O".8s\n", litname(u),litname(w)); if (su==ua) resize(bar(u)), ua+=ua, o,au=bimp[bar(u)].addr+su; oo,mem[au++]=w,bimp[bar(u)].size=++su; /* $\bar u$ implies $w$ */ o,aw=bimp[bar(w)].addr,sw=bimp[bar(w)].size; @; if (o,sw==bimp[bar(w)].alloc) resize(bar(w)),o,aw=bimp[bar(w)].addr; o,bimp[bar(w)].size=sw+1; o,mem[aw+sw]=u; /* $\bar w$ implies $u$ */ } } } @ At this point |sv=bimp[bar(v)].size|; we do for |v| as we did for |u|. @= if (o,lmem[bar(v)].istamp!=istamp) { o,lmem[bar(v)].istamp=istamp; o,istack[iptr].lit=bar(v), istack[iptr].size=sv; @; } @ Here |sw=bimp[bar(w)].size|. @= if (o,lmem[bar(w)].istamp!=istamp) { o,lmem[bar(w)].istamp=istamp; o,istack[iptr].lit=bar(w), istack[iptr].size=sw; @; } @ This is the kind of program that cannot be written well when loud music is playing. @= for (o,la=bimp[u].addr,ls=bimp[u].size;ls;la++,ls--) { o,w=mem[la]; if (!isfixed(w)) { if (o,lmem[bar(w)].bstamp==bstamp) goto fix_v; /* $\bar v$ implies $w$ and $\bar w$ */ if (o,lmem[w].bstamp!=bstamp) { /* $v\lor w$ is new */ if (verbose&show_details) fprintf(stderr," ->"O"s"O".8s|"O"s"O".8s\n", litname(v),litname(w)); if (sv==va) resize(bar(v)), va+=va, o,av=bimp[bar(v)].addr+sv; oo,mem[av++]=w,bimp[bar(v)].size=++sv; /* $\bar v$ implies $w$ */ o,aw=bimp[bar(w)].addr,sw=bimp[bar(w)].size; @; if (o,sw==bimp[bar(w)].alloc) resize(bar(w)),o,aw=bimp[bar(w)].addr; o,bimp[bar(w)].size=sw+1; o,mem[aw+sw]=v; /* $\bar w$ implies $v$ */ } } } @*Downdating the data structures. When a contradiction arises, backtracking becomes necessary: Everything that went up must come down. Fortunately the task of undoing isn't too tough. The |istack| contains all the information needed to discard any binary implications that no longer hold; and the |rstack| records every literal that has been made nearly or really true. Let's look at the |istack| entries first, because they're so easy. The code almost writes itself. @= if (o,nstack[level].branch>=0) { for (o,j=nstack[level].iptr;iptr>j;iptr--) { o,l=istack[iptr-1].lit, sl=istack[iptr-1].size; o,bimp[l].size=sl; } } @ The |rstack| entries come in two parts, one easy and the other a bit tricky. The literals on |rstack[j]| for |fptr<=j= for (j=fptr;j= for (j=fptr-1;j>=rptr;j--) { /* decreasing order is important */ o,ll=rstack[j]; tll=ll|1;@+@; tll--;@+@; freevars++; o,stamp[thevar(ll)]=0; } @ @= for (o,ls=timp[tll].size,la=timp[tll].addr+ls-1;ls;ls--,la--) { o,u=tmem[la].u, v=tmem[la].v; oo,timp[bar(u)].size++; oo,timp[bar(v)].size++; } @ @= dl_contra: @; contra: @; goto look_bad; /* a conflict has arisen during lookahead */ conflict: @; backtrack: @; @; if (o,nstack[level].branch==0) @; look_bad:@+if (level) { level--; if (level<31) prefix&=-(1<<(31-level)); /* see below */ fptr=rptr; o,rptr=nstack[level].rptr; goto backtrack; } unsat:@+if (1) { printf("~\n"); /* the formula was unsatisfiable */ if (verbose&show_basics) fprintf(stderr,"UNSAT\n"); }@+else { satisfied:@+if (verbose&show_basics) fprintf(stderr,"!SAT!\n"); @; } @ A binary string is implicitly associated with every node of the search tree: At level~0, before we've done any branching at all, the string is empty. Branch~0 of every node appends 0 to the parent string, and branch~1 appends~1. The length of the string is therefore |level|. We also maintain the first 32 bits of the current string in the global variable |prefix|, left-justified within a 32-bit word. (This prefix is used to help guide locality of search, by identifying ``participants'' as explained in the preselection algorithm below.) @= { bestlit=bar(nstack[level].decision); o,nstack[level].decision=bestlit, nstack[level].branch=1; if (level<32) prefix+= 1<<(31-level); goto tryit; /* if at first you don't succeed, try the other branch */ } @ A variable $x$ is said to ``participate'' at a branch node if it occurs in one of the nonbinary clauses that is produced in that node or in one of that node's ancestors. If $x$ has already become a participant, the string specified by |vmem[x].pfx| and |vmem[x].len| will be a prefix of the current string. In this step we update the |pfx| and |lev| fields of variables that are participating in the current activity. Notice that this information does not need to be changed when backtracking. (At levels above 31 this program accepts cousins as well as ancestors.) @= x=thevar(u); o,p=vmem[x].pfx,q=vmem[x].len; if (q= if (freevars==0) goto satisfied; @; @; @; @ The candidates are collected and identified in an array |cand|, whose entries have two fields, |var| and |rating|. @= typedef struct cdata_struct { uint var; /* the variable that's a candidate */ float rating; /* its estimated importance */ } cdata; @ @= cdata *cand; /* list of candidates for lookahead */ int cands; /* the number of candidates in |cand| */ float sum; /* accumulator for computing the ratings */ int no_newbies; /* are candidates restricted to participants? */ float *rating; /* estimates of how useful each variable will be for branching */ uint prefix; /* first 32 bits of the current prefix string */ int plevel; /* length of the current prefix string */ int maxcand; /* the maximum number of candidates desired at the current node */ @ @= cand=(cdata*)malloc(vars*sizeof(cdata)); if (!cand) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the cand array!