% CHANGES TO FASCICLE V4F3 OF THE ART OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING % % Copyright (C) 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 by Donald E. Knuth % This file may be freely copied provided that no modifications are made. % All other rights are reserved. % % Three levels of changes to the books are distinguished here: % % "\bugonpage" introduces the correction of an error; % "\amendpage" introduces new material for future editions; % "\improvepage" introduces ameliorations of lesser importance. % % (Changes introduced by \improvepage do not appear in the hardcopy listing.) % % Also, "\planforpage" introduces some of the author's half-baked intentions. % % NOTE: TO PUT THE INDEX ON A SEPARATE PAGE, RUN THIS WITH THE COMMAND LINE % tex "\let\indexeject+ \input err4f3" \newif\ifall % \alltrue means show the trivial items too \relax % hook \def\vertical{|} \def\inref#1 #{\expandafter\def\csname\vertical#1\endcsname} \catcode`|=\active \let|\inref \input \jobname.ref \catcode`|=12 \input taocpmac % use the format for TAOCP, with modifications below \def\becomes{\ifmmode\ \hbox\fi{\manfnt y}\ } % wiggly arrow indicates a change \def\bugonpage#1.#2 #3 (#4) { \medbreak\defaultpointsize \line{\kern-5pt\llap{\manfnt x}% print a black triangle in left margin {\bf Page #2}\enspace #3 \leaders\hrule\hfill\ \eightrm\date#4.} \nobreak\smallskip\iftrue\noindent} \def\amendpage#1.#2 #3 (#4) { \medbreak\defaultpointsize \line{\kern-5pt{\bf Page #2}\enspace #3 \leaders\hrule\hfill\ \eightrm\date#4.} \nobreak\smallskip\iftrue\noindent} \def\improvepage#1.#2 #3 (#4) {\ifall \medbreak\ninepoint \line{\kern-6pt{\sl Page #2\enspace #3\/} \leaders\hrule\hfill\ \eightrm\date#4.} \nobreak\smallskip\noindent} \def\planforpage#1.#2 #3 (#4) { \medbreak\defaultpointsize \line{\kern-5pt{\bf Page #2}\enspace #3 \leaders\hbox to 5pt{\hss.\hss}\hfill\ \eightrm\date#4.} \nobreak\smallskip\begingroup\let\endchange=\endgroup\sl\noindent} \let\endchange=\fi \def\nl{\par\noindent} \def\nlh{\par\noindent\hangit} \def\hangit{\hangindent2em} \def\cutpar{{\parfillskip=0pt\par}} \def\date#1.#2.#3.{% convert "yy.mm.dd." to "dd Mon 19yy" #3 \ifcase#2\or Jan\or Feb\or Mar\or Apr\or May\or Jun\or Jul\or Aug\or Sep\or Oct\or Nov\or Dec\fi \ \ifnum #1<97 \hundred#1\else19#1\fi} \def\hundred{20} % the "century" for dates before '97 \def\ex #1. [#2]{\ninepoint \textindent{\bf#1.}[{\it#2\/}]\kern6pt} \def\EX #1. [#2]{\ninepoint \textindent{\llap{\manfnt x}\bf#1.}[{\it#2\/}]\kern6pt} \def\foottext#1{\medskip \hrule height\ruleht width5pc \kern-\ruleht \kern3pt \eightpoint \smallskip\textindent{#1}} \def\volheadline#1{\line{\hss\cleaders\hbox{\raise3pt\hbox{\manfnt\char'36}}\hfill \titlefont\ #1\ \cleaders\hbox{\raise3pt\hbox{\manfnt\char'36}}\hfill\hss}} \def\refin#1 {\let|\inref \input #1.ref \let|\crossref} \let\defaultpointsize=\tenpoint %%%%%%%%%%%%%% opening remarks %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\lhead{INTRODUCTION} \let\rhead=\lhead \titlepage \volheadline{THE ART OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING} \bigskip \volheadline{ERRATA TO VOLUME 4 FASCICLE 3} \bigskip \noindent This document is a transcript of the notes that I have been making in my personal copy of {\sl The Art of Computer Programming}, Volume~4, Fascicle~3, since it was first printed in 2005. \ifall Four levels of updates\dash---``errors,'' ``amendments,'' ``plans,'' and ``improvements''\dash---appear, indicated by four \else Three levels of updates\dash---``errors,'' ``amendments,'' and ``plans''\dash---appear, indicated by three \fi different typographic conventions: \begingroup\def\hundred{17} \bugonpage 0.666 line 1 (76.07.04) Technical or typographical errors (aka bugs) are the most critical items, so they are flagged with a `\thinspace{\manfnt x}\thinspace' preceding the page number. The date on which I first was told about the bug is shown; this is the effective date on which I paid the finder's fee. The necessary corrections are indicated in a straightforward way. If,~for example, the book says `$n$' where it should have said `$n+1$', the change is shown thus: \smallskip $n$ \becomes $n+1$ \endchange \amendpage 0.666 line 2 (89.07.14) Amendments to the text appear in the same format as bugs, but without the~`\thinspace{\manfnt x}\thinspace'. These are things I wish I had known about or thought of when I wrote the original text, so I added them later. The date is the date I drafted the new text. \endchange \def\hundred{19} \planforpage 0.666 line 3 (17.11.20) Plans for the future represent a third kind of item. In such notes I~sketched my intentions about things that I wasn't ready to flesh out further when I~wrote them down. You can identify these items because they're written in slanted type, and preceded by a bunch of dots `\hbox to 6em{\leaders\hbox to 5pt{\hss.\hss}\hfill}' leading to the date on which I recorded the plan in my files. \endchange \improvepage 0.666 line 4 (38.01.10) The fourth and final category\dash---indicated by page and line number in smaller, slanted type\dash---consists of minor corrections or improvements that most readers don't want to know about, because they are so trivial. You wouldn't even be seeing these items if you hadn't specifically chosen to print the complete errata list in all its gory details. Are you sure you wanted to do that? \endchange \endgroup \ifall\else\medskip\ninepoint My personal file of updates also includes a fourth category of items, not shown in this list. They are miscellaneous minor corrections or improvements that most readers don't want to know about, because they are so trivial. If you really want to see all of the gory details, you can download the full list from Internet webpage $$\.{http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/\char`\~knuth/taocp.html}$$ by selecting the ``long form'' of the errata. \fi \medskip \tenpoint \beginconstruction The ultimate, glorious, future editions of Volumes 1--5 are works in progress. Please let me know of any improvements that you think I ought to make. Send your comments either by snail mail to D.