[Note: Prior to 2008-09, this course was offered as CS 201.]
American Skilled Immigration Policy
Anonymity on the Internet
Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace
Computers and Robots: Decision-Makers in an Automated World
The Culture of Free
Digital Currencies
Downloading Consciousness
Economies of Virtual Worlds
Entrepreneurship @ Stanford
The Ethics of Genomics
Foreign Reaction to China’s Great Firewall
Free Speech vs Maintaining Social Cohesion
Freedom of Digital Information in the Middle East
Google Books
Hacktivism: Democratic or Destructive?
Hidden Costs: The Impacts of Technology on the Environment
The Impact of Tablets on Information Availability
Improving Software Quality
Journalism in the Digital Age
Leeroy Jenkins: Free Speech in Online Video Games
Limitations of U.S. Internet Infrastructure
Location Privacy
Micropayments: A Viable Business Model?
Multinational Software
Net Neutrality
Press Freedom for Bloggers
Privacy and Social Networks
Psychology of Trust on the Internet
Reliability of the Cloud
Smart Phones and Economic Development
Solving the technology brain-drain in Asia-Pacific
Stanford Privacy: Updating Privacy Issues at Stanford
Technology and Communism
The Technology of the Future: Near Field Communication
Technology Trends in Latin America
Transhumanism: Rise of the Techno Sapiens
Virtual Worlds: Living in the Machine
WikiLeaks and Whistleblowing
Worse Is Better Considered Harmful
2009-10 (Stanford in Berlin)
Computers and the Environment
Copyright infringement in the music industry
Death (and rebirth) of Journalism in the Digital Age
The Dismal State of Technology Education
Open Source in the European Union
Communism, Computing, and China
Technology in Developing Economies
Early Acquisition of Computer Science
Ethics of Social Networks
The Ethics (or not) of Massive Government Surveillance
Firefox Market Dynamics: The Evolving State of the Browser Business
Google Books
Implementing Sovereignty on the Internet
International Freedom of Information on the Electronic Commons
One Laptop Per Child
Blogs and Freedom of the Press
The Productivity Paradox
Trusted Computing
Virtual Worlds
Anonymity and Plurality in the Internet Age
Electronic Voting
Better Late than Never: Internet Usage in Latin America
Social and Economic Evolution of Online Gaming
Dealing with Pop-ups
Crunch Mode: Programming to the Extreme
Distance Education
Effects of Internet Use
Online Communities and Governance
Political Action on the Internet
Corporate Privacy Policies
High School Computer Science Education
Indias Response as a Non-Western Society to the Computing Age
The Economics Behind Offshoring
The Future of Peer to Peer Filesharing
Costs of Computer Security at Stanford
The Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act: Ethical Issues in Software Commerce Law
Women and Computer Science at the College Level
The Shortage of Female Computer Science Faculty at Stanford
The Effects of the Internet on the Personal Lives of Stanford Students
The Open-Source Movement
Rage With The Machine: Grassroots Democracy in the Digital Age
Not Just Dirty Pictures: The Social and Legal Implications of Online Pornography
Privacy: Implications of "Cookies" and Other Clickstream Capture Technologies
The Web vs. the Honor Code
Participatory Design: An Approach for Systems Design
A Retrospective on Computer Viruses
Packet-Monitoring Software
DVD Encryption: A Survey of the Current State of Affairs
The Impact of the Internet on Developing Countries
Ethical Issues Surrounding Napster
China vs. the Internet
A Study of Critical Systems in Military and Commerce
Repercussions of Digital Technology on Artistic Media
The Digital Divide
The Digital Divide: Gender
DMCA: A Review
DMCA2K: An Analysis of the Effect of Changes in Copyright Law
DVD/CSS Issues
Intellectual Property Law
Internet Censorship: Can it be done? Should it be done?
Software Patent Case Studies
Software Piracy
The Dangers of Technological Development
Technorealism - Understanding the Limits of Information
The Ethics of Anonymous Computing
Computing and the disabled
The Y2K problem
Risks and implications of automatic transactions on financial markets
The programmer shortage
Reevaluating U.S. technology export controls
Controlling the virtual world
Computer crime
The "Nuremberg Files" decision
Should we shoot the messenger? What to do with technologies that indirectly
encourage copyright infringement
The Changing Nature of Work
Databases in Cyberspace
Defamation and the Internet
Internet Domain Names
The Effect of the Internet on Interpersonal Skills
The Gender Gap in Education
Microsoft vs DOJ
Optical Media
Pricing of the Internet (#1)
Pricing Of The Internet (#2)
Race And Class Barriers
Autonomous Weapons
Clipper Chip
Computer Addiction
Computers in Education
Corporate Monopolies
Electronic Monitoring
Electronic Vote Counting
Global Networks
Internet Terrorism
Liability Law
Public-Key Encryption