\n"); exit(-10); } bytes+=vars*sizeof(cdata); rating=(float*)malloc((vars+1)*sizeof(float)); if (!rating) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the rating array!\n"); exit(-10); } bytes+=(vars+1)*sizeof(float); @ The first stage of preselection {\it does\/} examine all the free variables, in order to get enough data to choose the candidates. Thus it constitutes one of the inner loops for which we hope to do everything rapidly. The general idea is to compute a heuristic score $h(l)$ for each free literal $l$, which estimates the relative amount by which asserting $l$ will reduce the current problem. Suppose there are $n$ free variables. Then there are $2n$ free literals, and $2n$ scores $h(l)$ to compute. Experiments have shown that we tend to get good estimates if these scores approximately satisfy the nonlinear equations $$h(l)=0.1+\alpha\sum_{l\to l'}\hat h(l')+ \sum_{l\to l'\lor l''}\hat h(l')\,\hat h(l''),$$ where $\alpha$ is a magic constant and where $\hat h(l)$ is a multiple of~$h(l)$ such that $\sum_l\hat h(l)=2n$. (In other words, we ``normalize'' the $h$'s so that the average score is~1.) The default value $\alpha=3.5$ is recommended, but of course other magic values can be tried by using the command-line parameter~`\.a' to change~$\alpha$. Given a set of $h(l)$ scores, we can get a refined set $h'(l)$ by computing $$h'(l)=0.1+\alpha\sum_{l\to l'}{h(l')\over\overline h}+ \sum_{l\to l'\lor l''}{h(l')\over\overline h}\,{h(l'')\over\overline h}, \qquad \overline h={1\over2n}\sum_l h(l).$$ At the root of the tree, we start with $h(l)=1$ for all $l$ and then refine it several times. At deeper levels, we start with the $h(l)$ values from the parent node and refine them (once). A large array |hmem| holds all these values for the first |hlevel_max| levels of the search tree. When |level>=hlevel_max|, we revert to the most recent information that was saved. Inaccurate scores are obviously most troublesome near the root, so we prefer expediency to accuracy when |level| gets large. If the problem has $n$ variables, the score $h(l)$ for level $j$ is stored in |hmem[2*n*j+l-2]|. @= float *hmem; /* heuristic scores on the first levels of the search tree */ int hmem_alloc_level; /* how much of |hmem| have we gotten into? */ float *heur; /* the currently relevant block within |hmem| */ @ @= hmem=(float*)malloc(lits*(hlevel_max+1)*sizeof(float)); if (!hmem) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the hmem array!\n"); exit(-10); } hmem_alloc_level=2; bytes+=lits*3*sizeof(float); for (k=0;k= void hscores(float *h,float *hp) { register int j,l,la,ls,u,v; register float sum,tsum,factor,sqfactor,afactor,pos,neg; for (sum=0.0,j=0;j; pos=sum, l++; @; neg=sum; if (verbose&show_scores) fprintf(stderr,"("O".8s: pos "O".2f neg "O".2f r="O".4g)\n", vmem[l>>1].name.ch8,pos,neg, (posmax_score) pos=max_score; if (neg>max_score) neg=max_score; o,hp[l-1]=pos,hp[l]=neg; o,rating[thevar(l)]=pos*neg; } } @ @= for (o,la=bimp[l].addr,ls=bimp[l].size,sum=0.0;ls;la++,ls--) { o,u=mem[la]; if (isfree(u)) o,sum+=h[u]; } for (o,la=timp[l].addr,ls=timp[l].size,tsum=0.0;ls;la++,ls--) { o,u=tmem[la].u, v=tmem[la].v; oo,tsum+=h[u]*h[v]; } sum=0.1+sum*afactor+tsum*sqfactor; @ Here we compute the relevant scores, and set the global variable |heur| to point within |hmem| in such a way that |heur[l]| will be the appropriate $h(l)$ for the lookahead we're about to do. @= if (level<=1) { hscores(htable(0),htable(1)); /* refine the all-1 heuristic */ hscores(htable(1),htable(2)); /* and refine that one */ hscores(htable(2),htable(1)); /* and refine that one */ hscores(htable(1),htable(2)); /* and refine that one */ hscores(htable(2),htable(1)); /* and refine that one */ heur=htable(1); /* use the fifth refinement */ }@+else if (levelhmem_alloc_level) hmem_alloc_level++, bytes+=lits*sizeof(float); hscores(htable(level-1),htable(level)); /* refine the parent's heuristic */ heur=htable(level); /* and use it */ }@+else { if (hlevel_max>hmem_alloc_level) hmem_alloc_level++,bytes+=lits*sizeof(float); hscores(htable(hlevel_max-1),htable(hlevel_max)); /* refine ancestral heuristic */ heur=htable(hlevel_max); /* and use it */ } @ The maximum number of candidates permitted, in this implementation, depends on the current level rather than on the number of variables or clauses in the problem: We calculate |maxcand| = the maximum of |levelcand/level| and |mincutoff|, where |levelcand=600| and |mincutoff=30| by default. (At level~0, for