~E. Knuth, Computer Science, Gates Building 4B, Stanford University, Stanford CA~94305-9045, or by email to {\tt taocp{\char`\@}cs.stanford.edu}. (Use email for book suggestions only, please\dash---all other correspondence is returned unread to the sender, or discarded, because I have no time to read ordinary email.) Although I'm working full time on Volume~4 these days, I~will try to reply to all such messages within a year of receipt. Current news about {\sl The Art of Computer Programming\/} is posted on $$\.{http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/\char`~knuth/taocp.html}$$ and updated regularly. \par\endconstruction \rightline{\dash---Don Knuth, June 2005} \bigskip \bigskip {\quoteformat For a work of such scope as this, the first word of the author should be an apology for what is doubtless the too ambitious effort of a single writer. \author EDWARD W. BYRN (1900) % The Progress of Invention in the Nineteenth Century, page i \vfill\eject } \def\today{\number\day\space\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi \space\number\year} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CHANGES FOR VOLUME 4 FASCICLE 3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\lhead{\kern-12ptCHANGES TO V4F3: GENERATING ALL COMBINATIONS AND PARTITIONS} \def\rhead{CHANGES TO V4F3: GENERATING ALL COMBINATIONS AND PARTITIONS\kern-12pt} \titlepage \volheadline{GENERATING ALL COMBINATIONS AND PARTITIONS} % the fascicle title \bigskip \rightline{Copyright \copyright\ 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, Addison\with Wesley; all rights reserved} \rightline{Last updated \today} \bigskip \rightline{\sl Most of these corrections have already been made in recent printings.} \medskip \noindent Important note: The changes below include nearly every difference between the paperback fascicle and the first printing of Volume 4A, published in January 2011. All subsequent changes can be found in the errata list for that volume. \smallskip \let\defaultpointsize=\tenpoint \bugonpage 4f3.ii in the ISBN numbers (08.04.29) line 19: {\tt 1-201-85394-9} \becomes {\tt 0-201-85394-9}\nl line $-4$: 1-201-85394-9 \becomes 0-201-85394-9 \endchange \improvepage 4f3.iv line 20 (08.10.28) I shall happily pay a finder's fee of \$2.56 \becomes I happily offer a ``finder's fee'' of \$2.56 \endchange \improvepage 4f3.iv lines 24 and 25 (08.10.28) reward you with immortal glory instead of mere money \becomes do my best to give you immortal glory \endchange \improvepage 4f3.iv line $-12$ (05.12.04) indices \becomes indexes \endchange \amendpage 4f3.0 replacement for lines 3 and 4 (09.01.12) \beginconstruction The opening sections of this chapter appear in Volume~4, Fascicle~0, and Volume~4, Fascicle~1, first published in 2008 and 2009.\par\endgroup \endchange \improvepage 4f3.1 line $-8$ (08.04.21) The latter representation \becomes The string representation \endchange \bugonpage 4f3.2 in the running headline {(also on pages 4, 6, 8, \dots!)