@*Intro. I'm testing the clauses for nondeterministic finite-state automata in exercise [``Historical notes'': I wrote that exercise in October 2014, but didn't keep any copy of the draft that led to it. In April 2016, after discovering problems in the printed solution, I found a proofsheet dated 22 Oct 2014, in my file of scrap MS pages, which contained the earliest version. That version was more complicated than the present one, using states called $t_{kqaq'}$; it was inspired by the construction of Bacchus for deterministic automata. On that sheet I had pencilled in the new version, which was based on using the Quimper--Walsh construction of exercise and specializing it to the case of regular grammars. Those changes were incorporated into the file \.{} on 22 October.] The specifications for the automaton are given entirely on the command line. Each state is represented by a single ASCII character, between \.{!} and \.{\char`\}} inclusive, other than \.0 or \.1; I recommend using letters. The first argument specifies the string length, $n$. The next argument specifies one or more input states. The next argument specifies one or more output states. The remaining arguments are the transitions. For example, to get all $n$-bit strings of the form $0*110*$, the command-line arguments $$\.{$n$ a c a0a a1b b1c c0c}$$ ought to work. Variables for the {\mc SAT} clauses are: \.{$k$} for $x_k$; \.{q$k$} for $q_k$; and \.{qa$k$} for $t_{kaq}$. (Here $k$ is given in decimal.) I apologize for writing this in a huge hurry. @d badstate(k) ((k)<'!' || (k)>='~' || (k)=='0' || (k)=='1') @c #include #include int n; /* command-line argument */ char isinput[128],isoutput[128],isstate[128]; char istrans[128][2]; main (int argc,char*argv[]) { register int a,j,k,q; @; for (k=1;k<=n;k++) { @; @; @; @; @; } @; } @ @= if (argc<4 || sscanf(argv[1],"%d", &n)!=1) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s n I O {qaq'}*\n", argv[0]); exit(-1); } for (j=0;argv[2][j];j++) { k=argv[2][j]; if (badstate(k)) { fprintf(stderr,"Improper input state `%c'!\n", k); exit(-2); } isinput[k]=1; } for (j=0;argv[3][j];j++) { k=argv[3][j]; if (badstate(k)) { fprintf(stderr,"Improper input state `%c'!\n", k); exit(-3); } isoutput[k]=1; } for (j=4;j'1' || argv[j][3]) { fprintf(stderr,"Improper transition `%s'!\n", argv[j]); exit(-4); } isstate[argv[j][0]]=1; isstate[argv[j][2]]=1; istrans[argv[j][2]][argv[j][1]-'0']=1; } printf("~"); for (k=0;k= for (q='!';q<'~';q++) if (isstate[q]) { if (istrans[q][0]) { printf("~%c0%d ~%d\n", q,k,k); printf("~%c0%d %c%d\n", q,k,q,k); } if (istrans[q][1]) { printf("~%c1%d %d\n", q,k,k); printf("~%c1%d %c%d\n", q,k,q,k); } } @ @= for (q='!';q<'~';q++) if (isstate[q]) { printf("~%c%d", q,k-1); for (j=4;j= for (q='!';q<'~';q++) if (isstate[q]) { printf("~%c%d", q,k); for (j=4;j= printf("%d", k); for (j=4;j= for (q='!';q<'~';q++) if (isstate[q]) { for (a='0';a<'2';a++) if (istrans[q][a-'0']) { printf("~%c%c%d", q,a,k); for (j=4;j= for (q='!';q<'~';q++) if (isstate[q]) { if (!isinput[q]) printf("~%c0\n", q); if (!isoutput[q]) printf("~%c%d\n", q,n); } @*Index.