example, |maxcand| is infinite; at level~5 it is~120; at levels 20 or more it is~30.) Then, while |cands>=2*maxcand|, we repeatedly remove all candidates whose rating is less than the mean; quite a few really weak candidates might therefore go away if a few strong ones dominate. Finally, if |maxcand= @; maxcand=(level==0? freevars: levelcand/level); if (maxcand; @; @ The next stage in this winnowing-down process tries to avoid any variable that hasn't participated in a ternary clause that has been reduced; otherwise we might find ourselves trying to solve several independent problems at the same time. In order to weed out ``newbies'' (nonparticipants), we allow |x| to be a candidate only if |vmem[x].pfx| and |vmem[x].len| specify a string that's a prefix of the current node's string. (However, we rescind this restriction if it gives us no candidates. For example, at level~0 there are no participants, because we haven't reduced any clauses.) If the \.V option is being used, to distinguish ``primary'' variables, we consider a nonprimary variable to be a nonparticipant (so that it will not normally become a candidate). @= no_newbies=(plevel>0); init_cand:@+for (cands=k=0,sum=0.0;kprimary_vars) continue; o,t=vmem[x].pfx,l=vmem[x].len; if (l==plevel) { if (t!=prefix) continue; /* not a participant */ }@+else if (l>plevel) continue; else if (t!=(l<32? prefix&-(uint)(1LL<<(32-l)): prefix)) continue; } oo,cand[cands].var=x,cand[cands].rating=rating[x]; cands++, sum+=rating[x]; } if (cands==0) { @; no_newbies=0; goto init_cand; /* if there are no participants, accept all comers */ } @ @= for (j=0;j; l++; @; } goto satisfied; nogood:@; @ @= if (o,timp[l].size) goto nogood; /* all active timps are unsatisfied */ for (o,la=bimp[l].addr,ls=bimp[l].size;ls;la++,ls--) { o,u=mem[la]; if (o,stamp[thevar(u)]!=real_truth+(u&1)) goto nogood; } @ At this point we've got |cands| candidates in the |cand| array, and |sum| is the sum of their ratings. The next task is to eliminate low-rated candidates, if we have too many to handle. @= for (k=1; cands>=2*maxcand && k;) { register float mean=0.9999*sum/(double)cands; for (j=k=0,sum=0.0;j=mean) sum+=cand[j].rating,j++; else oo,k=1,cand[j]=cand[--cands]; /* don't advance |j|, discard a loser */ } } if (cands>maxcand) @= { j=cands>>1; /* the heap condition holds for |i>=j| */ while (j>0) { j--; @; } while (1) { oo,cand[0]=cand[--cands]; /* discard a loser */ if (cands==maxcand) break; @; } } @ @= { register float r; cdata c; o,c=cand[j], r=c.rating; for (i=j,jj=(j<<1)+1;jjj) o,cand[i]=c; } @*Strong components. If the binary implication graph has a nontrivial strong component, all literals in that component are locked together: Any one of their values determines all the rest. Therefore we don't want to bother looking ahead on two variables that have literals in the same strong component. Robert Tarjan has devised a beautiful algorithm that finds the strong components very efficiently [{\sl SIAM Journal on Computing\/ \bf1} (1972), 146--160]; and his algorithm also produces a topological sort on the representatives of those components, as an extra bonus. We are going to want the preselected candidates to be topologically sorted, because that will speed up the lookaheads that we'll be doing. Therefore Tarjan's algorithm is a perfect fit for our present situation. Note: We are going to restrict ourselves to direct implications between candidates, instead of considering indirect chains of implications $l_0\to l_1\to \cdots\to l_k$ with $k>1$, where $l_0$ and $l_k$ are candidates but the intermediate literals $l_1$, \dots,~$l_{k-1}$ are not. The efficiency of Tarjan's algorithm suggests that we could consider the full digraph instead of its restriction to candidates only, perhaps before deciding on the list of candidates. However, cases in which indirect implications provide significant information appear to be rare. (At least, the author has yet to see a single instance where two chosen candidates, in the most time-consuming parts of a search tree, are implicitly linked without also being explicitly linked.) It seems that the variables chosen to be candidates almost never have important non-candidate neighbors. The following implementation of Tarjan's algorithm follows the steps that appear on pages 513--519 of {\sl The Stanford GraphBase}. The reader is referred to that book, which explains the procedure in terms of an explorer who searches the rooms of a cave, for full details and proofs of correctness. The algorithm uses five integer fields in each literal's |lmem| record: \smallskip |rank| is initially 0, then positive, finally $\infty$, when |l| is respectively unseen, then active, finally settled. \smallskip |parent| points to a lower-ranked literal in the current oriented tree of active literals (or to 0 at the root), when |l| is active; it points to the component