} (05.09.07) \eightpoint (F2) \becomes (F3) \endchange \amendpage 4f3.2 line 7 (08.10.12) {\it multicombination}, \becomes {\it multicombination\/} of $s+1$ things, \endchange \amendpage 4f3.4 line 10 (06.10.18) 7.1--00 \becomes 7.1.3--20 \endchange \improvepage 4f3.4 line $-7$ (05.09.17) repeat until $c_j+1\ne c_{j+1}$. \becomes eventually the condition $c_j+1\ne c_{j+1}$ will occur. \endchange \improvepage 4f3.5 second line of step T4 (08.03.13) repeat this step until $x\ne c_{j+1}$ \becomes repeat step T4 \endchange \bugonpage 4f3.7 in {\eq(23)} (06.07.31) $w_1\ge w_0;$ \becomes $w_1\ge w_0\ge0@;$ \endchange \amendpage 4f3.8 lines $-13$ and $-12$ (06.03.24) discovered by D.~T. Tang \becomes discovered by J.~E. Miller in her Ph.D. thesis (Columbia University, 1971), then independently by D.~T. Tang \endchange \improvepage 4f3.8 near the bottom (06.10.23) lines $-3$ and $-1$: increasing \becomes nondecreasing\nl line $-2$: {\it decreasing} \becomes non{\it increasing} \endchange \improvepage 4f3.13 in step C3 (09.08.10) If $w_j=0$, set $w_j\gets1$, $j\gets j+1$, and repeat until $w_j=1$. \becomes While $w_j=0$, set $w_j\gets1$ and $j\gets j+1$. \endchange \improvepage 4f3.13 in steps C4 and C6 (08.04.21) $r=j>1$ \becomes $r=j$ and $j>1$ \endchange \bugonpage 4f3.17 {(and throughout the fascicle!)} (08.04.04) \ninepoint{\bf Fig.\ 26} \becomes {\bf Fig.\ 46} [and all figure numbers need to increased by 20, except that there are {\it two\/} instances of Fig.~35! There are separate errata entries for the Fig.~35 that becomes Fig.~56.] \endchange \amendpage 4f3.19 line $-2$ (10.06.07) we have \becomes with $\kappa_t@0=0$, we have \endchange \improvepage 4f3.20 line $-2$ (05.08.07) in cross order \becomes in increasing cross order \endchange \improvepage 4f3.22 line $-5$ (10.05.30) In other words, \becomes {\it Proof.}\enspace In other words, \endchange \improvepage 4f3.27 exercise 20 (10.05.30) \ninepoint Find \becomes Devise \endchange \amendpage 4f3.27 exercise 21 (06.03.24) \ninepoint Prove \becomes (Joan E. Miller, 1971.) Prove \endchange \bugonpage 4f3.35 in the running headline (05.10.25) {\eightrm PARTITIONS \becomes COMBINATIONS} \endchange \bugonpage 4f3.35 line 3 of exercise 34 (06.03.07) $11001000,\,11001001$ \becomes $11001000,\,11001010,\,11001001$ \endchange \amendpage 4f3.35 new exercise (06.08.09) \ninepoint{\advance\parindent by4pt \EX111. [M26] (P. Erd\H{o}s, C. Ko, and R. Rado.) Suppose $A$ is a set of $r$-combinations of an $n$-set, with $\alpha\cap\beta \ne\emptyset$ whenever $\alpha,\beta\in A$. Show that $\vert A\vert\le {n-1\choose r-1}$, if $r\le n/2$. \em Hint: Consider $\del^{n-2r}B$, where $B$ is the set of complements of~$A$. \par} \endchange \amendpage 4f3.36 line 4 (07.08.21) (see Table 1). All twelve of Stanley's \becomes \nl (see Table 1), based on a series of lectures by Gian-Carlo Rota. All twelve of these \endchange \amendpage 4f3.37 line 12 (08.09.22) into disjoint subsets \becomes into nonempty, disjoint subsets \endchange \amendpage 4f3.37 bottom line (05.10.24) 52]: \becomes 52], and pad the array with 1s as suggested by A.~Zoghbi and I.~Stojmenovi\'c [{\sl International Journal of Computer Math.