\begin{thebibliography}{MUVG86} \bibitem[ABW88]{ABW86} K.~R.~Apt, H.~Blair, and A.~Walker. \newblock Towards a theory of declarative knowledge. \newblock In J.~Minker, editor, {\it Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming}, pp.~89--148, Morgan Kaufmann, Los Altos, CA, 1988. \bibitem[AVE82]{AV82} K.~R.~Apt and M.~H.~van~Emden. \newblock Contributions to the theory of logic programming. \newblock {\it JACM}, 29(3):841--862, 1982. \bibitem[Bry89]{Bry89} F.~Bry. \newblock Logic programming as constructiveism: a formalization and its application to databases. \newblock In {\it Eighth {ACM} Symposium on Principles of Database Systems}, pp.~34--50, 1989. \bibitem[CH82]{CH82} A.~Chandra and D.~Harel. \newblock Structure and complexity of relational queries. \newblock {\it JCSS}, 25(1):99--128, 1982. \bibitem[CH85]{CH85} A.~Chandra and D.~Harel. \newblock Horn clause queries and generalizations. \newblock {\it Journal of Logic Programming}, 2(1):1--15, 1985. \bibitem[Cla78]{Cla78} K.~L.~Clark. \newblock Negation as failure. \newblock In Gallaire and Minker, editors, {\it Logic and Databases}, pp.~293--322, Plenum Press, New York, 1978. \bibitem[Dum77]{Dum77} M.~A.~E.~Dummett. \newblock {\it Elements of Intuitionism}. \newblock Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1977. \bibitem[DK89]{DK89} Ph.~M.~Dung and K.~Kanchanasut. \newblock {\it A Natural Semantics for Logic Programs with Negation}. \newblock Technical Report, Asian Institute of Technology, Bankok 10501, Thailand, 1989. \newblock (manuscript). \bibitem[Fit85]{Fit85} M.~Fitting. \newblock A {K}ripke-{K}leene semantics for logic programs. \newblock {\it Journal of Logic Programming}, 2(4):295--312, 1985. \bibitem[Gel87]{Gel87} M.~Gelfond. \newblock On stratified autoepistemic theories. \newblock In {\it Proc.\ AAAI}, 1987. \bibitem[GL88]{GL88} M.~Gelfond and V.~Lifschitz. \newblock The stable model semantics for logic programming. \newblock In {\it Fifth Int'l Conf.\ Symp.~on Logic Programming}, pp.~1070--1080, Seattle, 1988. \bibitem[GS86]{GS86} Y.~Gurevich and S.~Shelah. \newblock Fixed-point extensions of first order logic. \newblock {\it Annals of Pure and Applied Logic}, 32:265--280, 1986. \bibitem[HM86]{HM86} S.~Hanks and D.~Mc{D}ermott. \newblock Default reasoning, nonmonotonic logics, and the frame problem. \newblock In {\it {AAAI} Conference}, pp.~328--333, 1986. \bibitem[Imm86]{Imm86} N.~Immerman. \newblock Relational queries computable in polynomial time. \newblock {\it Information and Control}, 68(1):86--104, 1986. \bibitem[JLL83]{JLL83} J.~Jaffar, J.-L.~Lassez, and J.~Lloyd. \newblock Completeness of the negation-as-failure rule. \newblock In {\it Int'l Joint Conf.~on Artificial Intelligence}, pp.~500--506, 1983. \bibitem[Kol90]{Kol90} P.~G.~Kolaitis. \newblock The expressive power of stratified programs. \newblock {\it Information and Computation}, 1990. \newblock (to appear; also available as UCSC-CRL-89-14 from UC Santa Cruz). \bibitem[Kun87]{Kun87} K.~Kunen. \newblock Negation in logic programming. \newblock {\it Journal of Logic Programming}, 4(4):289--308, 1987. \bibitem[Kun88]{Kun88} K.~Kunen. \newblock {\it Some Remarks on the Completed Database}. \newblock Technical Report~775, Univ.\ of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, 1988. \newblock (Abstract appeared in 5th Int'l Conf.\ Symp.\ on Logic Programming, Seattle, Aug.\ 1988). \bibitem[Lif88]{Lif86} V.~Lifschitz. \newblock On the declarative semantics of logic programs with negation. \newblock In J.~Minker, editor, {\it Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming}, pp.~177--192, Morgan Kaufmann, Los Altos, CA, 1988. \bibitem[Llo87]{Llo87} J.~W.~Lloyd. \newblock {\it Foundations of Logic Programming}. \newblock Springer-Verlag, New York, 2nd edition, 1987. \bibitem[LT84]{LT84} J.~W.~Lloyd and R.~W.~Topor. \newblock Making {P}rolog more expressive. \newblock {\it Journal of Logic Programming}, 1(3):225--240, 1984. \bibitem[Mah88]{Mah86} M.~J.~Maher. \newblock Equivalences of logic programs. \newblock In J.~Minker, editor, {\it Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming}, pp.~388--402, Morgan Kaufmann, Los Altos, CA, 1988. \bibitem[Mar86]{Mar86} W.~Marek. \newblock {\it Stable Theories in Auto\-epi\-stemic Logic}. \newblock Technical Report, University of Kentucky, 1986. \newblock (manuscript). \bibitem[MT88]{MT88} W.