Video and Animations from the National Qualification Event:
(If the videos don't play, try downloading the DIVX codec)
Test Area A:
Driving in dense traffic with lots of left turns.
Video of Junior's qualifying run: WMV low-res and DIVX high res
Animation of merging maneuver: DIVX and Flash video.
Animation of vehicle tracking:
MPEG-4 compressed and
High res
Animation of precision localization
Video footage from Junior's on-board camera: MPEG-4
Raw, unedited footage:
MPEG-4 and DV (this file is huge!)
Test Area B:
Driving though unknown roads with plenty of unexpected obstacles.
Video of Junior's qualifying run: WMV low-res and DIVX high res
Animation of parking maneuver:
Flash video and
Test Area C:
Handling 4-way intersections and road blocks.
Video of Junior's qualifying run: WMV low-res and DIVX high res
Animation of a road block with U-turn:
Flash video
On-board video of a road block with U-turn:
MPEG low res,
MPEG high res, and
Flash video.
Animation of 4-way intersection with traffic:
DIVX and
Flash video
On-board video of the same intersection:
MPEP low res,
MPEG high res, and