Biology Basics

You are a human (we assume). You have something called a genome. What is a genome?

The listing of the genetic code that contains the basic description for creating an organism.

genetic code
The relationship between the sequence of bases in DNA and the sequence of amino acids in proteins.

Deoxyribonucleic acid. Double stranded helix of nucleotides.

Nitrogen containing molecules that make up DNA.

A, T, G, and C
Adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. The four nitrogen bases present in nucleotides.

Hereditary unit that is composed of DNA and occupies a specific position on the chromosome.

Grouping of coiled strands of DNA containing many genes. Several chromosomes together comprise the genome.

The ordering of the bases present in a genome.

The addition of a base into the middle of a sequence. Occurs during evolution.

The removal of a base from a sequence. Occurs during evolution.

Each cell contains DNA, which can be viewed as a code for life. DNA codes for amino acids, the building blocks of protein.

In the double helix structure of DNA, each nitrogen base on one strand is bonded to a nitrogen base of the other strand. Adenine pairs with thymine. Guanine pairs with cytosine. By discovering the sequence of bases (the genome), we understand why the body does what it does.

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