~Marek and M.~Truszczynski. \newblock {\it Auto\-epi\-stemic Logic}. \newblock Technical Report, University of Kentucky, 1988. \newblock (manuscript). \bibitem[Min82]{Min82} J.~Minker. \newblock On indefinite databases and the closed world assumption. \newblock In {\it Sixth Conference on Automated Deduction}, pp.~292--308, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1982. \bibitem[Moo85]{Moo85} R.~C.~Moore. \newblock Semantical considerations on non-monotonic logic. \newblock {\it Artificial Intelligence}, 28:75--94, 1985. \bibitem[Mor87]{Mor87} K.~Morris. \newblock July 1987. \newblock Talk at Workshop XP8.3i, Oregon Graduate Center. \bibitem[MUVG86]{MUV86} K.~Morris, J.~D.~Ullman, and A.~Van~Gelder. \newblock Design overview of the {Nail!} system. \newblock In {\it Third Int'l Conf.\ on Logic Programming}, pp.~554--568, 1986. \bibitem[Mos74]{Mos74} Y.~N.~Moschovakis. \newblock {\it Elementary Induction on Abstract Structures}. \newblock North-Holland, New York, 1974. \bibitem[PP88]{PP88} H.~Przymusinska and T.~C.~Przymusinski. \newblock Weakly perfect model semantics for logic programs. \newblock In {\it Fifth Int'l Conf.\ Symp.~on Logic Programming}, pp.~1106--1120, Seattle, 1988. \bibitem[Prz88]{Prz86} T.~Przymusinski. \newblock On the declarative semantics of deductive databases and logic programs. \newblock In J.~Minker, editor, {\it Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming}, pp.~193--216, Morgan Kaufmann, Los Altos, CA, 1988. \bibitem[Prz89]{Prz88c} T.~C.~Przymusinski. \newblock Every logic program has a natural stratification and an iterated fixed point model. \newblock In {\it Eighth {ACM} Symposium on Principles of Database Systems}, pp.~11--21, 1989. \bibitem[Rei78]{Rei78} R.~Reiter. \newblock On closed world databases. \newblock In Gallaire and Minker, editors, {\it Logic and Databases}, pp.~55--76, Plenum Press, New York, 1978. \bibitem[Ros89]{Ros89} K.~A.~Ross. \newblock A procedural semantics for well-founded negation in logic programs. \newblock In {\it Eighth {ACM} Symposium on Principles of Database Systems}, pp.~22--33, 1989. \bibitem[RT87]{RT87} K.~A.~Ross and R.~W.~Topor. \newblock {\it Inferring Negative Information from Disjunctive Databases}. \newblock Technical Report~87/1, University of Melbourne, 1987. \bibitem[Sch87]{Sch87} J.~S.~Schlipf. \newblock Negation by securable failure in logic programming. \newblock 1987. \newblock (manuscript). \bibitem[She85]{She85} J.~C.~Shepherdson. \newblock Negation as failure, {II}. \newblock {\it Journal of Logic Programming}, 2(3):185--202, 1985. \bibitem[She88]{She86} J.~C.~Shepherdson. \newblock Negation in logic programming. \newblock In J.~Minker, editor, {\it Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming}, pp.~19--88, Morgan Kaufmann, Los Altos, CA, 1988. \bibitem[VEK76]{VK76} M.~H.~van~Emden and R.~A.~Kowalski. \newblock The semantics of predicate logic as a programming language. \newblock {\it JACM}, 23(4):733--742, 1976. \bibitem[VG90]{VG90a} A.~Van~Gelder. \newblock Modeling simultaneous events with default reasoning and tight derivations. \newblock {\it Journal of Logic Programming}, 8(1):41--52, 1990. \bibitem[VG89a]{VG89a} A.~Van~Gelder. \newblock Negation as failure using tight derivations for general logic programs. \newblock {\it Journal of Logic Programming}, 6(1):109--133, 1989. \newblock Preliminary versions appeared in {\it Third IEEE Symp.~on Logic Programming} (1986), and {\it Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming}, J.~Minker, ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 1988. \bibitem[VG89b]{VG89b} A.~Van~Gelder. \newblock The alternating fixpoint of logic programs with negation. \newblock In {\it Eighth {ACM} Symposium on Principles of Database Systems}, pp.~1--10, 1989. \newblock Full version available from UC Santa Cruz as UCSC-CRL-89-39. \bibitem[VGRS88]{VRS88} A.~Van~Gelder, K.~A.~Ross, and J.~S.~Schlipf. \newblock Unfounded sets and well-founded semantics for general logic programs. \newblock In {\it {ACM} Symposium on Principles of Database Systems}, pp.~221--230, 1988. \bibitem[Var82]{Var82} M.~Y.~Vardi. \newblock The complexity of relational query languages. \newblock In {\it 14th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing}, pp.~137--145, 1982. \end{thebibliography}