\ \bf70} (1998), 319--332]: \endchange \amendpage 4f3.38 line 3 (06.05.29) $n\ge1$. \becomes $n\ge1$. The value of $a_0$ is also set to zero. \endchange \amendpage 4f3.38 replacement for step P1 (05.10.24) \algindentset{P1}% \algstep P1. [Initialize.] Set $a_m\gets1$ for $n\ge m>1$. Then set $m\gets1$ and $a_0\gets0$. \endchange \amendpage 4f3.38 replacement for step P4 (05.10.24) \algindentset{P1}% \algstep P4. [Change 2 to $1{+}1$.] Set $a_q\gets1$, $q\gets q-1$, $m\gets m+1$, and return to P3. (At this point we have $a_k=1$ for $q0$ \endchange \amendpage 4f3.42 in {\eq(23)} (10.06.14) $\displaystyle {p(n)\over 1-e^{-t}}$ \becomes $\displaystyle {p(n)\over 1-e^{-t}}=\sum_{k=n}^\infty p(n)@e^{(n-k)t}$ \endchange \amendpage 4f3.43 lines 10 and 11 (10.06.14) $0\le\Re\theta\le1$ \dots~rectangle; \becomes \endchange \bugonpage 4f3.43 line 15 (10.06.11) Theorem 10.6.2 \becomes Theorem 10.6e \endchange \amendpage 4f3.43 replacement for lines $-11$ through $-2$ (10.09.27) $$f(y)\;=\;e^{-{3\over2}t(y+{1\over6})^2+\pi iy};\eqno(27)$$ and this function $f$ qualifies for Poisson's summation formula under both of the criteria (i) and (ii) stated above. Therefore we try to integrate $e^{-2\pi miy}f(y)$, and that integral turns out to be easy for all~$m$ (see exercise 27): $$\int_{-\infty}^{@\infty} e^{-a(y+b)^2+2ciy}\,dy\;=\; \sqrt{\pi\over a}@e^{-c^2\!/a-2bci}\qquad\hbox{when $a>0$.} \eqno(28)$$ Plugging in to \eq(25), with $\theta=0$, $a={3\over2}t$, $b={1\over6}$, and $c=({1\over2}-m)\pi$, yields $$\sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty f(n)=\sum_{m=-\infty}^\infty g(m),\qquad g(m)=\sqrt{2\pi\over3t}e^{-2(m-\half)^2\pi^2\!/(3t)+{1-2m\over6}\pi i}. \eqno(29)$$ These terms combine and cancel beautifully, as shown in exercise~27, giving $${e^{-t/24}\over P(e^{-t})}\;=\; \sqrt{2\pi\over t}\sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty (-1)^n e^{-6\pi^2(n+{1\over6})^2\!/t} \;=\;\sqrt{2\pi\over t}{e^{-\zeta(2)/t}\over P(e^{-4\pi^2\!/t})}.\eqno(30)$$ \endchange \improvepage 4f3.45 line 3 before {\eq(40)} (06.04.18) by considering \becomes by transposing \endchange \improvepage 4f3.46 line 2 below Table 2 (08.03.24) Erd\H{o}s \becomes Erd\"os \qquad[to agree with the English spelling in the paper cited] \endchange \bugonpage 4f3.47 line 2 before {\eq(47)} (08.09.22) $\alpha^m=n^{-1/2}e^{-Cx}$ \becomes $\alpha^m=n^{-1/2}e^{-Cx}+O(n\_)$ \endchange \bugonpage 4f3.48 line 2 after the top illustration (08.09.22) $O(\sqrt n\,)$ \becomes $O(\sqrt n\log\log\log n)$ \endchange \amendpage 4f3.48 the line after {\eq(50)} (10.06.14) $m$ is reasonably large \becomes $m$ and $n$ are reasonably large \endchange \amendpage 4f3.49 two lines before {\eq(52)} (10.06.14) in steps P2 and P6; \becomes in step P2 or when we'll soon test $n\le x$ in~P6; \endchange \bugonpage 4f3.49 line $-1$ (09.05.14) $4-3C/\sqrt n$ \becomes $3+C/\sqrt n$ \endchange \amendpage 4f3.50 line 10 (08.09.22) $(a_1\ldots a_m)^T$ \becomes $(a_1\ldots a_m)^T$ and $m0,\,r\ge0}_{\mathstrut}^{\mathstrut} \atop{\scriptstyle b_1>\cdots>b_s>0,\,s\ge0}} \mkern-45mu u^{r+s} v^s z^{a_1+\cdots+a_r+ b_1+\cdots+b_s}\;=\mkern-15mu \sum_{{\scriptstyle c_1\ge\cdots\ge c_t>0,\,t\ge0}_{\mathstrut}^{\mathstrut} \atop{\scriptstyle d_1,\ldots,d_t\in\{0,1\}}}\mkern-45mu u^t v^{d_1+\cdots+d_t}z^{c_1+\cdots+c_t+(t-1)d_1+\cdots+d_{t-1}}.