First Post


I am in love with this new extremely minimal theme designed by Yihui. It also supports LaTeX math expressions. Here is the induction axiom for structural induction on type $\tau$, that I just copied from our current draft on Overleaf:

$$ \biggl( \bigwedge_{c \in \Sigma_{\tau}} \Bigl[ \forall_{i = 1}^{n_c} y_{c,i} . \forall_{k \in P_c} w_{c,k} . \exists u_c . \bigl( (\bigwedge_{j \in P_c} L[y_{c,j}, w_{c,j}]) \rightarrow L[c(\bar{y_c}), u_c] \bigr) \Bigr] \biggr) \rightarrow \forall z .\exists x. L[z, x] $$

Wonderful! Isn’t it?