representative when |l| is settled. \smallskip |untagged| tells how many of |l|'s successors haven't been explored. \smallskip |link| is a link in the stack of active vertices or the stack of settled vertices. \smallskip |min| is Tarjan's brilliant invention that makes everything work fast. \smallskip\noindent We add also a sixth field, |vcomp|, which is a component member of maximum rating. Our instrumentation counts |mems| by assuming that |rank| and |link| are accessed simultaneously as an octabyte, as are |untagged| and |min|, |parent| and |vcomp|. @= @; for (i=0;i; if ((l&1)==0) { l++;@+goto check_rank; } } if (verbose&show_strong_comps) @; @ @= { fprintf(stderr,"Strong components:\n"); for (l=settled;l;l=lmem[l].link) { fprintf(stderr," "O"s"O".8s ", litname(l)); if (lmem[l].parent!=l) fprintf(stderr,"with "O"s"O".8s\n", litname(lmem[l].parent)); else { if (lmem[l].vcomp!=l) fprintf(stderr,"-> "O"s"O".8s ", litname(lmem[l].vcomp)); fprintf(stderr,""O".4g\n", rating[thevar(lmem[l].vcomp)]); } } } @ Candidates are marked with |bstamp| here so that they can be distinguished from non-candidates. Then we make a new copy of the |bimp| data, abbreviating it so that only the candidates are listed. An arbitrary upper bound is placed on the total number of arcs in this reduced digraph, because perfect accuracy is not important at this stage. The default limit, |max_prelook_arcs=10000|, can be changed if desired. Care is needed when we stick to such a limit, because we want the arc $u\to v$ to be present if and only if its dual $\bar v\to\bar u$ is also present. @= @; for (i=0;i; for (i=0;i= typedef struct arc_struct { uint tip; /* the implied literal */ int next; /* next arc from the implier literal, or $-1$ */ } arc; @ @= arc *cand_arc; /* the arcs in a reduced digraph */ int cand_arc_alloc; /* how many arc slots have we used so far? */ int active; /* top of the linked stack of active vertices */ int settled; /* top of the linked stack of settled vertices */ @ The number of |bytes| used will be adjusted dynamically. @= max_prelook_arcs&=-2; /* make sure |max_prelook_arcs| is even */ cand_arc=(arc*)malloc(max_prelook_arcs*sizeof(arc)); if (!cand_arc) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the cand_arc array!\n"); exit(-10); } @ @= for (j=i=0;i; l++; @; } arcs_done:@+if (j>cand_arc_alloc) /* we've copied more arcs than ever before */ bytes+=(j-cand_arc_alloc)*sizeof(arc),cand_arc_alloc=j; @ Beware: We {\it reverse\/} the ordering here, placing an arc $u\to v$ into |cand_arc| when there's an implication $v\to u$ in the |bimp| table. This switcheroo will produce strong components in a more desirable order. @= for (oo,la=bimp[l].addr,ls=bimp[l].size,p=lmem[bar(l)].arcs;ls;la++,ls--) { o,u=mem[la]; if (ul$ */ o,cand_arc[j].tip=bar(u),cand_arc[j].next=p, p=j; /* make arc $\bar l\to\bar u$ */ oo,cand_arc[j+1].tip=l,cand_arc[j+1].next=lmem[u].arcs; o,lmem[u].arcs=j+1, j+=2; /* make arc $u\to l$ */ if (j==max_prelook_arcs) { if (verbose&show_details) fprintf(stderr,"prelook arcs cut off at "O"d; see option z\n", max_prelook_arcs); o,lmem[bar(l)].arcs=lmem[bar(l)].untagged=p; goto arcs_done; } } o,lmem[bar(l)].arcs=lmem[bar(l)].untagged=p; @ @= { v=l; o,lmem[l].parent=0; @; do @@; while (v>0); } @ @= o,lmem[v].rank=++k; lmem[v].link=active, active=v; o,lmem[v].min=v; @ Minor point: No mem is charged for setting |lmem[v].min=u| here, because |lmem[v].untagged| could have been set at the same time. @= { o,vv=lmem[v].untagged,ll=lmem[v].min; if (vv>=0) { /* still more to explore from |v| */ o,u=cand_arc[vv].tip, vv=cand_arc[vv].next; o,lmem[v].untagged=vv; o,j=lmem[u].rank; if (j) { /* we've seen |u| already */ if (o,j; } }@+else { /* |v| becomes mature */ o,u=lmem[v].parent; if (v==ll) @@; else { /* the arc $u\to v$ has matured, making |v|'s min visible from |u| */ if (ooo,lmem[ll].rank= { float r,rr; t=active; o,r=rating[thevar(v)],w=v; o,active=lmem[v].link; o,lmem[v].rank=infty; /* settle |v| */ lmem[v].link=settled, settled=t; /* move the component from |active| to |settled| */ while (t!=v) { if (t==bar(v)) { /* component contains complementary literals */ if (verbose&show_gory_details) fprintf(stderr,"the binary clauses are inconsistent\n"); goto look_bad; } o,lmem[t].rank=infty; /* now |t| is settled */ o,lmem[t].parent=v; /* and its strong component is represented by |v| */ o,rr=rating[thevar(t)]; if (rr>r) r=rr,w=t; o,t=lmem[t].link; } o,lmem[v].parent=v, lmem[v].vcomp=w; /* |v| represents itself */ if (o,lmem[bar(v)].rank==infty) oo,lmem[v].vcomp=bar(lmem[lmem[bar(v)].parent].vcomp); } @*The lookahead forest. Now we come to what is probably the nicest part of this whole program, an elegant mechanism by which much of the potential lookahead computation is avoided. Suppose we've decided to look ahead on the consequences of literals $l_1$, $l_2$, \dots, $l_n$, in that order. The current