$$ \endchange \amendpage 4f3.54 new rating for exercise 19 (10.06.14) \ninepoint[{\it M21\/}] \becomes [{\it M22\/}] \endchange \amendpage 4f3.55 line 1 of exercise 21 (08.09.22) \ninepoint partitions into \becomes partitions of $n$ into \endchange \amendpage 4f3.56 in exercise 27 (10.09.27) \ninepoint [{\it\HM23\/}] Evaluate \eq(29) \becomes [{\it\HM21\/}] Prove \eq(28) \endchange \amendpage 4f3.57 new wording for exercise 38 (10.06.14) \ninepoint What is \dots\ largest part $l$? \becomes Given positive integers $l$ and~$m$, what generating function enumerates partitions that have exactly $m$~parts, and largest part~$l$? (See Eq.~\eq(51).) \endchange \amendpage 4f3.57 new rating for exercise 40 (10.09.28) \ninepoint[{\it M22\/}] \becomes [{\it M20\/}] \endchange \improvepage 4f3.57 line 1 of exercise 40 (10.09.28) \ninepoint What is the generating function for partitions \becomes Continuing exercise 38, what is the generating function for the number of partitions\nl [Note: Exercises 39 and 40 will become exercises 40 and 39 in Volume 4A.] \endchange \amendpage 4f3.57 new rating for exercise 43 (10.06.18) \ninepoint[{\it M21\/}] \becomes [{\it M18\/}] \endchange \amendpage 4f3.57 in exercise 47 (07.02.23) \ninepoint line 1 of step N4: 1, 2, \dots, $n$ \becomes 1, 2, \dots,\nl line $-1$ (the displayed equation): $\displaystyle \sum_{j=1}^m$ \becomes $\displaystyle \sum_{j=1}^\infty$ \endchange \amendpage 4f3.58 line 3 of exercise 50 (08.09.22) \ninepoint for all $m$ \becomes for all $m\ge0$. \endchange \amendpage 4f3.58 line 1 of exercise 54 (10.06.14) \ninepoint The partition \dots $b_1b_2\ldots{}$, \becomes Let $\alpha=a_1a_2\ldots{}$ and $\beta=b_1b_2\ldots{}$ be partitions of~$n$. We say that $\alpha$ {\it majorizes\/}~$\beta$, \endchange \bugonpage 4f3.58 line 9 of exercise 55 (10.06.11) \ninepoint $n_2>n_1\ge0$ \becomes $n_2>n_1\ge0$ and $n_2>2$ \endchange \amendpage 4f3.59 the rating of exercise 56 (07.01.21) \ninepoint [{\it M27\/}] \becomes [{\it M32\/}] \endchange \amendpage 4f3.60 line 2 of exercise 57 (10.06.14) \ninepoint Then \becomes By permuting rows and columns we can assume that $r_1\ge r_2\ge\cdots{}$ and $c_1\ge c_2\ge\cdots{}$. Then \endchange \bugonpage 4f3.60 line 2 of exercise 59 (06.10.26) \ninepoint same as conjugate \becomes same as the conjugate \endchange \amendpage 4f3.61 new exercise (09.09.11) \ninepoint \ex72. [M30] How many partitions of $n$ have no predecessor in Bulgarian solitaire?\nl \smallskip[The former exercise 72 now becomes number 73.] \endchange \improvepage 4f3.62 line 18 (05.10.30) in which we have \becomes of nonnegative integers in which we have \endchange \amendpage 4f3.63 an explanatory sentence to follow \eq(9) (08.02.09) (In other words, we begin with either $A\losub{(m-1)n}(m{-}1)$ or $A'_{(m-1)n}(m{-}1)$ and then use either $A_{mn}^R@j$ or $A\losub{mn}@j$, alternately, as $j$ decreases from $m-1$ to~0.) \endchange \amendpage 4f3.64 line $-9$ (10.10.09) {\sl Annals of Math.