When Do You Know You're an Addict?

When Do You Know You're an Addict?

----- When should you worry that you are addicted?

As with any addiction, there are signs denoting excessive computer use.

The warning signs differ for different people; the following are merely guidelines: [34]

  • Falling grades or difficulties in the workplace
  • Feelings of emptiness when not on-line
  • Lack of control over time spent using computers
  • Waking up early or staying up late to use your computer
  • Taking a laptop computer on vacation, and being anxious to plug it in
  • Getting nervous if you let a day (or an hour) go by without checking your e-mail
  • Thinking longingly about your computer when you are not using it
  • Believing your best friends are those on-line that you have never met

    The warning signs for other addictions can generally be extended to apply to computer use, as well. Consider the symptoms of video game addiction, each of which can be generalized to computer addiction:

  • theft to finance the habit
  • misuse of school lunch money or bus fares
  • spending more and more to attain excitement
  • lying about the addiction
  • playing to escape personal probelms
  • falling out with family
  • jeopardizing education.

    It is commonly believed that addictions can only be based upon some form of narcotic. But this is not true. A drug can be anything that takes a person outside of themselves. A book called the basic Text, written by recovering addicts of all sorts states: At first, we were using in a manner that seemed to be social or at least controllable. We had little indication of the disaster that the future held for us. At some point, our using became uncontrollable and anti-social. This began when things were going well, and we were in situations that allowed us to use frequently. We may have tried to moderate, substitute or even stop using, but we went from a drugged state of success and well being to complete spiritual, mental and emotional bankruptcy. This rate of decline varies from addict to addict. Whether it occurs in years or days, it is all down hill.... As addicts, we are people whose use of any mind-altering, mood-changing substance causes a problem in any area of life. Addiction is a disease that involves more than the use of drugs.... We suffer from a disease that expresses itself in ways that are anti-social and that makes detection, diagnosis and treatment difficult. [14]

    When you recognize yourself in descriptions like this, with regard to computer use or any other thing, it is time to acknowledge that you have a problem with an addiction.

    The key with computer addiction as with any addiction is to notice the signs, both within yourself and from the words of people around you. Next you need to admit that you have a problem and work towards solving it.

    The Net is such a recent phenomenon, [choke]that its potentially detrimental effects have not yet been fully analyzed. Computer addiction for some people may be a positive addiction; an addiction whose benefits outweight its costs. Computer addiction can be a little difficult to take seriously, both because it is so new and because many people perceive their computing experiences as positive overall. The idea of internet addiction is a source of great amusement to many, oftentimes more than a concern. The jokes abound. Most we found over the Net:

  • Your kids start referring to you as "that guy in front of the monitor"
  • You're constantly yelling at your wife for using the phone for stupid things...like talking.
  • You purchase a laptop so you can surf while sitting on the can
  • You check the weather on-line instead of walking out onto the porch
  • Your significant other complains about the amount of time you spend on the net
  • Your significant other left, you are on the Net and you don't know yet
  • Your significant other left, you are on the Net and you don't care

    The irony of these jokes is that many of them are true. People do check the weather on-line instead of walking out on their porches. There are people whose significant others leave them because of their computer addiction, and they drown out their sorrow with more of the same. Are these things a joking matter? You certainly won't find people joking about heroin addiction or alcoholism in this manner, and the problems caused by computer addiction can be just as serious.

    There is a wide range of computer use, and even computer addiction. Are you a user who simply enjoys the convenience of net shopping, or do you depend upon it as a crutch to never leave the house? The net can make your life easier or make it fall apart. You could be addicted to it either positively or negatively. It should be treated as any other addiction. Proceed with caution.


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