binary implications tell us that, if $l_j$ is true, then also $l_i$ must be true for certain~$i$. If $ip_j$. If, for example, $n=4$ and $p_1p_2p_3p_4=3\,1\,4\,2$, then $l_2$ can assume all consequences of~$l_1$ (because $p_1>p_2$); and $l_4$ can assume all of the consequences of $l_1$ and $l_3$, but not $l_2$ (because $p_1>p_4$ and $p_3>p_4$ but $p_20$ has a predecessor vertex~$v$ of height~$h-1$. We will use the oriented forest that is defined by those predecessor links---using the fact that $v\to u$ is an implication in |bimp[v]| when $u$ has an arc to $v$ in the |cand_arc| digraph. @= @; @; @ If |u| represents a strong component we will change |lmem[u].untagged| to a height value; and we'll also make |lmem[u].min| point to child of~|u| in the forest being constructed. Those fields are therefore renamed |height| and |child|, to reflect their new function. The |link| fields will also acquire a new significance, although we'll keep calling them |link|: They will point to siblings in the forest, namely to vertices with the same parent. The dummy literal 1 will play the role of a global root, whose children are all of the source vertices (the vertices of height~0). @d height untagged @d child min @d root 1 @= o,lmem[root].child=0,lmem[root].height=-1,pp=root; for (u=settled; u; u=uu) { oo,uu=lmem[u].link,p=lmem[u].parent; if (p!=pp) h=0,w=root,pp=p; /* |pp| is previous strong component representative */ for (o,j=lmem[bar(u)].arcs;j>=0;j=cand_arc[j].next) { o,v=bar(cand_arc[j].tip); /* we look at the predecessors |v| of |u| */ o,vv=lmem[v].parent; if (vv==p) continue; /* ignore an arc within the current component */ o,hh=lmem[vv].height; if (hh>=h) h=hh+1,w=vv; } if (p==u) { o,v=lmem[w].child; oo,lmem[u].height=h,lmem[u].child=0,lmem[u].link=v; o,lmem[w].child=u; } } @ The results of our oriented forest computation are placed into an array of |ldata| called |look|. The lookahead process will examine literals |look[0].lit|, |look[1].lit|, \dots,~|look[looks-1].lit|, in that order; and the current stamp while studying the implications of |look[k].lit| will be the even number |base+look[k].offset|, where |base| is the smallest stamp in the current iteration. (Cognoscenti will understand that there is one entry in this array for each strong component that was found in the implication digraph of candidates.) @= typedef struct ldata_struct { uint lit; /* a literal for lookahead */ uint offset; /* the offset of its stamp */ } ldata; @ @= ldata *look; /* specification of the oriented forest for lookaheads */ int looks; /* the number of current entries in |look| */ @ @= look=(ldata*)malloc(lits*sizeof(ldata)); if (!look) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the look array!\n"); exit(-10); } bytes+=lits*sizeof(ldata); @ Here's a standard ``double order'' traversal [{\sl TAOCP\/} exercise 2.3.1--18] as we list the literals in preorder while filling in their offsets according to postorder. We've constructed the tree using literals that are representatives of the strong components produced by Tarjan's algorithm. But the lookahead process will use the |vcomp| representatives instead. @= o,u=lmem[root].child,j=k=v=0; while (1) { oo,look[k].lit=lmem[u].vcomp; o,lmem[u].rank=k++; /* |k| advances in preorder */ if (o,lmem[u].child) { o,lmem[u].parent=v; /* fix parent temporarily for traversal */ v=u,u=lmem[u].child; /* descend to |u|'s descendants */ }@+else { post: o,i=lmem[u].rank; o,look[i].offset=j,j+=2; /* |j| advances in postorder */ if (v) oo,lmem[u].parent=lmem[v].vcomp; /* fix parent for lookahead */ else o,lmem[u].parent=0; if (o,lmem[u].link) u=lmem[u].link; /* move to |u|'s next sibling */ else if (v) { o,u=v,v=lmem[u].parent; /* after the last sibling, move to |u|'s parent */ goto post; }@+else break; } } looks=k; if (j!=k+k) confusion("looks"); @*Looking ahead. The lookahead process has much in common with what we do when making a decision at a branch node, except that we don't make drastic changes to the data structures. We don't assign any truth values at levels higher than |proto_truth|; and that level is reserved for literals that will be forced true if the lookahead procedure finds no contradictions. We don't create new binary implications when a ternary clause gets a false literal; we estimate the potential benefit of such binary implications instead. The literals that we want to study have been selected and placed in |look| by the prelookahead procedures discussed above. We run through them repeatedly until making a full pass without finding any new forced literals. @= @; if (verbose&show_looks) { fprintf(stderr,"Looks at level "O"d:\n", level); for (i=0;i; look_on:@+if (forcedlits>fl) fl=forcedlits, last_change=looki; } if (last_change==-1) break; base+=2*looks; /* forget small truths */ if (base+2*looks>=proto_truth) break; } look_done: @ The |base| keeps rising during a