}\ \becomes {\sl Annals of Math.\ \rm(2)} \endchange \amendpage 4f3.67 line 2 (08.11.30) $\max(\Re z,\Im z)$ becomes $\max\bigl(\vert\Re z\vert,\vert\Im z\vert\bigr)$ \endchange \bugonpage 4f3.67 lines 6 and 7 (10.11.08) and if the sums $\sum_{t\in B\setminus A}f(t)$ and $\sum_{t\in C\setminus A}\hat f(t)$ are both small, then $\sum_{t\in C}\hat f(t)$ is a good approximation to $\sum_{t\in B}f(t)$. \becomes\nl and if the sums $\sum_{t\in B}\vert f(t)\vert$ and $\sum_{t\in C}\vert\hat f(t)\vert$ are both small, then $\sum_{t\in A\cup C}\hat f(t)$ is a good approximation to $\sum_{t\in A\cup B}f(t)$. \endchange \bugonpage 4f3.67 line 14 (05.08.23) $O\Bigl({e^{n-n^{-2\epsilon}\!/2}\over n^n}\Bigr)$ \becomes $O\Bigl({e^{n-n^{2\epsilon}\!/2}\over n^n}\Bigr)$ \endchange \amendpage 4f3.67 line $-3$ (08.11.30) $O(n^{9\epsilon-3/2})$ \becomes $O(n^{9\epsilon-2})$ \endchange \improvepage 4f3.68 on the line following {\eq(23)} (05.09.17) saddle point now occurs \becomes saddle point for the new integrand occurs \endchange \improvepage 4f3.69 line $-2$ (10.06.17) $b_0$, $b_1$, $b_2$, $b_3$ \becomes 1, $b_1/n$, $b_2/n^2$, $b_3/n^3$ \endchange \bugonpage 4f3.72 line $-20$ (09.05.14) By comparing \eq(47) \becomes By comparing \eq(46) \endchange \improvepage 4f3.74 line 18 (09.05.14) each $k$-block partition \becomes each set partition that has $k$ blocks \endchange \amendpage 4f3.74 line $-8$ (10.10.18) different multisets \becomes types of multisets \endchange \improvepage 4f3.75 line 22 (08.02.08) simple \becomes fairly simple \endchange \bugonpage 4f3.75 replacement for {\eq(57)} (07.01.18) $$\openup1\jot \def\\#1#2{\llap{\smash{\special{ps: .5 setgray}\vrule height 95pt \special{ps: 0 setgray}\kern8pt}}% \setbox0=\hbox{\ninepoint$f_{#1}=#2$}\hbox to.5em{\hss\rotl0\hss}} \vcenter{\halign{&\hskip1.5em\hfil$#$\cr j &0&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8&9&\hidewidth10\hidewidth&\hidewidth11\hidewidth\cr c_j&1&2&1&2&1&2&1&2&1&2&2&2\cr u_j&9&9&6&8&4&6&2&6&1&5&4&1\cr v_j&3&1&2&2&2&0&1&1&1&1&3&1\cr &\\00&&\\12&&\\24&&\\36&&\\48&&\\5{10\ }&\\6{11}&\\7{12}\cr}}\eqno(57)$$ \endchange \bugonpage 4f3.75 line $-2$ (07.01.18) $f_0f_1\ldots f_n$, $c_0c_1\ldots c_{n}$, $u_0u_1\ldots u_{n}$, and $v_0v_1\ldots v_{n}$ \becomes\nl $f_0f_1\ldots f_n$, $c_0c_1\ldots c_{mn}$, $u_0u_1\ldots u_{mn}$, and $v_0v_1\ldots v_{mn}$ \endchange \amendpage 4f3.76 restatement of step M2 (08.02.09) Set $j\gets a$ and \dots\ until $j=b$. \becomes Set $j\gets a$, $k\gets b$, and $x\gets0$. Then while $j%% Unicode char "67ef \GC68:72:-5:59% G5357 <000000000000000e00000000000000003f00000000000000007f801fffffffffffffffc0% 0fffffffffffffffe007fffffffffffffff00200001fc000003ff00000001fc000003fc0% 0000001f8000003f000000003f8000003f000000003f8000003f000000003f8000003f00% 0000003f8000003f000000003f8000007f000000003f0000007f000000003f0000007f00% 