Karthik Jagadeesh

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Karthik Jagadeesh
Department of Computer Science
Stanford University

Email: kjag@cs.stanford.edu

Research Interests: CS + Statistics + Biology
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About Me

I am a fifth year PhD student in Computer Science advised by Prof. Gill Bejerano. I am interested in applications of statistics and machine learning to analyze the human genome and improve our understanding of disease. I received a BS and BA from UC Berkeley in EECS and Applied Mathematics and worked with Prof. John Strain.

Selected Publications

S-CAP extends pathogenicity prediction to genetic variants that affect RNA splicing
Karthik A. Jagadeesh*, Joseph M. Paggi*, James S. Ye, Peter D. Stenson, David N. Cooper, Jonathan A. Bernstein and Gill Bejerano
Nature Genetics, 2019

Phrank measures phenotype sets similarity to greatly improve Mendelian diagnostic disease prioritization
Karthik A. Jagadeesh*, Johannes Birgmeier*, Harendra Guturu, Cole Deisseroth, Aaron M. Wenger, Jonathan A. Bernstein, and Gill Bejerano
Genetics in Medicine, 2018

Deriving Genomic Diagnoses Without Revealing Patient Genomes
Karthik A. Jagadeesh*, David J. Wu*, Johannes Birgmeier, Dan Boneh, and Gill Bejerano
Science, 2017 (in the press: Scientific American, Wired)

M-CAP eliminates a majority of variants of uncertain significance in clinical exomes at high sensitivity
Karthik A. Jagadeesh*, Aaron M. Wenger*, Mark Berger, Harendra Guturu, Peter D. Stenson, David N. Cooper, Jonathan A. Bernstein and Gill Bejerano
Nature Genetics, 2016

* equal contribution

Contact Information

  • Beckman Center, Room B321A
    279 Campus Drive
    Stanford, CA 94305

  • Email: kjag@cs.stanford.edu