Here is a list of all significant changes that were made between the original printing and the printing of 2008. An asterisk (*) marks technical errors that are not merely typographical:
- page ix, bottom line
- change 'that that' to 'that'
- page 4, line 8 of the displayed program
- indent this line one more notch
- page 6, line 1
- change '(596)' to '(569)'
- page 9, line 7 from the bottom
- the first left parenthesis should be larger
- page 17, line 4
- change 'Intermèdiaire' to 'Intermédiaire'
- page 18, line 8
- change ',16' to ', 16'
- page 30, line 6 from the bottom
- insert $^\bullet$ after the fourth R
- page 53, line 3 from the bottom
- change 'manuscript (Tehran: 1972)' to 'Acta Informatica 3 (1973), 37--41.'
- page 63, bottom line
- change 'follows' to 'follow'
- page 66, in formula (12)
- change the rightmost occurrence of '$p_i$' to '$p_j$'
- page 74, line 20
- change 'Mathematiques' to 'Mathématiques'
- *page 75, lines 7 and 8 from the bottom
- change '$U_{n-1}$' to '$U_{n-2}$'
- page 75, last two lines
- change '(Preprint, November 1999).' to: [Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 7 (2000), #R44]. The sequence $S_n(2)$ was introduced by A. Cayley in Philosophical Magazine (4) 13 (1857), 245--248.
- *page 103, line 16
- change '$a_m-1$' to '$a_{m-1}$'
- page 108, line 14 from the bottom
- change 'approaph' to 'approach'
- page 134, line 7
- change '$F(a_1\ldots a_{l-1}k$' to '$F(a_1\ldots a_{l-1}k)$'
- page 145, line 7 from the bottom
- change 'is is' to 'is'
- page 147, bottom line
- change '1999' to '2000'
- page 159, line 14
- change '(2.2) and (3.2)' to '(2.2) and (2.3)'
- page 176, line 4 from the bottom
- change 'with same' to 'with the same'
- page 187, line 5 from the bottom
- change 'á la' to 'à la'
- page 194, line 4
- change '(see' to '[see'
- page 205, line 3
- change ' [Originally' to '[Originally'
- *page 230, line 10 from the bottom
- change '$1/(4pqz)$' to '$1/(4pq)$'
- page 231, line 4
- change 'M_p(n)' to 'M_n(p)'
- page 240, line 9 from the bottom
- change '$x_1+$' to '$x_1$'
- *page 240, line 7 from the bottom
- change '$x_1+2x_{d-1}$' to '$x_1+x_{d-2}+2x_{d-1}$'
- page 243, line 14
- change 'and and' to 'and'
- page 263, line 6 from the bottom
- change '$g_n(t,y)$' to '$g_n(t,y)\,dt$'
- *page 269, equation (4.18)
- change '$x^{m+n}\over m!$' to '$x^{m+n}\over(m+n)!$'
- page 288, line 6
- change '$1\over3$).' to '$1\over3$.)'
- page 292, line 5 from the bottom
- change '$2\over3$ .' to '$2\over3$.'
- page 293, line 7 from the bottom
- change 'on $n$ elements' to 'of $\{1,2,\ldots,n\}$'
- page 294, line 8 from the bottom
- change 'permutation on' to 'permutation of'
- page 295, lines 13 and 14 from the bottom
- change 'on' to 'of' [thrice]
- page 296, line 11
- change 'permutation on' to 'permutation of'
- *page 307, line 1
- change 'n\le N^{t+dt}' to 'n\le N'
- page 319, line 8
- this line should have equation number (6.13)
- page 332, lines 6 and 10
- change 'log' to 'ln'
- page 333, line 11
- the equation number '(B.3)' should be flush right
- page 336, line 6
- change '289]' to '289].'
- page 338, line 4
- change '1970' to '1968'
- *page 338, several corrections to the formulas
- line 9, righthand side should be $\ln\ln N+\sum{c_k\over(\ln N)^k}$.
line 10, $a_1=\gamma-1$
line 11, $a_k=(k-1)!\Bigl({\gamma_0\over0!}+\cdots+{\gamma_{k-1}\over(k-1)!} -1$
line -5 should say just 'also'
line -3 should say '$\gamma$' instead of '$3\gamma$'- *page 366, line 4 from the bottom
- change '$f_n$' to '$d_n$'
- page 372, line 1
- change '])' to ']'
- page 380, line 6
- insert closing quotes after the second comma
- *page 380, line 6 from the bottom
- change '$o(1)$' to '$o(n^{1/2})$'
- page 381, lines 8 and 9
- change '$=$' to '$\sim$'
- page 382, line 5 from the bottom
- the first left parenthesis should be larger
- *page 382, line 5 from the bottom
- change '(-1)' to '(1)'
- page 383, bottom line
- change '$=$' to '$\sim$'
- page 384, lines 5 and 6 from the bottom
- change 'know the asymptotic value' to 'know the value'
- page 388, line 4 from the bottom
- change '$=$' to '$\sim$'
- *page 399, line 10 from the bottom
- change '$A(a,1,0)$' to '$A(a,1)$'
- *page 402, line 6 from the bottom
- change '$C(z)^k$' to '$C(z)^n$
- *page 403, line 4
- change '$x\ge y$' to '$x\le y$'
- *page 410, replacement for lines 15 and 16
- else if $x_1>x_2+1=x_3+2$ then max$(x_3,x_j)$
else $g_{j-1}(x_2,\ldots,x_j)$
[Also delete the footnote on this page.]- *page 411, lines 6 and 7
- change '$g_{a+1}$' to '$f$' [twice]
- page 411, line 6 from the bottom
- change 'twice' to 'thrice' [once]
- page 414, lines 16 and 17
- change 'to appear.]' to '283--300].'
