Brief descriptions of my life and work can be obtained by downloading one or more short files in plain TeX format, or by viewing the corresponding DVI or PostScript files:
- Brief biography
- TeX file (2319 bytes); DVI file (3056 bytes); compressed PostScript file (16841 bytes)
- Less brief biography
- TeX file (5034 bytes); DVI file (6604 bytes); compressed PostScript file (16694 bytes)
- Software-oriented biography
- TeX file (3949 bytes); DVI file (4796 bytes); compressed PostScript file (20475 bytes)
- One-paragraph autobiography
- TeX file (1516 bytes); DVI file (1900 bytes); compressed PostScript file (11713 bytes)
For more extensive information, including
you need to download a somewhat larger file. Here you have the following choices (last updated 10 February 2021)
- Biographical and personal information
- Academic history
- Employment record
- Professional societies
- Patents
- Principal invited lectures given
- Editorial boards
- Honors and awards
- PhD students
- Published biographical data
- Books
- Videos and Audiotapes
- Refereed papers (P1, P2, ...)
- Other publications (Q1, Q2, ...)
- Reports of limited circulation (R1, R2, ...)
compressed TeX (54K bytes); compressed PostScript (141K bytes); Acrobat format (PDF) (325K bytes)
There's also a published book, containing the information above together with an annotated bibliography and an index to all the papers:
Companion to the Papers of Donald Knuth |
biography by Marquis Who's Who