A newspaper is lumber made malleable.
It is ink made into words and pictures.
It is conceived, born, grows up and dies of old age in a day.
- Jim Bishop

In fifty years, the newspaper may well not be lumber.  It may not be ink.  It may be conceived one minute, born the next, and age in the span of an hour.  Journalism is moving into a brave new world, where information is available instantaneously.  It is the age of the internet, the age of instant communication, and print media is struggling.

Newspapers in the United States and around the world are facing increasing financial woes in the face of falling readership.  More and more people are getting their news—for free—on the internet, and traditional print media simply cannot compete; why pay for a subscription when the content is free online?  Aggregating sites such as Google News or Slashdot make it easy to obtain news from a variety of sources, undermining individual papers' web efforts.  Editors are turning to a wide range of innovative solutions to try to ensure the survival and freedom of journalism as we know it, the so-called Fourth Estate. 

Our project examines the current state of these efforts in the United States and across the Atlantic in Europe.  We describe in the following pages why a free and independent press is important, how newspaper culture differs in the US and Europe, what companies on both sides of the Atlantic have tried already to bolster revenue, and ultimately what we believe some of the best ideas are for the future of American print media.
Past, Present and Future of Press

Book Burning

Bitte beachten Sie den Mouse-over Text. Comic by Randall Monroe of xkcd.com.