- page 414, line 23
- change 'a paper in preparation.' to 'in Symbolic Computation, Number Theory, Special Functions, Physics and Combinatorics (Kluwer, 2001), 231--242.'
- *page 414, replacement for the final paragraph
- The author's original formulation of Theorem 4 was incorrect, but a correct definition of the function $g_j(x_1,\ldots,x_j)$ was found in May 2000 by Thomas A. Bailey as he was working with John R. Cowles on Open Problem 4. As of June 2000, ACL2 has verified the corrected version of Theorem 4 when $2\le m\le 7$.
- page 466, line 3 from the bottom
- change ', to appear, apply' to '47 (2000), 905--911, have applied'
- page 469, line 9
- change 'p_{nk}z^k' to 'p_{nk}z^n'
- page 478, line 15
- change ').' to ')'
- page 500, last three lines
- change 'But the optimum procedure for sorting 13, 14,' to 'Marcin Peczarski [ESA 2002, to appear] extended Wells's method to prove that merge is actually unbeatable when $n=13$. But the optimum procedure for sorting 14,'
- page 502, line 2
- change 'of of' to 'of'
- page 503, line 7 from the bottom
- change 'Intermèdiaire' to 'Intermédiaire'
- page 504, new copy to follow the references
- Addendum Strictly speaking, an addition chain should specify the sets of integers $\{j(i,q) \mid 1\le q\le r(i)\}$ as well as the sequence of vectors $C$, because the latter does not uniquely define the former.
- page 519, lines 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
- the asterisks should be the typewriter font, as on line 1
- page 523, line 18
- change 'difficlut' to 'difficult'
- page 532, line 9
- change 'whose is' to 'whose bandwidth is'
- page 532, lines 11 and 12
- change ' (Extended abstract),...90--99' to ', Journal of Computer and System Sciences 60 (2000), 510--539'
- page 535, line 9 from the bottom
- change 'the the' to 'the'
- page 543, line 12
- change 'is traditionally known as' to 'was in fact defined and named by J. L. Carter in his Ph.D. dissertation, On the Existence of a Projective Plane of Order Ten (Berkeley, California: Mathematics Department, University of California, 1974). It is also known as the problem of'
- page 551, line 13
- change '$(.11001\ldots{})$' to '$(.11001\ldots{})_2$'
- *page 556, line 13 from the bottom
- change 'transcendental' to 'irrational'
- *page 557, line 3 from the bottom
- change '$\mu\ge0$' to '$\mu>m$'
- *page 557, line 2 from the bottom
- change '$\sum_{m=0}^\mu$' to '$\sum_{m=0}^{\mu-1}$'
- *page 581, line 9 from the bottom
- change '$F_{j+1}$' to '${1\over2}F_{j+1}$'
- *page 582, line 21
- change '(5.24)' to '(5.25)'
- page 602, line 5
- change '1286-1291' to '1286--1291'
- *page 603, new paragraph to follow line 8
- Conversely, if $F(x)$ is a polynomial distribution with rational coefficients for which $F'(x)$ has no irrational roots, Guy Kindler and Dan Romik have shown that $F(x)$ can be generated by an fsg; this completes the solution of problem (v). [``On distributions computable by random walks on graphs,'' SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 17 (2004), 624--633.]
- page 605, first entry in left column
- change '37' to '37.'
- page 607, Cantor entry in the left column
- change 'Philip' to 'Philipp'
- page 607, new entry
- Carter, John Lawrence, 543.
- page 608, right column
- change 'Dellac, H.' to 'Dellac, Hippolyte'
- page 609, left column
- change 'Dirichlet, Peter' to 'Dirichlet, Johann Peter'
- page 610, entry for free trees
- change '531--532, 533' to '531--533'
- page 610, entry for Gauss
- change 'Gau8' to 'Gauß' and 'Johann Friedrich' to 'Johann Friderich'
- page 612, new entry
- Kindler, Guy, 603.
- page 613, entry for LISP
- add page 116
- page 616, new entry
- Peczarski, Marcin Piotr, 500.
- page 617, new entry
- Romik, Dan, 603.
- page 618, left column
- Rustin, Randall Dennis, 53.
- page 620, entry for trees, free
- change '531--532, 533' to '531--533'
- page 621, entry for Vinogradov
- change the Russian spelling from 'Vinogradob' to 'Vinogradov'
- page 621, entry for Wrench
- change '191--192, 193' to '191--193'