0000007f0000007e000000007e0000007e00000000fe000000fe00000000fc000000fe00% 000001fc000001fe00000001f8000001fc00000003f8000001fc00000003f0000001f800% 000007f001f803f80000000fe001ff83f00000000fc0001ffff00000001f800007ffe000% 00003f800003ffe00000007f000001ffc00000007e000000ff80000000fc000000ff0000% 0001fc0000007e00000003f80000004000000007f0000000000000000fe000000000e000% 001ffc00000001f800003e7f00000003fc00007c7ffffffffffe0001f07ffffffffffe00% 07e07ffffffffffe000f007e00000001f8003c007e00000001f800e0007e00000001f800% c0007e00000001f80000007e00000001f80000007e00000001f80000007e00000001f800% 00007e00000001f80000007e00000001f80000007e00000001f80000007e00000001f800% 00007e00000001f80000007e00000001f80000007e00000001f80000007e00000001f800% 00007e00000001f80000007e00000001f80000007e00000001f80000007e00000001f800% 00007ffffffffff80000007ffffffffff80000007ffffffffff80000007e00000001f800% 00007e00000001f80000007e00000001f80000007e00000001f80000007e00000001f800% 00007e00000001f8000000fe00000001f8000000fc00000001f8000000fc00000001f000% >%% Unicode char "53ec ), 35. % 2nd Leeuwen, Marcus Aurelius Augustinus van, 113, 131. % 6th Left-child/right-sibling links, 90. % 2nd Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich ({\rus Lenin, Vladimir~Ilp1ich}), 11. % 2nd Littlewood, Dudley Ernest, 120. % 2nd Littlewood, John Edensor, 121. % 2nd Loizou, Georghios (= George; {\grk Lo"'izou, Ge'wrgios}), 110, 111. % 2nd Loopless generation, 8, 25, 27, 28, 92, 96--98, 110. % 4th Miller, Joan Elizabeth, 8, 27. % 2nd Motzkin, Theodor (= Theodore) Samuel \indexbreak ({\heb\Hfn/\Hyy/\Hqq/\Hts/\Hvv/\Hmm/ \Hll/\Haa/\Hvv/\Hmm/\Hsh/ \Hrr/\Hvv/\Hdd/\Hvv/\Haa/\Hyy/\Htv/}), 77, 128, 141. % 2nd Multisets, permutations of, 4, 14--15, 29, 30, 41, 89, 98, 123. % 4th Naud\'e, Philippe, junior, 41. % 6th Notational conventions:\indexnoperiod % 2nd \sub $\Gamma^R$ (reversal), 8. % 2nd \sub ${n\parts m}^{\mathstrut}_{\mathstrut}$ (the number of partitions of~$n$ into exactly $m$~parts), 38. % 2nd Permutations, of a multiset, 4, 14--15, 29, 30, 41, 89, 98, 123. % 4th Rad\'o, Richard, 35. % 2nd Rota, Gian-Carlo, 36. % 2nd Seth, Vikram ({\dn Evk\kern-1em\char125\kern.3emm s\kern-0.8em\char3W}), ii, 83. % 2nd Sideways heap, 90. % 2nd Stojmenovi\'c, Ivan Dan\v{c}a ({\rus Stojmenovits1, Ivan Dancha}), 37. % 2nd Tableau shapes, 40, 81, \see Ferrers diagrams. % 6th Ulyanov, Vladimir Ilyich ({\rus Ulp1yanov, Vladimir Ilp1ich}), 11. % 2nd van Leeuwen, Marcus Aurelius Augustinus, 113, 131. % 6th Williams, Aaron Michael, 97--98. % 4th Zoghbi, Antoine Chaiban \indexbreak ({\arab\Afy/\Amb/\Aigh/\Afz/\Ail/\Aa/ \An/\Afa/\Amb/\Amy/\Aish/ \An/\Afw/\Amtt/\Ain/\Aha/}), 37. % 2nd \vfill \enddoublecolumns \endchange \bye [The next printing would have been the 6th.] not listed above: page 38, I've changed the introductory remarks at beginning of algs P and H page 42, I've qualified (20) to consider the cases of n<=0 page 61, new phrase in line 3 of exercise 73 page 136, line 1 better spacing (H1, ...) check |gosper-hack|=20 in 7.1.3.ref, regarding page 4f3.4 ARTICLES "TO APPEAR" THAT ARE STILL PENDING: