Before coming to Columbia, I worked as a Research Economist at UC Berkeley. I received my MS in Computer Science from Stanford University, where I RAed for the Stanford Network Analysis Project and the Department of Economics. As an undergraduate at University of Maryland I studied Mathematics, Computer Science, and Economics.
In my free time I enjoy making music, reading, and clumsily trying to learn Arabic. Feel free to email me!
Elliott Ash, Jeff Jacobs, Bentley MacLeod, Suresh Naidu, and Dominik Stammbach
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining -- International Workshop on Mining and Learning in the Legal Domain (ICDM-MLLD). 2020.
Package in both Python and R allowing interactive specification and visualization of data concordance tasks. Interfaces with GitHub and Google Sheets APIs to generate grid of estimates color-coded by confidence levels.
Web App: Access at
Python Version: Install using pip install threadsheets or click here to open demo in Google Colab. Updated March 12, 2023.
A php script that interacts with the Qualtrics interface, allowing survey creators to send respondent-entered data (categorical or continuous) and receive randomly-generated variations of this data, for populating a conjoint comparison table. Demo server here, and demo survey showing implementation here. Updated January 28, 2021.
Trains an Author-Topic Model on a collection of \(N\) documents with \(M\) authors, then runs the model "in reverse" to generate synthetic documents via a user-specified Dirichlet mixture \((\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_M)\), where \(\alpha_i\) represents the probability of sampling from author \(i\)'s topic distribution when generating a new word. Updated June 3, 2020.
Mainly a fix of the ngramr library to work with the latest version of Google's Ngram Viewer. Run github_install("jpowerj/ngramdl") to install the package directly from within R/R Studio (requires devtools package), then use ngram2csv(phrase_list, csv_filepath) to download, or ggram(phrase_list) to plot within R. Updated June 3, 2020.
Fall 2020 Lecture Recordings:
Spring 2020 Lecture Recordings:
(Developed curriculum for new one-credit Computer Science course)
Code for Palestine Summer Course
Ramallah, West Bank, Occupied Palestinian Territories
Code for Palestine Summer Course
Ramallah, West Bank, Occupied Palestinian Territories
Code for Palestine Summer Course
Ramallah, West Bank, Occupied Palestinian Territories
Code for Palestine Summer Course
Jericho, West Bank, Occupied Palestinian Territories
Documenting the horrors unleashed on the world by the United States every day, literally.
A page I made after seeing both my art school and coding bootcamp friends spending 4 figures on software that had nearly-equivalent free and open-source alternatives...