lookahead, never decreasing again. We had better use 64 bits for it, so that overflow won't be overlooked in large instances. @= ullng base,last_base; /* base address for stamps with offsets from |look| */ uint *forcedlit; /* array of forced literals */ int forcedlits,fl; /* the number of forced literals */ int last_change; /* where in the array did we last make progress? */ int looki; /* index of our position in |look| */ uint looklit; /* the literal whose consequences we are exploring */ uint old_looklit; /* the literal whose consequences we were exploring */ @ Again we want a fast way to make literals ``snap into place'' when they're directly implied by an assumption that we're making. Here we clone the former binary propagation loop for purposes of lookahead: Instead of going to |conflict| if a contradiction arises, we go to |contra|, because the contradiction of a tentative assumption does not necessarily imply a real conflict. Although the lookahead algorithms use |rstack| for breadth-first search, they never change |rptr|, nor do they fix any literals at more than the |proto_truth| level. @= if (isfixed(l)) { if (iscontrary(l)) goto contra; }@+else { if (verbose&show_gory_details) { if (cs>=proto_truth) fprintf(stderr,"protofixing "O"s"O".8s\n", litname(l)); else fprintf(stderr,""O"dfixing "O"s"O".8s\n", cs,litname(l)); } stamptrue(l); lfptr=eptr; o,rstack[eptr++]=l; while (lfptr=proto_truth) fprintf(stderr," protofixing "O"s"O".8s\n", litname(lp)); else fprintf(stderr," "O"dfixing "O"s"O".8s\n", cs,litname(lp)); } stamptrue(lp); o,rstack[eptr++]=lp; } } } } @ An example will make it easier to visualize the current context. Suppose the relevant binary clauses are $(\bar b\lor a)\land(\bar c\lor a)\land(\bar d\lor c)$. Then the |look| array might contain the sequence $\bar b$, $a$, $b$, $c$, $d$, $\bar d$, $\bar c$, $\bar a$, with respective offsets 0, 8, 2, 6, 4, 14, 12, 10. The parent of~$c$ is then~$a$; the parent of~$d$ is~$c$; the parent of~$\bar c$ is~$\bar d$; the parent of~$\bar a$ is~$\bar c$; and $a$, $\bar b$, $\bar d$ are roots with no parent. @= looklit=l; o,ll=lmem[looklit].parent; if (ll) oo,lmem[looklit].wnb=lmem[ll].wnb; /* inherit from parent */ else o,lmem[l].wnb=0.0; if (verbose&show_gory_details) fprintf(stderr,"looking at "O"s"O".8s ("O"d)\n", litname(looklit),cs); if (isfixed(l)) { if (iscontrary(l) && stamp[thevar(l)]; }@+else { @; if (weighted_new_binaries==0) @@; else o,lmem[looklit].wnb+=weighted_new_binaries; @; @; } @ Here we implement an extension of the classical ``pure literal'' rule: We have just looked at all the consequences obtainable by repeated propagation of unit clauses when |looklit| is assumed to be true, and we've found no contradiction. Suppose we've also discovered no ``new weighted binaries''; this means that, whenever we have reduced a clause from size~$s$ to size~$s'= { if (lmem[looklit].wnb==0) { if (verbose&show_gory_details) fprintf(stderr," autarky at "O"s"O".8s\n", litname(looklit)); looklit=bar(looklit); /* complement |looklit| temporarily */ @; }@+else { ll=lmem[looklit].parent; if (verbose&show_gory_details) fprintf(stderr," autarky "O"s"O".8s -> "O"s"O".8s\n", litname(ll),litname(looklit)); @; } } @ Furthermore, if |lmem[looklit].wnb| is nonzero, we know that we set it to |lmem[ll].wnb| where |ll| is the parent of |looklit|. In that case, if the assertion of |looklit| gives no new weighted new binaries in addition to those obtained from |ll|, the variables deducible from |looklit| are an autarky with respect to the set of clauses that are reduced by~|ll|; so we are allowed to assume that |looklit| itself is implied by~|ll|. (Think about it.) In other words, adding the additional clause $\lnot\hbox{|ll|}\lor\hbox{|looklit|}$ does not make the set of clauses any less satisfiable. This additional clause is special, because it cannot in general be derived by resolution. We already have the clause $\lnot\hbox{|looklit|}\lor\hbox{|ll|}$, because |ll| is the parent of~|looklit|. Thus we can conclude that both literals are equivalent in this case. @= { u=bar(ll); o,au=bimp[ll].addr,su=bimp[ll].size; @; if (o,su==bimp[ll].alloc) resize(ll),o,au=bimp[ll].addr; oo,mem[au+su]=looklit,bimp[ll].size=su+1; u=looklit; o,au=bimp[bar(u)].addr,su=bimp[bar(u)].size; @; if (o,su==bimp[bar(u)].alloc) resize(bar(u)),o,au=bimp[bar(u)].addr; oo,mem[au+su]=bar(ll),bimp[bar(u)].size=su+1; oo,stamp[thevar(looklit)]=stamp[thevar(ll)]^((looklit^ll)&1); } @ @= { looklit=bar(looklit); forcedlit[forcedlits++]=looklit; look_cs=cs, cs=proto_truth; @; cs=look_cs; } @ When we get to label |contra|, we execute the following instructions, which will ``fall through'' to label |look_bad| if |cs=proto_truth|. Roughly speaking, we've derived a contradiction after assuming that |looklit| is true. When that assumption fails, we make |looklit| proto-false. A second failure at the