@*Intro. Mike Spivey announced a programming contest in February 2005,
asking for a program that solves ``sudoku'' puzzles (which evidently
appear daily in British newspapers). This program takes a sudoku
specification in standard input and creates --- on standard output ---
a file that can be piped into {\mc DANCE} in order to deduce all

Brief explanation: Each possible placement of a digit corresponds to
a row, column, and box where that digit does not yet appear.
We want an exact cover of those rows, columns, and boxes.

Apology: I wrote this in a big hurry. But I couldn't resist
the task, because it is such a nice application of exact covering.

#include <stdio.h>
char buf[11];
int row[9][10], col[9][10], box[9][10]; /* things to cover */
int board[9][9]; /* positions already filled */

  register int j,k,d,x;
  for (k=0;k<9;k++) @<Input row |k|@>;
  @<Output the column names needed by {\mc DANCE}@>;
  for (j=0;j<9;j++) for (k=0;k<9;k++) if (!board[k][j])
    @<Output the possibilities for filling column |j| of row |k|@>;

@ In a production system I would of course try to give more
informative error messages about malformed input data.
Here I simply quit, if the rules haven't been followed.

@d panic(m) {@+fprintf(stderr,"%s!\n%s",m,buf);@+exit(-1);@+}

  if (buf[9]!='\n')
    panic("Input line should have 9 characters exactly!\n");
  for (j=0;j<9;j++) if (buf[j]!='.') {
    if (buf[j]<'1' || buf[j]>'9')
      panic("Illegal character in input!\n");
    if (row[k][d]) panic("Two identical digits in a row!\n");
    if (col[j][d]) panic("Two identical digits in a column!\n");
    if (box[x][d]) panic("Two identical digits in a box!\n");

@ First we print out all the positions, rows, columns, and boxes that
need to be covered.

@<Output the col...@>=
for (k=0;k<9;k++) for (j=0;j<9;j++)
  if (!board[k][j]) printf(" p%d%d",k,j);
for (k=0;k<9;k++) for (d=1;d<=9;d++) {
  if (!row[k][d]) printf(" r%d%d",k,d);
  if (!col[k][d]) printf(" c%d%d",k,d);
  if (!box[k][d]) printf(" b%d%d",k,d);

@ Then we print out all the possible placements.

@<Output the poss...@>=
    for (d=1;d<=9;d++) if (!row[k][d] && !col[j][d] && !box[x][d])
      printf("p%d%d r%d%d c%d%d b%d%d\n",k,j,k,d,j,d,x,d);