proto-false level is a real conflict, and it will require backtracking. @= if (cs; goto look_on; } @ A new breadth-first search is launched here, as we assert |looklit| at truth level~|cs| and derive the ramifications of that assertion. If, for example, |cs=50|, we will make |looklit| (and all other literals that it implies) true at level~50, unless they're already true at levels 52 or above. The consequences of |looklit| might include ``windfalls,'' which are unfixed literals that are the only survivors of a clause whose other literals have become false. Windfalls will be placed on the |wstack|, which is cleared here. @= wptr=0;@+ fptr=eptr=rptr; weighted_new_binaries=0; l=looklit; @; while (fptr; } @; @ @= uint *wstack; /* place to store windfalls that result from |looklit| */ int wptr; /* the number of entries currently in |wstack| */ float weighted_new_binaries; /* total weight of binaries that we uncover */ @ @= wstack=(uint*)malloc(lits*sizeof(uint)); if (!wstack) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the wstack array!\n"); exit(-10); } bytes+=lits*sizeof(uint); @ @= for (o,tla=timp[ll].addr,tls=timp[ll].size;tls;tla++,tls--) { o,u=tmem[tla].u, v=tmem[tla].v; if (verbose&show_gory_details) fprintf(stderr," looking "O"s"O".8s->"O"s"O".8s|"O"s"O".8s\n", litname(ll),litname(u),litname(v)); @; } @ Windfalls and the weighted potentials of new binaries are discovered here. @= if (isfixed(u)) { /* equivalently, |if (o,stamp[thevar(u)]>=cs| */ if (iscontrary(u)) { /* |u| is stamped false */ if (isfixed(v)) { if (iscontrary(v)) goto contra; }@+else { /* |v| is unknown */ l=v; wstack[wptr++]=l; @; } } }@+else { /* |u| is unknown */ if (isfixed(v)) { if (iscontrary(v)) { l=u; wstack[wptr++]=l; @; } }@+else weighted_new_binaries+=heur[u]*heur[v]; } @ Windfalls are analogous to the compensation resolvents we saw before. @= if (wptr) { oo,sl=bimp[looklit].size, ls=bimp[looklit].alloc; @; while (sl+wptr>ls) resize(looklit),ls<<=1; o,bimp[looklit].size=sl+wptr; for (o,la=bimp[looklit].addr+sl;wptr;wptr--) { o,u=wstack[wptr-1]; o,mem[la++]=u; if (verbose&show_gory_details) fprintf(stderr," windfall "O"s"O".8s->"O"s"O".8s\n", litname(looklit),litname(u)); o,au=bimp[bar(u)].addr,su=bimp[bar(u)].size; @; if (o,su==bimp[bar(u)].alloc) resize(bar(u)),o,au=bimp[bar(u)].addr; o,mem[au+su]=bar(looklit); o,bimp[bar(u)].size=su+1; } } @ @= if (o,lmem[looklit].istamp!=istamp) { o,lmem[looklit].istamp=istamp; o,istack[iptr].lit=looklit, istack[iptr].size=sl; @; } @ Let |l=looklit|. If our assumption that $l$ is true has allowed us to conclude the truth of some other literal~$l'$, but only at a level less than |proto_truth|, we are allowed to promote this to |proto_truth| if we also have $\bar l\to l'$. If we're lucky, that promotion will also trigger more consequences that we didn't have to discover the hard way. @= old_looklit=looklit; for (o,ola=bimp[bar(looklit)].addr,ols=bimp[bar(looklit)].size;ols;ols--) { o,looklit=bar(mem[ola+ols-1]); if ((isfixed(looklit)) && (stamp[thevar(looklit)]; o,ola=bimp[bar(old_looklit)].addr; /* guard against a change in |ola| */ } } @ Now we're ready to select |bestlit|, representing our guess about the best literal on which to branch. (More precisely, |thevar(bestlit)| is the variable on which we shall branch. First we will try to make |bestlit| true. If that fails, we'll try to make it false. And if that fails, we'll backtrack to a previous node.) The lookahead process might have identified forced literals that force the value of every variable for which we have |wnb| scores. If so, those literals are no longer free; they are true at the |real_truth| level. And if one of them would have been our choice for |bestlit|, we set |bestlit| to zero because we ought to do another lookahead before branching. We might in fact be lucky: If |freevars| is zero, the clauses have been satisfied. @= { float best_score; if (freevars==0) goto satisfied; for (i=0,best_score=-1.0,bestlit=0;ibest_score) { best_score=score; bestlit=(pos>neg? l+1: l); } } } if (!isfree(bestlit)) bestlit=0; if (bestlit+forcedlits==0) confusion("choice"); } @*Double-looking ahead. Sometimes we really go out on a limb and look ahead {\it two\/} steps before making a decision. The goal of such a second look is to detect a branch that dies off early, resulting in a forced literal $\bar l$ when looking at sufficiently many consequences of~$l$. Of course an extra degree of looking takes time, and we don't want to do it if the extra time isn't recouped by a better branching strategy. Here I use an elegant feedback technique of Heule and van Maaren [{\sl Lecture Notes in Computer Science\/ \bf4501} (2007), 258--271], which responds adaptively to the conditions of a given problem: A ``trigger'' starts at zero and increases when doublelook is unsuccessful, but decreases slightly after each lookahead. Double-lookahead has a weaker level of trustworthiness than |proto_truth|. It is the dynamically specified level |dl_truth|, at the top of a region of stamp space that allows for a maximum number of permitted iterations. That maximum number, |dl_max_iter|, is 32 by default, but of course users are allowed to fiddle with it to their hearts' content. Literals that are true at level |dl_truth| are conditionally true under the hypothesis that |looklit| is true. @= float dl_trigger; /* lower bound to adjust the frequency of double-looking */ uint dl_truth; /* the doublelook analog of |proto_truth| */ int dlooki; /* the doublelook analog of |looki| */ uint dlooklit; /* the doublelook analog of |looklit| */ uint dl_last_change; /* the last literal for which we forced some dl truth */ @ @= if (level && (o,lmem[looklit].dl_fail!=istamp)) { if (lmem[looklit].wnb>dl_trigger) { if (cs+2*looks*((ullng)dl_max_iter+1); o,dl_trigger=lmem[looklit].wnb; /* increase the trigger, to discourage improbable double-looks */ o,lmem[looklit].dl_fail=istamp; /* don't try this literal again at this branch node */ } }@+else dl_trigger *= dl_rho; /* decrease the trigger slightly, so that it we'll eventually try again */ } @ The new settings of |base|, |last_base|, and |dl_truth| in this step are slightly subtle: On the first iteration, some literals may be fixed true (stampwise) because of information gained before we've started to doublelook, but only if they are implied by |looklit|. Those literals will be promoted to truth at level |dl_truth| during the course of that iteration, because a contradiction will arise when we try to set them false. On subsequent iterations, and after doublelook finishes its work, the only existing level of truth that is |>=base| and |= last_base=cs+2*looks*dl_max_iter; dl_truth=last_base+cs-base; base=cs; cs=dl_truth, l=looklit; wptr=0;@+eptr=rptr; @; @; @; @ The code here and in the following sections parallels the corresponding routines in lookahead and in the basic solver, but at an even hazier and more tentative level---further removed from reality. @= dl_last_change=0; while (1) { for (dlooki=0;dlooki; dlook_on: continue; } if (dl_last_change==0) break; base+=2*looks; /* forget small truths */ if (base==last_base) break; } dlook_done: base=last_base, cs=dl_truth; /* retain only |dl_truth| data */ @ @= if (isfixed(l)) { if (iscontrary(l)) goto dl_contra; }@+else { if (verbose&show_doubly_gory_details) { if (cs>=dl_truth) fprintf(stderr,"dlfixing "O"s"O".8s\n", litname(l)); else fprintf(stderr,""O"dfixing "O"s"O".8s\n", cs,litname(l)); } stamptrue(l); lfptr=eptr; o,rstack[eptr++]=l; while (lfptr=dl_truth) fprintf(stderr," dlfixing "O"s"O".8s\n", litname(lp)); else fprintf(stderr," "O"dfixing "O"s"O".8s\n", cs,litname(lp)); } stamptrue(lp); o,rstack[eptr++]=lp; } } } } @ @= dlooklit=l; if (verbose&show_doubly_gory_details) fprintf(stderr,"dlooking at "O"s"O".8s ("O"d)\n", litname(dlooklit),cs); if (isfixed(l)) { if (stamp[thevar(l)]; }@+else { @; } @ The variable |dl_last_change|, which keeps us doublelooking, changes only here. @= { dl_last_change=dlooklit; dlooklit=bar(dlooklit); dlook_cs=cs, cs=dl_truth; @; cs=dlook_cs; wstack[wptr++]=dlooklit; } @ When we get to label |dl_contra|, we execute the following instructions, which will ``fall through'' to label |contra| if |cs=dl_truth|. Roughly speaking, we've derived a contradiction after assuming that |looklit| and |dlooklit| are true. When that second assumption fails, we make |dlooklit| dl-false, assuming |looklit|. A second failure at the dl-false level tells us that |looklit| must be false; in such a case we exit the double lookahead process. @= if (cs; goto dlook_on; } base=last_base; /* forget all truths less than |dl_truth| */ @ @= fptr=eptr=rptr; l=dlooklit; @; while (fptr; } @ @= for (o,tla=timp[ll].addr,tls=timp[ll].size;tls;tla++,tls--) { o,u=tmem[tla].u, v=tmem[tla].v; if (verbose&show_doubly_gory_details) fprintf(stderr," dlooking "O"s"O".8s->"O"s"O".8s|"O"s"O".8s\n", litname(ll),litname(u),litname(v)); @; } @ @= if (isfixed(u)) { /* equivalently, |if (o,stamp[thevar(u)]>=cs| */ if (iscontrary(u)) { /* |u| is stamped false */ if (isfixed(v)) { if (iscontrary(v)) goto dl_contra; }@+else { /* |v| is unknown */ l=v; @; } } }@+else { /* |u| is unknown */ if (isfixed(v)) { if (iscontrary(v)) { l=u; @; } } } @*Doing it. Finally we just need to put the pieces of this program together. @= level=0; if (forcedlits) { o,nstack[0].branch=-1; goto special_start; /* bootstrap the unary input clauses */ } enter_level: if (sanity_checking) sanity(); @; forcedlits=0; level++; goto enter_level; @; @ @= for (k=0;k= void confusion(char *id) { /* an assertion has failed */ fprintf(stderr,"This can't happen ("O"s)!\n",id); exit(-666); } @# void debugstop(int foo) { /* can be inserted as a special breakpoint */ fprintf(stderr,"You rang("O"d)?\n",foo); } @*Index.